Thoughts on the "irrelevant neo nazi conspiracy theory"??

Thoughts on the "irrelevant neo nazi conspiracy theory"??

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>when they can’t even shill properly anymore
Modern media must be gassed

Never forget, they will memory hole any one of us the same way if they perceive that we're a member of a "privileged" class.

>Replace "white farmers" with "American blacks"
WTF I hate BLM now.

Make sure you guys sign these petitions for the South African farmers. We need to help them.

I'm ready, Kamerad

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id unironically enjoy it if they were put againt the wall

"Conspiracy Theory" is code for "Shut it down, the goyim know!!!"

How is this any different than Black Lives Matter?

But I love retarded Articles!

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Well white lives actually do matter

>that article

Every day they grow further detached.

I didn’t really catch that on the first read. See how they fuck with you subliminally?

>fuck facts, icky people like it!!!!!

The government could actually just throw them out of the skyscrapers they work in. No need to waste bullets or a perfectly good wall. Put a nice big tarp on the sidewalk below and then wrap it all up and throw it in a hole

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Can you provide the link?

oh goy

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literally 2.463 nanoseconds in google
the author is a jew
inb4 ((((Breitbart)))