How do we stop the niggerization of Eastern Europe?

How do we stop the niggerization of Eastern Europe?

Attached: Ukraine nigger.jpg (768x960, 104K)

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See a nigger, kill a nigger. It’s your duty

you can liken these black males to any animal really

they expand their territory in search of mates to propagate their genes

it is the duty of the male who has current control of the territory to fight off all invaders. if he fails to protect his women (another form of territory) then he loses his rights to reproduce.

this is quite literally what is happening in the West. you can dress it up with whatever bullshit you want but at the end of the day it's all about genetic and propagating those genes.

destroy the world economy and the entire welfare/social securiy system, if it weren't for all the free gibs then no one but aspie northern europeans would want to live in this cold, dark shithole

Except there are more women than men in eastern Europe as well.Hell even in africa there are more women than men.

he is a manlet with bad posture

we all hate niggers here, even the women

see like this faggot right here , he likens it to welfare rather than simple biology


Hit every nigger you see on the street.

I just don't understand why not Asians or South Americans(Brazilians,Argentinians,Urugay)
Always niggers it's 2018 africa still a shithole and they pop out everywhere like rats.

you crusade.

It's not really a problem, most niggers in Eastern Europe are temp exchange students.

Most women don't like them, the ones that due are prodtitue tier.

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Stop letting the Russians bring their national and social (and literal) poisons.

He's kinda saying the same thing you are though.

Whites don't just adapt to their environment. They adapt their environment to them.
They have created an environment that is comfortable for them to live in.
Unfortunately they have also made it comfortable for their competitors to live in as well.

He's saying that Whites should make their environment less comfortable for their competitors.

WTF? Brazilian are niggers too.

I'm tired of niggers. These are white countries.

Nobody gives 2 shits about the few we have in my country,they have a wife/family,etc
But nobody gives a single fuck about em they are seen as every other man.
But this migrant niggers are really getting on my nerves.Drug sellers,violent,wellfare fucks that normal people pay for.
Unleash the gypsies on em.

White or brownish ones,Brazil can keep the crows.

no whites need to make it uncomfortable for themselves, then they will stop being so altruistic

even then, Russia has a migrant problem as well and look at how much of a shit hole it is. you either have group preference or you don't. if you fail to protect your own, you lose your reproductive rights - aka your right to exist.

That shit may work in California or other sunny US parts you may live in.
Try one Russian winter and you will be cured of your stupidity.

No gibs me dats for immigrants. If you don't pay them they won't come. Also taxing the fuck out of banks on remittance fees would help discourage them from supporting it. The banks are raking in the cash on money getting sent back to the third world. That's a big part of why they want more immigration. It's a massive national wealth siphon and the bank gets the top cut.

Attached: gibs me dats.jpg (1024x692, 194K)

Then get your ass kicked like a naughty litle wh*te boi

You're an idiot. North Dakota gets colder than Russia and there's lots of nigger migrants going there and Minnesota. Tons of Somalis in Minnesota.

Not to mention NYC, Chicago and Detroit

Why should we? Its nice to see eastern europe finnaly recover from communism and join the rest of the developed world. The fact that a nation has imigrants is a by product of its wealth and well being.

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Eastern Europeans are barely human anyways.

You brought us in. We've been here for centuries. We are european/american now and have been for generations. Fuck off.

>obvious nationalist
Pick one.

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Why should Russia become diverse if it had nothing to do with colonialism?

fuckin Jews

Yet they kick your asses in almost every sport if given the same advantages/money as a nigger from

Then take em to Israel,you morons have none there.And you are wealthier than most Eastern European countries.

>No gibs me dats for immigrants. If you don't pay them they won't come.
This, they dont come here to live on the streets.

whenever the USA gets into your politics . Every time.

One nigger can give AIDS to 20 Slavs a month.

It is over.