How would you categorize the politics of Big Boss?

Is he an extreme leftist? Would you call him a fascist? He’s obviously extremely pro military- kind of? He’s pro mercenaries.

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Anarchy Fascist


BB wanted a world where soldiers always had a role to play.

In effect he wanted perpetual war. And his war was against the patriots/illuminati/la le lu le lo etc

He was something of an anarchist I suppose.

Eh, more like militant seperatist/realist

That’s an oxymoron
You think he’s politically the same as Bill Clinton?

He wanted a world where soldiers had the freedom and power to fight for what they wanted and weren't deceived or coerced into fighting against their will or ideology.

Not sure how well that meshes with abducting thousands of people and turning them into your private army.

He’s a Freikorpsman

ancap all the way

Big Boss is a based NazBol

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well exactly.

There is something cultish about the whole thing when you think about it.

He would capture soldiers and "convert" them to his cause.

Ocelot is a commie.

It's a bit complicated, the idea that Kojima tries to instill in the MGS franchise is that the perfect world is the one when you have your own will while respecting the will of the others, basically everyone has his mini political climate and doesn't interfere with others in this matter. Big Boss thought of that as people fighting constantly with each other as he saw that this was the only way this could have happened, because conflict was unavoidable , so his political views would be a decentralized system that cannot be centralized because that would mean the end of the fighting. I would say anarchy but this is a bit far fetched.

>BB wanted a world where soldiers always had a role to play.
That’s a fair description
>In effect he wanted perpetual war. And his war was against the patriots/illuminati/la le lu le lo etc
But war to what end? Wars need to have an objective, a goal, some kind of ideology they’re fighting to achieve otherwise they’re unsustainable. If people don’t have a reason to fight, they won’t fight. As far as I could tell there was no clear plan on how to sustain this even if your goal was simply “perpetual war”
>He was something of an anarchist I suppose.
But he couldn’t be. In order for perpetual war to exist there need to be groups to wage war against. If there are no more governments, there is no more war (at least not in the way he wants it)

It's a political ideology centered around the Masculine

There is a dichotomy at play.
Each man wants to seek his own path, but the destiny he seeks is to find a group that he can fully immerse himself in.

Any man who has been part of a team understands this idea. You want to find a hierarchy that you fit inside and which gives you context for your self worth. When you compete on a fair playing field you can accept that one man is better than you and another worse.

I've only played MG2 and the first three MGS, and some time ago, but I got the idea that Big Boss idn't think that war was the continuation of politics but was almost its own thing, and he more or less desired perpetual conflict.
He's certainly an happening-fag.
Perhaps Stirnertite but he would think Stirner was a faggot.

Big boss wants a world where his group can compete against other groups in fair combat and to the victor goes the spoils. Politics are only for members of the in group. Violence is for outsiders.
Any disagreement can ultimately be solved by conflict

Certain systems like that are possible, I have seen it in action myself, however it's not that common in the world.

Thehundredth monkey effectis a hypothetical phenomenon in which a new behavior or idea is claimed to spread rapidly by unexplained means from one group to all related groups once a critical number of members of one group exhibit the new behavior or acknowledge the new idea...
>But did you know its BASED

Boomers scientifically CANNOT learn the new memes and abilities...
>give up on 60+ year olds , maybe 50

The young first teach their contemporaries & immediate family, who all benefit from the new behaviour & teach it to their contemporaries 2. If the parents or their contemporaries (or their parents) are too old, they do not adopt the behaviour 3. Once the initial group have children, the dynamic changes from teaching previous & current generations, to the next generation learning by observation. The behaviour is no longer actively taught but passively observed & mimicked

>reason for slide theads!
They want to poison your well of knowledge and STUPIFY MANKIND
>dumbing down society is reverse 100th monkey effect

Watch this Based-Bellagio masterpiece


That is pasta BUT that goy has a video about CHAOTIC GOOD,,,, BB is chaotic good

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You have the right idea. He wanted a society for warriors. It wasnt virtuous for soldiers to fight for politics because politicians use soldiers in a dishonest way. It's worse to fight and win a war under false pretenses with minimal casualty than it is to die in mass for an honest battle. It's better to knowingly become a killer than to be a soldier "for college"

Yes. It's a fundamental aspect of the masculine. We need it, because it helps us find our place in society. If you could fight your boss to establish a real level of respect, it would be a better workplace.

It would also exclude women from jobs they have no place in.

>He wanted a world where soldiers had the freedom and power to fight for what they wanted and weren't deceived or coerced into fighting against their will or ideology.
But wars are fundamentally fought on the basis of ideology. In order to wage them you need to have an expressed ideology you’re backing or fighting for. From imperialism to oil rights- from the US military to ISIS, there needs to be a goal and there needs to be funding for that goal.

At this point it might be important to address the very real possibility that he was irrational and insane, so trying to categorize and justify his moves and motivations might be a fool’s errand

Extreme libertarian social darwinist warlord who fancied himself a messiah bringing the message of strength and growth being inherently tied to revolution. The eternal adversary. The complete opposite end of the spectrum from the patriots. I guess you could also consider him an allegory for lucifer.

>in order to wage war them you need to have an expressed ideology you're backing or fighting for
In theory, but in practice this is not the case. Unless you consider lies packaged as ideology to be actual ideology. But, in my experience (Iraq), even a well packaged lie leads to combatants realizing after the war that it was all fucking bullshit. Which, as you can see with our current stock of combat veterans, leads to extremely disgruntled men with combat experience under their belt who then begin to passively revolt while building up a stockpile of weapons and gear and reconnecting with old buddies.

>It would also exclude women from jobs they have no place in.
Explain Meryl, The Boss, Eva, etc

Explain how he was insane he had a ideal home for soldiers in outer heven besides the fact he made money by being a sort of Blackwater PMC. Doesn't look like he's insane to me

Exceptions are not the rule. Tisk tisk.

They are all tomboys

>Unless you consider lies packaged as ideology to be actual ideology.
Of course it is. Propaganda is an integral part of waging war. Always has been. And in that sense I could actually see how Big Boss might have imagined he could sustain a state of perpetual war. Just keep lying. But the problem arises from what you said next
>But, in my experience (Iraq), even a well packaged lie leads to combatants realizing after the war that it was all fucking bullshit.
There’s a shelf life on lies like that. People talk. They’re hard to maintain. It’s possible Big Boss either didn’t realize this, or didn’t care- or even had the hubris to disregard it. But that still brings us no closer to pinning down any discernible political ideology that motivated him.

And saying in really flowery language basically
>I dunno man, I guess he just likes to fight
Is super annoying

What about the child soldiers that were women in outer heaven he trained like sniper wolf or quiet. What about paz or strange love. They all can't be exceptions.

Isn't he completely apolitical? I haven't heard him saying anything political in any of the games.

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Metal Gear Solid is stupid as fuck. How can a balloon just fly up without fuel or anything?

7 exceptions out of what, 3 and half billion women. Tisk tisk.


The same way that jet fuel can melt steel beams.

The efficiency/speed are vastly exaggerated in the game but it's still a thing. Also don't forget this game series is part SF.

Anti-Masonic party

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You’re using the fact that he was well organized as proof that he was sane and rational. You can be insane and irrational and also be extremely regimented. The fact that he hired a good accountant to make sure there was money to fund and maintain outerheaven doesn’t preclude the notion that dude was off his rocker and his entire worldview is pretty bananas

>There’s a shelf life on lies like that. People talk
In my experience this was not the case. My entire platoon realized how bullshit it all was halfway through our deployment when we would constantly gather high quality actionable intel and be told not to engage while we watched the fuckers pick up their weapons cache and move it. Only time we were authorized to engage was in regards to missions they gave us or if we were attacked while on a patrol. Did not take us long to figure it out either. We managed to find a compound that had a ton of rpk's and rpg's stacked up against the walls and when we requested permission to advance on that position were told to kick rocks.

>saying that he saw that strength comes from struggle is the same as saying he just likes to fight
You sure your not a canadian?

>that whole anecdote
Lol you sound like the ideal candidate for the real life version of MSF aka Blackwater. Those dudes LOVE to talk about how bureaucracy is constantly blocking them from “doing their job”

Snake > Big Boss

thread theme:

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Exactly, war is an industry. A sector of the economy. He wanted constant employment and an expanding of the opportunities it brings. He was going to ride the wave and create an ideal city-state that appealed to people like him.

he is a embarassing video game character revolving around cinematics and anime philosophy.

>these colors
Unironically Anarcho Capitalist.

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AnCap would be the closest. He felt that governments can't be trusted because of Shadow governments like the Patriots/Cipher, and also ran a government-free military, which's idealogy was that they are a military free from any government, nation, philosophy and ironically, free from any idealogy. They still sold their services, essentially starting PMCs

>He would capture soldiers and "convert" them to his cause.
It's best shown in Portable Ops, but he sort of convinces people to come to his side. BiBo has an amazing charisma about him that works best on rank-and-file soldiers. He's like the perfect commander. His exploits are well know and he's a really tough dude, but he's someone troops look up to. Portable Ops was such a cool game, it's a shame it never got a remake or remaster.

I suppose there's an implication he just brainwashes the troops he abducts, but I think it's supposed to be more that he inspires them to continue fighting for him and for them to forsake their nations. It's more cut and dry in BiBo's games, because the soldiers he nabs are either Russian conscripts who may not have volunteered and want to fight on their own terms, or PMC soldiers who have already decided to fight on their own terms and the deal BiBo offers at mother base/outer heaven is too good to pass up.

I always imagined it worked like an airbag. It instantly fills with some sort of gas like nitrogen and then you're on a one way trip to outer heaven.

would need to be helium or hydrogen to generate enough lift just to lift up a naked person, much less someone with an extra 100 lbs of combat gear.

Like I said, imagination. It is a video game after all.


He’s an anarcho capitalist separatist. Mixed with some form of tribalism and militarism.

>TFW Trumps view on privatization of war appeals directly to Big Boss

Never underestimate metal gear solid to be more real than you realize.

He's a neo-modernist pirate.
Yes it's a political stance.

The only thing he might have an affiliation with is capitalism and good economic practice because he needs people to pay for his services.

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This is the same thing as a pirate

How ironic, I guess you could say this pirate crackdowns a’go.

Is it wrong to desire the system he was trying to create? I understand my viewpoint is likely skewed as I sit here safely at a computer and haven't been in a real fight in ages. It just seems that this system would be very precise yet simple and give purpose to many men who have lost it. It would unite people again. There would be no sitting in traffic or going to corporate propaganda events. I'm sure other problems would arise.

>It just seems that this system would be very precise yet simple

I think it would be very complicated. Militaries have far more organization and structure than regular civilization. Maintaining that sort of complexity with good integrity is difficult.

The future is gonna be metal as fuck

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In canon he wasn't so much "abducting" as he was removing them from the threat of officers who likely conscripted / pressganged them into the military.
They would then join him because, when exposed to his ideology, it would naturally appeal to them.

I guess I meant more simple as in the overall goal. The day to day would definitely more complex but there would be purpose. Daily life now lacks this for most people. What's your life goal? To make a ton of money? To be successful in some innately hollow career? Get married and have kids and live an uneventful life?

I really haven't thought about it, if I had to say what my goals are in life, I would probably say that I want to be the very best at whatever I do, like no one else in the field ever was. I think collecting all the knowledge is my real quest, and physical training is my cause. I will travel across the land, searching far and wide, each political ideology to understand the power that's inside, pokemon. Gotta catch em a hearts so true, our courage will pull us through, you teach me and I'll teach you POLITICS.

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that works well for young men, but how is life in Outer Heaven when you turn 50 and just can't keep up anymore? If you've been in for a while it's not like they'll let you retire and go live in some country. Even if they did, you'll probably be wanted for some sort of crime and end up at an ICC tribunal. I suppose there are leadership opportunities. Training, maintenance, etc. But what about when you turn 70 and can't keep up with even that?

I suppose it's the same for young soldiers who are injured and/or maimed in various battles. It's a good deal until you get a leg blown off and can't really do anything around the base. I guess in the MGS universe they have perfect cybernetic prosthetics though. And if you just wait a decade or so, nanomachines.


>how is life in Outer Heaven when you turn 50 and just can't keep up anymore?

nanomachines son

the answer is always nanomachine self-hypnotherapy cybernetic prosthetic aesthetic ghost summoning time travel.

That's the retirement package.


>I guess you could also consider him an allegory for lucifer.

Well yeah, it wasn't that subtle after they literally give him fucking horns after his fall from grace (disobeying god/government) and going rogue

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This. Anti-zionism anti-masonic party.

I think the idea was that he valued the warrior ethic intrinsically, and it didn't matter if there was a geo-political cause, rather that man had the freedom to achieve martial perfection. If government exists to promote the virtue of its people, a state of endless war is desirable.