Idea: List all the arguments the MSM/Left have been using over the last week or so...

Idea: List all the arguments the MSM/Left have been using over the last week or so, then we organize the counter-arguments into easily share-able info graphics to spread on twitter and elsewhere. Add on a few redpills most of the public wouldn't be aware of.

The ones I can think of so far:
>"the murder-rate for White farmers is the same as or lower than the one for the general population"
>"there is no racial motivation, they're just robberies"
>"land isn't being taken, it's a myth"
Please add any more you've come across Personally, I think leaving the semantic argument about the word "Genocide" out of it for now would be wise, as it just distracts from the arguments about what is actually happening. How do people feel about that?

Now the redpills to add:
>the difference between Bantu and Khoisans
>the length of time the Whites have been there compared to the Bantu, and compared to how long Whites have been in North America and Australia
>The late 80s Amnesty International report on the ANC's use of torture, which shows many similar methods to those being used to torture White farmers
>the "kill the boer" song being sung by political leaders
>crime rates under apartheid compared to now
>the possibility of Chinese economic interest being a factor
Please add anything else you can think of.

Over the next few days we can create an effective counter to the MSM's propaganda, by showing where their claims wrong, listing sources, providing images, etc... Make it into a easily digestible info-graphic that can be quickly spread around the net.

Come on lads, this is what we do well.

Attached: 1519784714290.png (930x1060, 333K)

Other urls found in this thread:

I don't have a whole lot of time to devote to this myself, unfortunately, but I hope by putting the idea out there we can share the workload.

For reference, here is the Snopes page declaring it a "false" White-Supremacist conspiracy theory

Also pic related is from another thread, which might be useful.

Attached: Stats.png (673x222, 19K)

Come on cunts. Do I have to post lewds?

Attached: 1535216698113.jpg (576x1024, 99K)


its sad that a great operation idea like this gets slid.. thats why shills are trying to shit this place up, to stop good ideas like this

>Whites outside of SA don't care about South African Whites, they just want to use the political problems there to push their own political agendas domestically
So if White people object to the rampant murder and disenfranchisement of other White people, it's automatically racist. Thanks for clearing that up for us. I'll be sure to let every White person I know that humanitarian sentiment is to be reserved only for those who have a different skin color than themselves, otherwise they might run afoul morality police such as yourself who will remind them that their only possible motivation for expressing disapproval and concern over ethnic cleansing is in fact part of a grand "White nationalist" conspiracy.

Attached: reddit_its_racist_to_care_about_whites_in_sa.png (1699x790, 161K)

thanks mate. meanwhile there's been about 100 threads about Alex Jones today

One you can add is that all "stats" are invalid as the police don't put down the race of a "murder" victim. They admit to 20,000 murders in the last year conveniently leaving out ethnicity.

Cheers. Will add.

645 page PDF of all S.African Farm Murders from 1994-2012 with lots of pictures and links starting on page 54. Pdf

Video describing some farm murders:

Attached: saf.jpg (917x845, 235K)