Are Amish far right?

I'm a Michigan fag where I drive by them every day but....I'd def give up electronics for an Amish QT. Would you Jow Forums?

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They probably don't even shave. Hard pass.

pedos pls go


Yeah. They don't bathe often enough either

>tfw no harem of young amish women to breed

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Come to Michigan or Ohio user. Amish are probably the most based and red pilled.

It's in their best interest to lure in non-amish white men to keep the gene pool from becoming inbred.

It sure is. Most look like they have down syndrome but enough about English royalty let's focus on the Amish.

They are not attractive. Yes red pill good wife material but plain as fuck and you have to convert to breed them.

While NAXALT about the amish as each of those anababtist groups have their own rules: they have solved inbreeding issue through the use of the internet. They are not anti technology, simply they ban innovation that is disruptive to their community or makes them dependant. It would be interesting to see the community elders shit posts, to my knowledge they restrict it to the elder/head of their community who uses it to interact with other anababtist colonies.

With the elimination of inbreeding and related infant mortality the Amish are the fastest growing and happyiest white community in north america. I don't know why you find amish women hot, they are selected to be plain.

> I don't know why you find amish women hot, they are selected to be plain.
I like plain. As long as she's not ugly-as-sin and/or out of shape, I'm game.


They're pretty conservative.

You probably couldn't even convert. You're still an outsider and they aren't retarded having so wing nut willing to convert for pussy bag their daughter.

They're probably the reason Trump won Pennsylvania. They came out for him in droves.

I've known a few. The answer is yes, absolutely. Not so easy to be welcome amongst them, though. Also, are you a hard worker? They're lifestyle is no joke and if you're an urbanite wageslave you won't last a day.

So Christian kikes. Checks out.

>building a life around daily hard labor

Lancaster PA has over 30,000 Amish. I drive through there all the time and have seen both guys and girls in regular stores.

You don't see much because of the strict clothing, but I assume amish girls to be fit as hell. Working the fields and riding their pedal-less bikes everywhere they go (If they aren't in their Dad's horse n buggy)

I'd rather join a pagan community that connects the religion with its people rather than Christianity which the people have no roots with whatsoever.

So Amish or Mormon than.

>I assume amish girls to be fit as hell
They are. The average Amish diet consists of nothing but unprocessed, whole foods.
>muh roots
White people have been predominately Christian for centuries. Paganism is filled to the brim with autistic larping, retarded hippies who fried their brains on drugs, and white trash looking for some group to cling to. Also, paganism is mutt central. pic related.

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Are Amish allowed to own guns? I either isolate myself or I will initiate a nuclear apocalypse. There is no in between.

guy from michigan here. not all the "amish" are actually amish. you guys are using the term like "eskimos". some of the "amish" in michigan are probably Mennonites, they are less strict on some "modern" things.

Hahah this


No because I don't want to live among inbred racially unaware Bible thumping retards that shelter Syrian refugees.

All those girls got gangbanged by chad Tyrone and Jose during their rumschpringer or whatever the fuck its called. Even the Amish can't escape modern degenerate behavior

keep your cuck fantasies to yourself, mutt

KYS libfag, your brain is porn controlled.

What makes you think they're sheltering Syrian refugees? That sounds unlikely.

>I don't know why you find amish women hot, they are selected to be plain.

They have a genetic edge for fat burning instead of coal burning.

Most women don't really look any better with no make-up and their hair pulled back.

>Would you Jow Forums?
Would I live amongst a bunch of Dutch-American protestant fundamentalist neckbeards whose daily routine consists of reading the bible, a shit load of maual labour and giving degenerates the silent treatment for the rest of their lives? I would absoloutely love it.

I think twins said hello to me on the street today. I just did an half awkward smile like "Hi but you talking to me?" I should have fucked them both

Why are all of those strange 56%ers appropriating my culture? Could I write a very detailed Buzzfeed article about how this is problematic and then garner a lot of support for it?

Plainwell michigan here user. I too travel michigan , and truth is, i have never in my 41 years of life, ever seen a QT amish woman...

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Would not fuck a one of them. 0/10.

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The women look fucking gorgeous.
They are literally more attractive than 95% of women
I see in my life.

They don't exactly tart themselves up for the male gaze.

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Idk man. Have seen so many, but never a second look or lustful thought,, but hey to each his own.

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the molest their daughters and sisters

haha ur a fucking gay homo