Despite this being an anonymous board that prides itself on this fact - there are people amongst us who believe themselves to be particularly special and above all others here. They believe that their posts and opinions are more highly valued and more important than the contributions of others - these people are known as tripfags.
They are a rotten pustulent cancer that has destroyed this board - along with their allies: The Karenposters and the miscellaneous food item posters - they have worked tirelessly to derail all forms of rational discussion in favour of their rampant egomania. Their almost unquenchable narcissism has derailed countless discussion and caused a great rift between the formerly united posters of Brit/pol/. The Tripcunt is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a narcissist, egomaniac, arsehole, attention seeker, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But tell people to filter his tripcode and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.” You can stop tripfags by simply not responding to them ever. You can hide and filter tripcodes by going to the [SETTINGS] link at the bottom of the page and adding their tripcode to the FILTER option. BE SURE TO HIDE POST STUBS.
This will improve your experience here tenfold - as it has done mine. TRIPCODES TO ADD TO THE FILTER LIST!
look at all these new topics and fresh conversations
you fucking virgin
Bentley Baker
>miscellaneous food item posters What you having for dinner lads
Nathaniel Jenkins
Nick Griffin was unironically /ourguy/, just too much of a sperg to realise you cant actually carry out your points unless you hide it.
Logan Edwards
Yes, and you're here to reinvigorate the conversation with your witty and erudite contributions to the thread.
What does Brit/pol/ think of Nick Griffin endorsing Corbyn?
Liam Foster
Dear god Pls let there be a chimpout at the carnival Puddles of acid melted vibrant youth Knifings Enrichment galore Amen