Is the white race going to win today?

is the white race going to win today?

Attached: logan-paul-vs-ksi-youtube-fight_feature.jpg (1280x494, 83K)

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i see a jew and an african

yes, niggers will be BTFO

Your time is better spent watching paint dry

In fact I feel sick just knowing that I replied to this thread but it's too late because I already wrote this much ok I will stop now

Logan Paul doesn't even look Jewish.

they are boxing right?

yes it starts in 40 minutes

admit it that you are excited too m8

Attached: Screenshot_20180825-102031.png (1440x2560, 382K)

quick rundown what is happening today?

why would i watch a jew añd a nigger fight?

> white

>yes it starts in 40 minutes

why wouldn't you?

its pay per view

couple of ecelebs are boxing for the youtube championship. best case scenario is they both get brain damage

so he's only 20% jewish

white enough that I'll root for him over the nigger

normies don't know he's a Jew or there's a difference, they just see white vs black. for sake of the white race we need this crypto Jew to win

Even if logan wins, the white race still loses.

>Watching youtubers
>Not being a normie

Black guy is going to win

i like boxin n i like memes.

naturally, im little bit excited

this sucks , but there will be some free streams when it stars right ? THIS GUY I LEGIT TRUST ME FREE FIGHT.

oh shit, it's today. i thought it's 28th.
don't care either way, but i'd love for (((Logan))) to win because nigger wants to be boxerz n shieettt

Logan will lose, Jake could beat both of them

prove me wrong