I want a thread about slut-shaming

Define this word.

Attached: nrm_1421884665-mcx-slut-shaming.jpg (2025x1307, 448K)

Typical commie / jew / whatever word game meant to frame "societally beneficial peer pressure to exercise sexual restraint" as a bad thing

a stalwart of civilized society.

do you accept your defeat?

Women should have no political rights. Men only if natural born citizens of the country, Christian faith, completed secondary school education or higher and are married.

the nation you're describing wouldn't last a generation
it's just not viable in any way, especially today

It worked over 100~150 years ago. Was a better society.

Right it's never worked before and human nature has changed so dramatically in the past 100 years.

Are you bored schlomo?

I answered your question, arsenal gear

>cycled home with a girl-friend
>we were a little drunk
>she spotted the bike of her aunt parked on the driveway of the guy who she allegedly cheating with

>she went total ape shit, throwing stones though the windows and screaming;WHORE!!!
>i got a based gf now

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why are there guys in that picture?

nobody gave a shit about citizenship

no, 100~150 years ago didn't have Hungarian dictators who enforced blueballing

no antisemitism allowed
communism is good

disease ridden

It doesn't matter if you think stopping people from telling people not to ruin their lives with promiscuity is a good thing or a bad thing, yoy asked what slut shaming was and he answered the question.

it's a correct take if you take out the inceloid sneers, sure
>ruin their lives with promiscuity
the "peer pressure" is THE fucking problem

You really think the only problem single mothers with children that they hate is that their peers look down on them? I have to work with one of these whores, and I can guarantee it's not a life you want to live.

To get laid

A thread is the collection of posts aimed at a common subject, yet often derailed by Aussies.

So Loose Under There

you're horrible, but anyway
you can be "loose" from birth
you can get "loose" from one partner

>that redhead

Ruined. What a fucking shame.

Please to post ur tits??

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both genders should not fuck strangers. that being said, I don't know why people think "slut" refers to all women. Isn't it insulting to think that?

They're protesting that men call them sluts just because they dress and behave like sluts.
OMG, the nerve!