Redpill me on climate change Jow Forums

Redpill me on climate change Jow Forums

The amount of legislation surrounding this topic is huge. Trump getting out of paris climate accord was a big political thing.

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is climate change real

Its real but not as bad as its depicted (Earth has more powerful negative feedback). It is the white elephant for how we are destroying our earth by losing fresh groundwater and soil. Its is also I way for them to try to control and tax carbon, its part of the globalist scheme

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It’s a plot to takeover the energy sector, which is as large as or bigger than the health care sector.

It literally was a plot by China, no joke. China in tandem with Dems/Global lefties

Literally all carbon does is feed plants and green the earth; and every climate alarm prediction has been laughable and wrong

It's actually already irreversible. Even if we stopped all carbon emissions, life on earth is going to be destroyed in about a hundred years time because of the CO2 in the atmosphere now.

if only there was some kind of green things on earth which NEED the CO2 to provide us with organic (carbohydrate based) nutrients and with the oxygen that we need to breathe!
its almost as if the delusional ecotards who believe in human caused climate change never went to school

the climate is changing.
the solutions to 'climate change' are all scams meant to empower/enrich the left, and de-industrialize the developed world.

the right is controlled by kike shills who sell out their country and soil for greed, hence climate change denial is popular in america

>de-industrialize the developed world
Shit meme. There are clean ways to produce energy.

Human civilisation is BEYOND fucked. Enjoy it while it lasts

Earths climate is dynamic not static.bits always changing. The real question was how much impact humans have and what we should do about it.

The REAL issue is biosphere loss, humans destroying too much habitat to feed ourselves. If we put to much pressure on natural areas then adaptation cant keep up and you get extinction.

Good news is earths biosphere is actually recovering, albeit slower then we would like to see, but we are moving in the right direction.

Learn to distinguish between climate science and climate policy. Scientific consensus on the validity of climate change does not automatically validate policy decisions which are fundamentally subjective. Why should I care if temperature rises and shitholes sink underwater? We're comfy where we're.

You are a retarded person.

It's a lie pushed by civil servants and progressives in order to give themselves more control over the global economy.

If you're older than 20 years and haven't noticed it yourself, you should either an hero or get out of your mom's basement.

Climate change is real as ice age was real. Climate changes all the time, but slowly enough to feel like some huge scary thing for our generations. Global warming is political bullshit and just a name for a scam built on climate change and the fear it causes.

Also, this thread proves Jow Forums is a bunch of city faggots who have lost their touch with nature. Your ignorance and stupidity will kill us all.
>it's the jews
>not real, it's all made up
Fucking faggots, summers were summers even a fucking decade ago and winters were winters. Now there are extreme weather condidions and records every fucking year and you fucking basement dwelers are still calling it a scam.

Good God, I guess Jow Forums really is the dumbest board.

Breaking it down Barney style.

Earth's climate is not stable. It's been changing for the entire time that it has been a planet. It currently seems cyclical, but as the ecology of the planet changes so much over time, we don't know.

All the industries that benefit from climate fears continue to feed bullshit to the media, and the media spit that bullshit back to the public. It's pure propaganda.

The honest to God truth is we don't know enough to actually know anything. We guess at all of it. We are wrong most of the time.

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The notion that we can effect climate change (something that's been cyclically happening long before humans existed) by moderating and taxing one politically motivated sector is Absurd.

Maybe The Paris Agreement is more important in the grand scheme of things but I dont think so.

One of the worrying effects climate change will have are the ones that we don't expect, or are prepared for. There are places in america that don't have the greatest access to clean water or an emergency disaster plan. So in the event of an unforeseen natural disaster, people die. This includes extreme waves of heat and fire, more tornado's in greater number, and larger hurricanes.

You saw this fuck up costa rica, with the next waves about to wash away a lot of what was badly damaged last time. Florida is going to get hit harder each year as well.

Wew lads put on a coat its getting Shilly

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Climate change is one of the many effects of industrialization. To me the obvious solution is electric trains, nuclear power and hydro power. But the left seems focused on carbon taxes, solar panels and electric cars. The righ just flat out ignores it. We are truly fucked

>its happening
>its not bad as they say
>it natural
>we can't stop it
>anyone saying we can is probably a jew after your shekels
>pollution is still the real problem
>the United States is the least polluting nation
>best solution is to get India and China up to the United States standards of pollution
>nobody will do this though.
>people will keep showing pictures of polar bears

Yes, come to Jow Forums the most brainlet board on all of Jow Forums to get "educated" on climate change, that should really go well for you OP.

Stay far, far away from here if you want to take part in any rational discussion regarding this topic. I suggest you go over to /sci/ and ask there, or better yet simply go read a wikipedia article on the topic, which will be well cited and give a very general overview of the topic for you to learn the basics from:

Asking for the the denizens of Jow Forums to inform you about a very complex scientific issue is just about the dumbest thing you could possibly do. The vast majority of posters here are either blatantly misinformed on the subject, or just plain dunning kruger ignoramuses with no actual understanding of the science, and will simply parrot conspiracy-level "thinking: as fact.

He's objectively correct. Nobody with even a basic understanding of climatology doubts anthropogenic climate change unless they're being contrarian shills. The scientific community (the actual scientific community, not the Bill Nye/Black Science man tier memers) isn't there to tell anyone what to do about it, that's a decision for voters and politicians.

>linking to wikipedia as if it's a bible


Jow Forums is one of the only free speech boards left on the internet.

Dissent is upvoted.

It's the only place where you can see contrarian opinions on heated-topics.

Oh I see, so you're not a skeptic, and you're not here to actually gain any understanding of the issue, what you're here to do is start a thread to discuss climate change denial, since that's clearly what you are considering your posts in this thread.

No, I don't consider wikipedia a "bible," those are your words not mine. I linked to wikipedia because it is a very basic introductory source in lieu of actually opening a textbook on the subject of climate science, or turning to scientific literature that will use language that you don't understand, and is far too narrow in its subject matter than a very broad overview of the entire topic that a wikipedia article provides.

Also, your immediate dismissal of wikipedia is really quite sad, the article on global warming on wikipedia is actually very well cited, and backs up statements made with links to scientific literature and data. I'm so tired of people immediately dismissing wikipedia due to the flawed argument that "anyone can edit it therefore it has no credibility." Of course you shouldn't be using wikipedia as a citation, but you can certainly use the citations within a wikipedia article, nor should you quote a wikipedia article to support your argument, rather use it as a general overview of the subject and go from there.

If you actually were interested in learning more about climate science, you wouldn't be making a bait thread on Jow Forums that will just give you the echo chamber replies you want.

What are you even talking about here, or what is your point? The people on this board are incredibly misinformed, I have years of experience arguing with retards on Jow Forums (and /new/ before it) and the average intelligence of your average poster here is quite low, even compared to other boards on Jow Forums. You're not going to get an intelligent discussion here about climate science, that is not just some asspull, it's based on years of experience on this board for me.

>I don't know what citations and references are

Can you read?

>Why should I care if temperature rises and shitholes sink underwater? We're comfy where we're.
This fool actually thinks north america will be unaffected by climate change. Laughable.

As an aside, the fact that this problem, which is without a doubt the most significant issue facing human societies of all time, is reduced to "decisions for voters and politicians" tells me that we probably deserve this mess. Why does anyone believe that politicians are able to have any effect whatsoever on this problem? If if they could, why should they be able to?

Yeah, our wonderful democracies which serve no other purpose than to lubricate the process of capital accumulation (which is fuelled by environmental destruction and resource depletion) will immediately take steps to deal with climate change, once the boffins have told them about it... right? Well we've known all about this shit for literally DECADES and no one has done anything whatsoever. Absolute joke

>This fool actually thinks north america will be unaffected by climate change. Laughable.

The blanket term "shitholes" is probably being used to refer to liberal NA costal cities as well, with the idea being that muh glorious 99% hwuite midwest will be untouched. Obviously not the case, but there's more context than just "it wont affect NA"


Kiked, but true