Do you guys want to have a cuck off?

>t. Mutt
First round. Which is the biggest cucks?

Attached: both are fags.jpg (702x214, 33K)

you are

Sweden I guess. I don't know. Who cares?

answer the question without the memeflag
Probably but I'm curious nigga. Don't you want to be global conscious?

America is 49% white according to vox's newest video.

Here let me satisfy your need for cuckolding black man

Attached: Sweden 2012.jpg (964x1240, 261K)

In terms of SJW leftism - we are
In terms of free speech / nanny state - bongs are.

Depends on how you look at it.

England’s cucked. Not the UK.

>Israel flag
You're using a proxie and fucking with us aren't you? Either way you're answering a question that wasn't asked.

At least your niggers dress properly.
So England is now Ironically 1984?
So is it like saying California is England and the Uk is the Midwest?

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>Went to Sweden 1 hour ago to go shopping for cheap food
>Go to McDonald's afterwards to get some tendies
>The staff is one muslim in burka, one nigger, and one Syrian
Man, Sweden is fucking bizarre with their diversity quotas

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No wonder, only trash go there

Yes. Although the north of England isn't too cucked. The closer to London you are the worse it gets

At least the cashiers for eurocash etc are white.

Im a real kike bro
Why u dodging the facts
My name is ezra klein btw

Sweden but only because of based Ulster.

Rest of UK is fucking cucked as well, let's face it. Scotland and Wales are full of commies and other loonies. Only Northern Ireland and the south west of England have decent claims, and even they have serious problems as well.

>t. 56% mutt

Attached: 1526759409482.webm (480x608, 1.34M)

>My name is ezra klein btw

USA(you had a nigger king)

Probably this but trust me SJW leftism is making a rising.

Fortunately I think enough people here will tell it to fuck off.

We're definitely more nanny state though.

Hahaha what the fuck, is that real?

Major cities attract scum no matter what part of the world you live is what I'm gathering here.

No more brother wars.

Its worse in some places though. I live in a city in the south east and its pretty white but because of that it's extremely left and white people will probably defend a muslim cock deep in their daughter.

Fire up the barbie im commin over mate

Shut up first aid flag chocolate niggers we all can't be awesome like you.

Sverige cuck, at least USA has a god governmeant instead of your refugees welcome, femnazi, multiculti, fag government


OH WAIT these are rounds? Nevermind. UUUUUUUHHHH really hard pick I need more time

Britain. Sweden has NRM and AfS while Britain needs IDs for cutlery

Is the legal drinking age in Canada really 19 for the most part?

I live in West Michigan. We hate Muslims here but the east side of the state the infamous Dearborn is full of them. Ironically the west is conservative and the east is liberal. Come to art prize in Grand Rapids user.

Attached: nigger.png (851x567, 1.21M)

Haha yes

Our teenagers back in the 90's went to Canada to drink as a pilgrimage. They don't do that anymore.


Funny toothpaste

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I just came here to say it's cringe af watching like 90% of UK kids talking like niggers now. "Senpai.... senpai.... senpai..." US went through a similar wigger crisis in the 90s but they are much less common now. Takes a while to realize imitating them doesn't make them like you more (usually less), unless you are female and thus signaling you want the black mamba.

So Jow Forums changes "f.a.m." to senpai now apparently

I agree. Eurofags are way behind on the whole multiculturalism and don't know how bad it is. They changed S O Y to onions so I'm not surprised.

*South-west england in the country
*Protestant Ulster Scots (the irish are cucks)
The country is fucked all over mate

God save the queen mate.

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Watch out cunt, I'll come over the pond and shank you with my semi-automatic assult spoon

Guess we’ll just have to make it 100% won’t we, oh by the way religious man, you have gone against the word of your god in bringing about Zionism and so you will fail, I really hope your ready for the Shoah moishe

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>brings less than a knife to a gun fight
You guys are funny and I like your comedy. Don't change.

>You got your gun loisence mate!?
We'll get the diversity(tm) and tolerance(tm) officers to come over and confiscate them.
Unless you are called Mohammed or Tyrone, then you get a free vial of acid and a white or Sikh 12 year old as form of reparations.

I like you.

Attached: 1dfasfas.png (500x493, 144K)

Why thank you old boy.


flag checks out.