The perfect wife doesn't exist

>The perfect wife doesn't exist
(((MGTOW))) narrative blown the fuck out

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user that images breaks the rules please delete it before you are banned

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>rules bitch

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Jow Forums will always be a pony friendly board. Even if the faggot kike mods don't agree.

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How does it violate the rules? The image is fine the whole thread is just offtopic

Mods are asleep post trannies for Alex Jones

/mlp/ is unironically our greatest ally

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That pic is a mockery to both 40k and MLP at the same time.

Thank you, friend

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How is it a mockery? It's just a few recolors of official 40k art, and I find it's an excellent visual representation of /mlpol/.


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just get a qt MGTOW gf, i did

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Every day we stray further from sunbutt

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>It's just a few recolors of official 40k art,
Exactly, it's not good enough
>and I find it's an excellent visual representation of /mlpol/.
I guess

Has /mlp/ changed since 2013? I haven't checked that board in a while.

It's.. slower. The show has kinda gone down hill and discussion is at an all time low. It's really just generals, CYOAs, and shitposting now.

>kinda gone down hill
>last 3 episodes possibly 3 of the best episodes ever made
Pick one.
Season 8 started off weak before the hiatas but the second half has gotten my D I C C hard.
The latest episode (8x21) especially redpilled about how society throws aside people who are seen as 'old fashioned' and leaves them to want for death when they still have a lot to offer in engaging young people in their education, etc.

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>It's really just generals, CYOAs, and shitposting now.
Just admit it. It's dead.

I jumped off the ride at the start of S7. I just assumed it was downhill from there.

/mlp/ - Jow Forums - /trash/ union should be made in the future. We need to purge all the newfags from this board.

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No. The furfags can stay the fuck off of Jow Forums.

Unironically this.
Pone is redpilled
furfaggotry is just Wiemar degeneracy.

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I'd argue that Canadians are even more subhuman than furries and that they deserve a genocide far more. Sure we have a lot of fucked people in our fandom. But they're nowhere near as bad as leafs. At least they admit they're degenerate as fuck.

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You see the thing is, pones have extremely expressive stills and animations. This makes them quite useful for post-ironic memery.
Furfags are just furfags.

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>haven't watched the show in years since the episode with the commie cult
Did I miss anything good anyway
The virgin "user that images breaks the rules please delete it before you are banned" The Chad meme creator

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>Furfags are just furfags.
>Coming from the country who made HIV treatment illegal and elected a drama teacher

It's been common knowledge that /trash/ also has a sizable Jow Forums population. However since leafs are basically the degenerate furfags of America. They jump to denounce it.

You wouldn't believe how many people have flagged my posts. They're insecure over a couple cartoon horses. lmao

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Starlight Glimmer becomes good pony after nearly destroying the world.
Autistic screechers who don't understand the irony behind her character design constantly accuse her of being a mary sue even though her powerful magic only creates problems instead of solving them.
And thus posting Starlight Glimmer images on /mlp/ is guaranteed to reel you in thousands of (You)'s per hour.

Maybe they flag you for being a tripfag

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>Flagging people for being tripfags
Quentin was a tripfag and did more for the /v/ community than any other worthless anonmong. However (((they))) framed him for being a school shooter and got him banned.

Hey Lowtax, still upset over shmorky being found out as a pedophile who's into diapers?

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Jow Forums doesn't like tripfags because tripfagging here is essentially setting yourself up as a walking appeal to self authority fallacy.

It's just a fucking trip big deal

Of course the perfect wife doesn't exist, and anyone on Jow Forums or Twitter or Reddit is so far from perfect themselves that they would have no chance.

Seriously, be happy with a 6/10 who likes to diddle your ding dong and isn't a hopeless degenerate