Plato was right about democracy

plato was right about democracy

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you're preaching to converts around here

Yeah lucky he is in Athens where he have right to say shit about his own city

he should go live in persia where everybody hate democracy.

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Pluto, the dog?

Which part

What do you mean? He was an aristocrat who feared mob rule. How is that a coherent philosophy for the modern world?

According to plato's vision it goes:
Persia was barbaric empire where the ruler was a dumb fuck, just like you; So, no, he had his mind in the right place.

Most people are retarded, so mob rule = bad.

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I am so glad the benevolent Jews rule over you to keep you in line.

Now clean your rooms.

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Wash my penis pls

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Yeah, that's why this is a republic, not a democracy.

Actually that's Socrates. Pic related is Plato.

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Plato vision is bullshit
the best for him is not aristocracy but the monarchy which rule by philosopher aka person like HIMSELF !
and the his plan in the book " laws " is all bull shit. S - H - I - T
he can't event analysis how similar between philosopher king (best) and tyrant king (worst)

fuck you

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he does analyses, you're just too ignorant to notice.
"If you were heading out on a journey by sea who would you ideally want deciding who was in charge of the vessel? Just anyone or people educated in the rules and demands of seafaring?"
That seems like a good diference to me between a capable ruler, a philosopher as he states, and a random person, a king, or a twat who doesn't know what he's talking about.


>one non-senes message mean the writer know how to rule

nah fuck off the real world is not simple like that

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well you don't expects me to bring the whole textbook, do you numbnuts ?
Try this: Read his books, carefully, and try to grow out of what you read in tumblr.

I think you meant Aristotle

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The republic must be the most retarded thing Ive ever read.

Plato was about Atlantis.

Aristotle believed in slavery. And he was not wrong, black people are natural slaves

The mob is actually pretty reasonable when you average over the whole mob. The cancer is representative democracies, republics, parliaments, and so on. Bad actors can easily corrupt a parliament or congress. Much harder to corrupt a whole population or an absolute monarch.