Don’t blame women for being human

Check your male privilege user.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Someone post it that classic pls

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This is retarded.

With pleasure!

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thx, based snake!

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i'm actually surprised by that headline. I would have expected them to go with the 'one bad apple' explanation like :Asia Argento proves that one woman is flawed.

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That phone must be gross as fuck

degenerates like you belong on a cross

>being human
Women can be pedophiles just like men.
human beings = pedophiles
Thanks, Bari (((Weiss)))

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Every time I hear a Uni girl talk about feminism, I want to throw up in their faces.
Men need to get organized already in the western world and 'rape' these holes back into their space.
It was never, NEVER about equality !!!!!!!!!!!!

But Roy Moore is a piece of shit for hitting on 16 year olds back when it was accepted. If not for old perverts how many of us would be here?

>no gender has a monopoly on hypocrisy or harm

Why are we mad again? Am I misunderstanding her or is this rational and exactly what we've been saying the entire time?

Thanks for reminding us Asia. It's so easy to forget :)

>what we've been saying the entire time?

i think the implication is still that 'sexual abuse' however its conveniently defined this week is still 99% the fault of males.

i mean, the left has already stressed that pedos are this is actually striking consistency for them

this is actually a good article

most feminists think society would be less corrupt if women were in charge

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pic related

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>"Are male babies human? They also don't contribute to culture/civilization!"
>Babies are not the topic. But thank you for comparing women to babies.
My sides.

Good joke

who hurt you

>not posting the original

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>who hurt you

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human (see monster)- A prodigious birth; a human birth or offspring not having the shape of mankind, which cannot be heir to any land, albeit it be brought forth in marriage. Bract fol. 5; Co. Litt. 7, 8; 2 Bl. Comm. 246

This incelence will not stand.

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Men, look at the women around you.
Look at your sisters and mothers.
Look at your wives and daughters.
Understand your nature as a man.

If the women you associate with, vote democrat, they are voting against your progress. They are saying that you are not worth anything to them and all they need is the state. Remove your masculine protections from these women. Cut them from your life like the cancer they are.

Divorce leftist women.
Disown leftist daughters.
Emancipate yourself from leftist mothers.

Do not teach women.
Do not mentor women.
Do not work for women

Ask them about their politics but do not reveal yourself. Out them. Rout them. Throw them down and remove their status. Leftist women are against the species. Leftist women are no longer human.

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I agree but not about the left/right thing. If anyone votes or thinks voting changes anything they are an enemy regardless if they know it or not.

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Wait what happened I'm outta the loop

OH NO I'M FALLING! -literally throws popcorn bucket in the air-

Ohhhhhh so ok so its just natural behavior for you to act like a damn whore ,,,, k you remember that the next time you get cat called or stared at by a guy for wearing a slut outfit womyn ,
men are only human too

Only mildly grosser than any other phone

>A man does it
"All men are rapists."
>A woman does it
>"She's only human."

that's the joke

Um kys sweetie ok thx buh by :)

Art!! Bidding starts at $10,000.

Translation: I’m hurt

Asia Argentino proves once again feminism is a jewish construct when used in first world countries where hating women for their actions, and not their gender gets you persecuted. If the world was just we'd noose her, and Harvey with nylon.

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exactly. Just as socialist as labour - if not more so. Inherited the national debt without question and left a national debt for the next guy.

It doesnt matter who you vote for, they just inherit the debt from the previous administration and pretend that they have a budget

Cutting taxes as much as possible puts money directly back into the pockets of white men.
No substitute should be accepted.
Shut the government down.
Cut the budget and empower white men in the process.

White men pay far far far more into the system than they ever get out of it. Start with the "arts". Just ignore any counter message, don't even respond with anything but... slash the budget, cut deep, stab the heart out of public entitlements and staunch the flow of white lifeblood capital going to the leeching masses of minorities and women.

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Upvote. Please turn this into pasta if it isn't already. I always instinctively acted on this principle. Anyone that votes for or holds leftist views is my mortal enemy. Like rare precious jewels, radical right wing girls do exist and they should be celebrated but still held with a watchful eye to ensure the succubus demon within remains tamed.

It all goes back to the cave, anons.

We are evolutionarily the same as our Upper Paleolithic ancestors.

It is a woman's responsibility to stay chaste.

No man wants a woman who has ever cheated on her bf, ever. Just as no man wants a whore as a wife or gf.

A man ejaculates like a million sperm a shot and then makes more immediately.

A woman is BORN with all the eggs she will ever have. Ever.

Evolution teaches man to spread his biological genes and a woman to conserve hers for her mate, lest her mate leave her and her brood in the cold of the cave to starve to death. No caveman wanted to raise another caveman's kid as his own. Wise cavewomen knew to be faithful. Or else.

Now the slut culture has perverted a woman's behavior. But not her biology.

See below:

Go to 11:35 and listen for 2 minutes, at least.

Popp knows, anons..

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Be kind to women

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Women are mailboxes.

she needs to have a baby, and her denial of it is driving her crazy

REMINDER that Heather Heyer would still be alive if some niggers hadn’t decided to chimp out over some gay, irrelevant old statue.

White men are human too.

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Most of your post makes sense, really. But not the part about dis-associating myself with my daughter and Mom.

>Divorce leftist women.
Did that. Glad I did.

>Disown leftist daughters.
Won't disown my kid, even if she is polluted by her evil Mother.

>Emancipate yourself from leftist mothers.
Mom isn't left or right. But if she were left, I wouldn't

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I cant stop watching this.
How does someone spaz out this hard. Just watch her feet. Was she getting stung by bees or something?

Heather Hays deserves better than the life she has.

Gives me sads.

>women can be rapists and liars too!
>yaaaasss kweeen

I feel like this is how it read. Especially juxtaposed with the black power pose pic.

It's not "her" denial, it's put into her head by peers and producers. 19 year-olds never decide on their maturity by themselves, it's purely society regulated.

Laws for thee but not for me.


Feminists are outraged at this article.

I explained already.
You're not paying taxes if your nation is in trillions in debt like yours and mine are. There are no budgets if your nation is trillions in debt. Any taxes will go 100% to paying off the interest on the loan. and they'll print more to pay themselves to "work" for the nation.

Its a scam.

Figure it out

You guys can stop 'saving' her

She's selling her replica pussy on twitter right now.

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>that look in the last panel

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yeah - its hypnotic. and amusing

>So you mean some (((marketers))) are making money off of her private parts.

Weep for Hannah

Hannah not Heather

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1. Daughters of single mothers.

Often means Daddy issues. And a mother who was dating a lot because Daddy was gone. Daughter grows up dealing with lots of tears and angst from a perpetually dumped Mom. And no good male supervision / role model. Some daughters of single mothers escape this (grandpa strong in her life; or a really good and stable stepfather before her wild years, maybe).

> #2. cutters

> #3. women with tattoos and eccentric piercings

> #4. women who have ever had an eating disorder

2-4 are self explanatory

> #5. Women who have had more than 5 lovers.

Studies have shown that a woman's ability to pairbond drops off significantly if she has had more than this. Which coincidentally matches Grandma's common-sense advice. Sad to say, but she is almost certainly worthless as a wife if she has had more than 5 lovers.

> #6. Redheads.

Hands down this one is the most controversial. To me it makes no sense, but I have never a redhead. Also, this probably refers to natural redheads.

> #7. Bi-sexuals.

Fun to sex with. A sheer disaster to marry. Avoid bisex women.

> #8. seems to be often about attention-seeking.

> #9. Weaboos and Wapanese.

Western women (even those who are genetically Asian) who live only to anime and Cosplay and who believe Asian culture to be superior in all ways

> #10. Victim women.

Not referring to women who have been victims, necessarily, but referring to women with a "victim mentality".

Women who need rescuing will carry that need with them from relationship to relationship. Do you want to get emotionally destroyed by that woodchipper?

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B-but I liked thatcher...

Anyone got a link to her nudes?

Maggie was the very best, user.

>Even though she didn't leave nudes

Pic unrelated.

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Of course.

Pic unrelated

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Oh, that's good then.

“We must bear it ever in mind that the woman who strives to get us the most inextricably into her captivity is certainly concealing flaws which would rapidly disgust us if we knew what they were…

Undress this idol of your soul, undress her…is it over these two crooked and stubby thighs you propose to rave? Or over this unclean, fetid gulf there they meet? Ah ha, its perhaps this apron of matted hairs hanging untidily between those same thighs that is due to fire your imagination…or else these two flaccid globes drooping flappily onto her naval? These are the wonders your mind battens on, and it is for their sake you sink yourself into a condition lower than the condition of an earthworm?

But what is this? I am mistaken? You are not attracted by any of this, that there are much finer qualities than these that spellbind you? Her personality? It is that traitorous cunning character, those perpetual dishonesties, that lying tongue, that shrewish scolding tone, this voice like a cat’s? Or this whorishness, or this prudery, for woman spends her life in the one or the other of those two extremes. This calumny, this spitefulness, this contrariness, this witless inconsequence, ever nagging, caviling, cawing stupidity…

Oh, my brothers, contemplate a little the host of sorrows passion brings in its wake, the cruel maladies caused by the sufferings it gives, the material expenditures, the loss as well of sleep, of ease, of appetite, of health, the obligatory renunciation of all other pleasures; realizing the gigantic sacrifices it entails, and profiting from all these examples, do as the prudent helsman who steers not for the reef littered with hulks of a thousand shattered vessels.”

I named our horse Maggie in part because she was calm and dominant like Thatcher with the other ones

She’s a biiig gurl, pic related

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Remind me why Jow Forums hates islam so much??

You ever meet someone just like yourself? It grates on you.

Because sandniggers haven't heard of strictly enforced monogamy.

She's a child-grooming rapist and she belongs in prison.

we are allowed multiple wives but no one can afford it and the ones that can are too smart to go for it.

she seems massive. strong horse

Are you guys trying to be retarded?
Every person in that video pays taxes, yes, but are also paid in tax revenue! So where does the difference come from? They just print it. Thatcher was on the same payroll as labour and as welfare/benefits recipients. They are all socialist leeches regardless of what colour tie they wear

good grief i wanna fuck the iron lady

Is she in prison yet? What happened to all the pedo hunters?

Noice. The stronger the family is, the stronger a civilization will be.

Why is everyone bringing up the author’s name? Why’s it relevant?

>we are allowed multiple wives but no one can afford it and the ones that can are too smart to go for it.

Haha! Pretty funny, user.

"If a man steals your wife, the best revenge is to let him keep her."

Approachable too, she’s been semi feral her whole life, so she’s barely been touched by humans, which makes her follow us around like a duckling.

She’s one of the few competent women I have genuinely had no sexual thoughts about. My father saw her personally as a comms worker for the presidential staff, and she impressed him with her confidence and fondness for Reagan.

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"You thought that you were cucking me, but congratulations, that bitch is YOUR problem now!"

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Why is that?

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>>Jow Forums is down the hall and to the left

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Have you even had a look at r9k these days?

Truer words were never spoken.

When women do bad things, it isn't bad.

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Being forced on your 18th birthday to register to be drafted into a war under penalty of law is now a privelage.

>pink yarmulke