What town, city or municipality is considered to be a stronghold of right-wing politics in your country/state?
In France, it's Hénin-Beaumont, town of 30k in Northern France which has FN mayor and where Le Pen won 62% in second round in recent Presidential Elections
Matabeleland, where my family lived for decades, is the most anti-ZANU region in Zimbabwe, and for good reason since they got genocided by the shona in Gukurahundi back in the 80s.
My constituency was the only part of Ireland to vote NO in the marriage referendum and we often vote in referendums against what the government and establishment in Dublin are in favour of.
Over the course of the 20th century, it's actually been parts of East London, the white working class areas like Barking and Dagenham which have been strongholds for far-right politics.
Oswald Mosley and the BUF were popular there, the National Front and BNP actually won local elections in those boroughs. UKIP got a lot of votes there too, compared to the rest of London.
It's changed now due to white flight, the locals fled to nearby counties like Essex and Kent, where UKIP had its largest support base.
Asher Russell
I remember you too
Any idea why is that? hey, I remember you too
Thomas Martin
For now, this is the only party we have until we get a new one