I've been too busy to keep up with politics as of lately...

I've been too busy to keep up with politics as of lately. Can someone give me a rundown of what the hell is going with Trump over the last month or so? I'm having a tough time discerning fact from fiction here.

Attached: Trump-China.jpg (748x498, 42K)

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His lawyer committed tax fraud and he paid hush money to a porn star, therefore he must have committed treason with Russia

No, meeting with Russian officials to rig the election is committing treason.

I assume you have proof for these extraordinary claims

He's likely a criminal and a huge fuck up in any case. He's done.

Shush, arsenal gear

Daily reminder the democrats, neoliberals, neocohens, and globalists are in contact with Chinese communist agents, and the big tech liberal technocrats are OPENLY helping China to censor patriots and destroy America and the west

Chinese Communist Party Funds Washington Think Tanks

China's Communist Party is intensifying covert aggressive influence operations in the United States that include funding Washington think tanks and coercing Chinese Americans, according to a congressional commission report.

The report said the Johns Hopkins School of Advance International Studies, a major foreign policy education and analysis institute, has received funding from Tung Chee-hwa, a vice chairman of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, the party group that directs the United Front Work Department and includes a member of the Politburo Standing Committee, the collective dictatorship that rules China.

The funding for Johns Hopkins came from Tung's non-profit group in Hong Kong, the China-U.S. Exchange Foundation, which is a registered Chinese agent.

In addition to Johns Hopkins, other think tanks linked to China and influential in American policy circles include the Brookings Institution, Atlantic Council, Center for American Progress, EastWest Institute, Carter Center, and the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.

The Exchange Foundation is tied to Chinese government influence operations and uses the same public relations firm as the Chinese embassy.


Hello, Alex.
How's your day been?

China's plan was to destroy the US economy aided and abetted by the democrats and whoever. Bill Clinton kicked them off with a massively one side WTO/MFN deal. They've been steadily increasing their financial and milatry strength while the US and some it's allies have been fighting in numerous wars while China stayed at home and built some islands.
The rest have carried on with their massively polluting progress while the rest did it's utmost to reduce pollution. What exactly was the huge rush ? Why did they feel they had to build their army to such an extent ? They had no major enemies and the way they have gone they were quickly catching the US, oh hang on a minute, why would they be so urgent to build an army to match the US
Flooding the US with opoids, stealing technology, industry, and jobs, manipulating their currency even though they had a licence to print dollars. Placing a spy with Feinstein for 20 years !!!
Remember what happened with Russia, how they collapsed it and started to plunder it's assets until Putin arrived and told them to fuck off ? These fuckers have tried to do the exact same thing with the US. They have used China to try to destroy the country so they could implement a communist government. Look at the censorship, almost communist level propoganda from the media, government departments weeaponised against conservative corporations.
The 33,0000 emails on Clintons server all to do with China, totally explains the d3speration to destroy all the devices and wipe it clean,
These lovely people sold you out, Jesus you were lucky. Admiral Mike Rogers I salute you sir.

Is it possible your candidate was just garbage and hated internationally?

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