How would the world change if scientists found undeniable proof that life outside Earth exists...

How would the world change if scientists found undeniable proof that life outside Earth exists? Would religions collapse? Would nations become more friendly in case there is a predatory alien civilization out there?

Attached: alien-internecivus-raptus-statue-200464-09.jpg (667x1000, 86K)

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Is THAT what the fuck those things look like under that shell on the skull? I always wondered how Xenomorph eyes worked.

That's because it hatched from a humanoid, hence the skull.

There would be a push for a world government, hopefully we would unite in military and scientific pursuits to prepare for contact.

So you're saying that varies depending on the host?

Even if they had proof it could easily be distorted by the media and whatever. So no, realistically speaking finding or contacting intelligent alien life would not end up with humanity losing their shit. In fact they might not even know about it because of how fake and gay it sounds.

>we would unite in military and scientific pursuits to prepare for contact.
Not gonna happen unless they legit come here. Even if you build a slipgate to Dog knows where if you can't go through it or they and it serves just for 2-way communication it can easily be faked and nobody is gonna take it seriously.

In fact they might think it's a political ruse exactly for unifying Earth.

People would finally understand why having strong borders and a strong military is so important.

they don't have eyes, ecolocation and electromembrane

It's actually taken from HR Giger's necronom IV and it's actually a penis

Personally I'm more of a believer in humanoid forms so if there's real intelligent aliens out there they would look like those faggy Taelons from Earth Final Conflict or Eldar from WH40k

Attached: giger.jpg (782x604, 266K)

You know, it wont happen soon, because that would change our whole World view and there would be collapse of religions & beliefs, politics and monetary system. There are aliens but World leaders like to keep us thinking about Fermi paradox.

The Jews would try to sell out humanity to become our secret overlords for a secret, all powerful cabal in the background, until the day when the ayy lmaos finally come to whipe us all out.

Hold on a minute...

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I imagine we would invite them over give them house and starting updating hate speech laws.

the catholic church literally has said that they would gladly accept aliens in their church

This guy understands. Some people would believe it, but for many people no proof will be enough. People trust the media and scientists inparticular less and less every day.

>There are aliens but World leaders like to keep us thinking about Fermi paradox.
.....and how many are real aliens aka outside our planet/in space and how many are just intra/extra dimensional or even temporal psychic phenomena?

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Exactly, people can always choose what to believe in.

Too bad they cant

Yes, in Alien 3 we see an Alien Born from a dog. It runs on all legs, is smaller but more angular and agile.

Xenomorph takes genetic material of host and mixes it with its own ugly DNA - in the end, he is ultimate le 56% face mutt

Nothing would happen.
Seven days of intense punditry.
Return to Brad and Jen saga.

Only in the first movie it had this skull

Why is it that aliens are always intelligent? Why isn't there ever the possibility that there are dumb aliens stuck in the middle ages?

If you really look at what it takes for life to be possible on a planet you'd realize we are unique. Back in the 70's they thought all it took for life was the right star and the right position. Now we realize there's over 200 factors to consider for life to even be possible. If you take these factors the chances for life become very slim.

if religions can survive what we already know from modern science then they can survive any further discoveries

i think diplomacy would shape entirely based on the attitude of these ETs

if they're visiting us they're so far ahead of us they could probably nanobot the earth to death

Nothing would happen, it will be news hysteria for 2 weeks or so, somewhat talked about for 2 months afterwards, and than it's back to what did drumpf do this time and how we put poor immigrant children in cages. you monsters.

humans are hybrids with alien DNA in them

How would dumb aliens get to earth? We would discover dumb aliens when searching planets ourselves. Too bad we will never go back to space because of money. So the only aliens we will ever meet are the ones capable of coming here. I hope you feel really stupid for not thinking of this yourself

Space Force!

Seriously though, nothing would change.

Depends what kind of life
An advanced alien civilization superior to our own? People would freak the fuck out, society would change in radical unpredictable ways
Some bacteria on an asteroid? People would go 'oh, that's neat I guess' and continue on with their daily lives