What the hell is going on over there burgers ?
What the hell is going on over there burgers ?
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That statue is kinda cool. It makes me slightly more interested in Satanism.
America is so fucking cucked. Pathetic.
The Death of a Nation
libshits trying to provoke outrage and be flamboyant because they crave attention as always
Not surprising, considering the nation was founded by subhuman (((Puritans))).
I'd rather be an agent of satan than a christcuck.
>when all it takes for people to be pulled in is a single realistic sculpture
and people say modern art doesnt hurt anyone
Hail Satan
Praise the Ancient Ones
Glory to the Primordial Chaos
States have historically had religious preference, there isn't anything that kept them from claiming to be protestant, muslim, or anything else. and there are still state laws that demonstrate this has been going on for a long time.
It wasn't until recently that they reinterpreted the will of the founders to mean that states cannot have a religious bias. The federal government cannot have a religious bias or preference, but the states can and do, but this separation of church and state nonsense has confused the courts into basically making Universalism a state religion, where all religions are to be represented. Most of this has come from atheists and jews constantly filing lawsuits in state courts for the past 50 years. this is why you're seeing stupid shit like this happen.
The irony is that baphomet is not a "satanic" symbol anymore than a potato is a buddhist symbol.
I think they are expressing their freedom of speech, although I strong condemn what they are doing. I don't understand satanists. Don't they realize they're worshiping mr. evil himself? Doesn't it cross their minds that they are only hurting themselves going down that path?
At least you actually believe in your principles anyway, but despite calling themselves "satanists" they're atheists. They don't believe in a literal devil, demons, or god. They do believe in edginess, it obviously is good for publicity.
They think Satan is only a diety that lets people live free and doesn't mark them as evil for doing what they are naturally inclined to do; assuming they're not effectively harming anyone.
if you worship satan you are doomed to live an unhappy life and so will your ancestors. the upstroke is you may get material gain or fame or whatever temporal thing you are after. thats how it works. thats why there is an overlap with communism and satanism. very low temporal time horizon on getting the stuff you want
Interesting. That reminds me of that one quote, which varies, but goes like "The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist."
Funny how boy is black and girl is white
What did they mean by this
First day on Jow Forums?
If those people think they're cute doing then I'd like to see their faces when they meet their master face to face. He s not building an army you idiots, at least not in Hell. If anything his forces are here on Earth. Once he gets you, there'll be no hanging out or serving him or anything like that. Your ass will be tortured and he will laugh at you because it's his job to punish you for betraying the real God. If you don't repent for swearing such a wicked oath, Mr. Cringy McEdgelord your "savior" will be putting you right along side a bunch of your nerdy ass LARPer pals in his own personal cringe collection.
a nation full of pussies that are full of tough talk
you're wrong. some of them actually do believe in Satan and worshipping him brings them power (in their mind)
Don't they need planning permission or something to erect a statue? A local government endorsement?
That shit would get pulled down here if it even got permission in the first place.
yes, the Constitution "techniclally" protects them
but I doubt early Americans ever intended for this to happen
Hahahahahaha... America cracks me up. I hope the Trump War don't take place in 2019. If it does, you crazy americans will come to my country in order to continue living and I don't want that.
The promises of eternal sex has worked wonders on this species since time immemorial. They always believe there is no price involved. They always believe they have become one with the beast, or that if they are evil enough, the beast will venerate them.
But he won't.
Satan hates his followers. With cold calculated precision.You really think an angel who fell because he hated humans and has caused the mega deaths and collapses of history cares about you?
I'm talking to you too jews.
He fucking hates us all.
The longer you put off paying the debts, the worse it is.
I'll pray for you, everyone deserves to be in heaven and not lied to by the devil.
The constitution protects religious expression, however not every type of 'faith' counts as a religion in the United States. A great example of this is Scientology. Because satanism is not a religion it isnt protected like one. The statue should have already been torn down and the fact that nobody has done so yet is unfortunate. I would personally do it myself, if I lived even remotely close to where it was put up.
>you crazy americans will come to my country
Are your lolis still selling themselves for a chocolate bar?
His fucking job is to punish sinners in hell.
He made a wager for all the souls of men with god so he could punish them all eternally.
You think hes the beast but he is reflecting YOU
How long do you think it will stand before the local citizenry get irate enough to wreck it?
Because America is a country full of pussies who are all talk
If it's any evidence that the Satanists, kikes, and niggers are winning - I mean just look at this statue, they erected a statue of Satan in one of the most Christian parts of the US. This is the second time. Meanwhile they tear down Confederate monuments right in front of our face while importing millions and millions of foreigners.
The USA is dead.
Never. They won't because they don't have any fucking balls. Honest assessment, America is full of degenerate pussies who are all tough talk.
holy shit goth kids still exist lol
not even close, but I don't want to spoil the ending.
>America is full of degenerate pussies who are all tough talk.
Not the ones I've met. Good lads and lasses.
I've found the law which means that this could not happen here:
>Outraging public decency is a common law offence in England and Wales and Hong Kong. It is punishable by unlimited imprisonment and/or an unlimited fine.
I dont know to be honest, but all it would take is a rope and a truck to topple it over, breaking it into pieces depends on what it is made of. Explosives would be a great option as well but its easier to get a rope and a truck.
I think most satanists are larping to trigger Christians. Most I would bet are just bored and want to be edgy
According 2 u