European attitude contradictions in regards to demographic change

This streamer just read a comment stating "Soon there will be no Germans in Germany" in her chat and responded with "Ah, who really cares. Do you care? I don't care. Whatever. I don't need Germans. I don't prefer Germans over someone else. Whatever."

But then she went on to state, "But I do think white people are gonna be a minority and that's not gonna be nice for us. *laughs* People gotta pay back for things that have happened."

Europeans, why do so many of your people tend to think like this about your own ancestral lands, but also care about the supposed crimes of your ancestors? I can understand this mindset here in the United States of Africa but it seems like such a perversion of nature in Europe.

Attached: nani.jpg (300x300, 24K)

Other urls found in this thread:


She's a fucking lib, the same liberal ideology that comes from your shitty Hollywood movies and faggot TV shows. Directed by your east coast kikes.

I hope this helps. Don't forget to upvote this answer.

>from your shitty Hollywood movies and faggot TV shows

America has a lot to answer for for spreading degeneracy, but Europeans and Germans especially seem to take it to a whole new level. Americans are far more right wing - even among democrats - than leftists in Germany seem to be. And even the less 'liberal' Europeans seem to hold these views, self-proclaimed right wingers even.

It's very disturbing. It's like you're all rushing headlong to your own demise and gladly. (Except maybe in Hungary, Poland and Italy now)

Attached: The New Europeans.jpg (927x649, 120K)

Jewish run media has a vested interest in pushing down European morale.

Basically, if a society has self confidence in itself, Jews fear this as they are the original outsiders in Western nations.

A society that has self confidence and is AWARE of itself is subsequently aware that Jews are different from them.

They exploit the natural empathy of European women by promoting non-Europeans as more deserving, morally superior, etc etc. Hence German women welcoming Syrian invaders with placards in 2015.

>thinking forsens gf isn't based af

she is cooler than normal which is why it was an offputting statement to me.

Literally who?

America was the hegemon in this global empire, thus it had to have a martial mindset in at least part of it's culture.

The Europeans had their Empires ripped from them by the liberal Americans and the Communist Russians, and were subsequently humiliated.

They have very limited martial culture now.

The West and East Coast of America have more in common with the major cities of Europe than they do with the interior of the USA.

White liberals are suicidal. They literally want to die.

Attached: B0hTZyT.png (1193x1553, 300K)

Nice digits, but the American propaganda machine screwed up Europe after WWII. This is why Germans are ashamed of their identity. The rest was done by the 1968 (((ideologues))) and their degenerate nihilism, valueless, amoral, self-hating dogma.

I'm glad we got the Russkies "liberating" us, we still have a chance now to learn from the mistakes of the West, event 40+ years of socialism ruined our traditional value system.
We won't be able to repair the Bongs, Krauts, Frogs and Swedes anymore. They will fall, but at least they can virtue signal all day long on American social media.

*event --> even if

This makes too much sense.

Weirdly, if the Hungarian Revolution had succeeded in 1956 you would have been in the same boat as the West.

It's easy being poor and based. The true test comes when you actually are wealthy and the snakes are at the door trying to convince you to destroy yourself.

PS, there was a Hungarian girl that came to Australia to work in a nearby winery. She really stank badly and she hated Orban like the plague. Weird facial features too, strong like an American Indian almost.

blogpost over.

Things aren't so bad. SD is the biggest party in Sweden and nationalism and right wing are rising in Europe. Those liberal leftwingers are just a vocal minority. Sadly my sister is one of them and she is also a hardcore feminist.

El Nihilismo

i mean she probably feels obligated to say that after she got so much flack from singing a nzi german marching song on her stream right

Years of German shaming tactics following the war. Read about it and you will understand more why such statement who contradicts themselves exist in the first place. In other words: Brainwashing.

Has anyone considered that if girls like this one were simply "piffed" and then put on life support, they could be arranged in as a factory style womb foundry and used to produce an army of artificially inseminated ideal white people? File this as MK: WHITEMILL

>watching some european female rl streamer
>surprised she's left wing
>wow this is what everyone in europe thinks!
>It's like you're all rushing headlong to your own demise and gladly. (Except maybe in Hungary, Poland and Italy now)
>americans still believe this meme

Attached: 1507467289159.jpg (152x147, 25K)

We dont have those western cuck problems.
You just put this song and everybody gets back on their original setup
and if things are serious, rakija helps out too.

Attached: removekebab.jpg (720x617, 114K)

White women everyone

Nani really said that? Got a clip?

thats my mom.

>be told at every level of education that you and your ancestors are evil and to blame for everything negative in the world
>see this view reinforced in all of your media, advertisements and entertainment
>forced to be subject to laws that make you a second class citizen in your own homeland
>silenced from speaking out against this by your government
>censored by social media
And you wonder why weak minded individuals succumb to this?

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>People gotta pay back for things that have happened
This is quite a popular opinion, even if people don't always articulate it directly.
In the past white people did bad things. Therefor it's justice for bad things to happen to white people today.

It doesn't make any sense at all.

second this

They also didn't do bad things in the past. Not if we're comparing them to all of other races.

>In the past white people did bad things.
>Therefor it's justice for bad things to happen to white people today.
>It doesn't make any sense at all.

It does when you realize that the Left strongly believes in collective punishment. They see it as completely just to punish an entire group for the actions of a few, which explains why they have no problem with the mass killings done by Mao or Stalin.

Forsen has failed to redpill her

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the eternal g*rman

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No idea who that slut is, but traitors hang first.


dude this bitch is ugly af

Send me her twitch please

realy hoped it was a false flag..

what the fuck im depressed now. i loved her

>People gotta pay back for things that have happened."

she doesn't mean her, bitch knows she can get some soiboy to fuck and house her.

Germans still have a bit guilt complex left over from the wars. Still going strong with millenials in my experience.

istvan and bruce, telling it like it is.

It's literal French and German bs. And it's not our fault your countries and people's gobbled it up

She know, like everybody, that there's a problem but don't want to sound racist. Dying is better than being an outcast.

pic related

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Why don’t you just raid her stream with redpills? She likely won’t read them but it’ll fuck with her

>wow this is what everyone in europe thinks!
Obviously it's not my only interaction with Europeans, and I'm not just talking about online either. Things that are fairly normal to say here in America will get you called a Nazi in Germany. Anecdotes aside, I think the politics over there in Europe are indicative that this is a fairly common belief, too. Just hearing the contradiction spoken so blatantly made me key in on it and past conversations.


eventually, we will all be a master race but till then...many lols will be had

She doesn't want to be banned by Twitch. Not that complicated.
Also the clip I was referring to

Is there any hope for North America, Europe and the white race? It bothers me every day that this shit is going on and white people seem to have no problem being destroyed.

Part of me wants to see a once prosperous country, probably Sweden by the looks of things, completely collapse and turn into a 3rd world shithole so people can clearly see what happens when you import too much trash. But then again, they'd probably blame it on not enough diversity.

Chill. The girl was livestreaming and didn't want to lose her job and be completely ostracized.

How many people do you know say one thing in public and an opposite thing in confidence? Everyone.

Uncle Adolf says gas them

Bitch will end up like the girl in Iowa

nina is based stfu and post link 1:03