The German crisis is real

The German crisis is real

Press F to spit in grave

Attached: 77cb502d-7549-474e-af05-7aea2f934ca9..jpg (2160x1080, 866K)

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hi newfag, 2 mistakes. first, f is for respect, s is for spitting. second, you dont spit in but rather on a grave. Unless youre in the grave yourself and pay respect to someone via spitting.

Newfag and yes the crisis is real no shit sherlock

its funny because Germany is still technically 90% white when you include european diaspora while the US is 45% white and dropping, actually probably lower.

>be roastie
>get the smart idea to make the altright buxx off of Jow Forums
>not sure how to do it so whatever I'll just make a youtube video and post it on Jow Forums

bb if you want some help getting the buxx from the retards just give me 20% and we can make it happen but this isn't gonna work for you lmao

>rational black pill
Stopped watching there. Just another LARPing attention seeking white girl.

>Main Station
>expecting something good

Attached: 1509387701540.png (645x729, 41K)

You're cute

can I be your e-boyfriend?

Blackpill is worse than Bluepill kys

The 90% figure is from before 2015. They've taken in 2.5 million (probably even more) shitskins since then. Germany is 85% white at best, with 60-65% of those being actual ethnic Germans