Human Resources (HR)

Why does this exist?

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Because women wanted a job

HR exists to extend the Marxist-Leninist infiltration of academa into corporations such that academia can pull down corporations from the inside using adapted social engineering tactics.

>LGBTXYZ community now competing for HR jobs


t. small business owner

On paper, they're there to make sure the company complies with employment and labor law and resolve disputes between workers.
Somewhere along the way, they bloated into sexual harassment, diversity quotas, and how nonconfrontational pussies handle coworkers being annoying instead of having to talk directly to someone.

Pointless busy work for women and faggots.


It's also important to say they "wanted" a job, not "needed" a job.

You could also say because (((social engineers))) wanted women to have that job. But that's splitting hairs FPBP

It exists because single mothers who went to college online need jobs, too

well as it has pointed out in most of the post in this thread, HR only exists because women are too weak and stupid to hack it in a real, organic/competitive work environment and as such they really have no place there

what baffles me is how often women have zero psychological capacity to self-reflect on what a detriment they are to the work places they show up to, and when they do understand that they're dragging down everyone around them they're okay with it because they enjoy engaging in passive aggressive behavior due to their deeply ingrained sense of malice and hatred towards people who are superior to them, which are always men.

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HR professional here. You faggots don’t know what most of an HR department does, do you?

Absorb this answer, you won’t find better.

Well at first we wanted to call it goy cattle but the PR guy said we should settle for something more politicly correct

Be useless cunts

Gay satanic orgies

most of the hr department goes across the street and eats mcdonalds ice cream cones for 4 hours a day because you worthless shits can't be fired

Because big companies only think of you as a resource. Thus you are a "human resource".

Sit on your asses?
Collect paychecks?
Get normal people fired?
Get freaks on the company floor making everyone uncomfortable and less productive?
Empower the weakest and least productive of us to underperform?

Please enlighten me as to what exactly it is you do. I’ll wait.

Workforce analytics.

For when you get harassed for being a white male

to give employees a central contact to settle internal disputes
unfortunately the whole thing got completely ruined by feminism and women's quotas

Be overpaid to sit on your ass and make everyone else’s lives harder while you sit in your ivory tower.

even a brain dead, glue huffing mexican can analyze the strengths and weaknesses of workforce. the reason why people like you are universally hated is because you're overpaid to do the simplest job in the world: figure out who your most worthless employee is, and then fire them.

you people do the opposite of that. you find out who the worst worker is and then embolden, make them untouchable from honest critique and allow them to terrorize the rest of the workforce with their new-found powers of invulnerability. you are sabotaging the very workplaces you claim to be improving and everyone loathes you for it. walk safely through that parking lot chum.

Why can't they be fired?

>400 lb diet coke sipping HR bitch waits like 3 weeks to give me benefits
>turns out that benefits really start on day one, meaning I owe the company money for not getting benefits on day one
>benefits cost tripled for next 2 paycheks

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state enforced racial hire quotas, also business's get huge tax breaks for hiring drug addicted, freshly released ex-cons.... it turns everything into a living hell for normal people that just want to show up, do the job and get the hell out

My abusive pathetic manager who has literally broken laws and is one of the pettiest pieces of shit is getting fired due to us complaining to HR. Although I think they only got off their asses because since he's taken over we've had 10 people quit in the last 4 months

It makes perfect evolutionary sense.
Men who didn't feel guilty for not providing resources to the tribe did not reproduce.
Women didn't need to provide resources to the tribe, they just needed to raise the kids and navigate the social hierarchy.

That could mean a whole lot of anything. To me it sounds like making sure the company has a legal defense for why different groups are not equal while still sounding politically correct.

cultural marxism

This. HR was created for women and minorities and as the bureaucracy has grown, so have the responsibilities assigned to it. The bureaucracy is expanding to meet the needs of the expanding bureaucracy.

Jesus Christ user, how can they fuck up like that but you end up getting the bill? Why isn't the company you work for paying for their mistake?

They are always women and they are always fat and they are always incompetent. Nothing will ever change.

They exist solely to ask me questions that they could have easily gotten answered by actually reading my resume, but then they would actually have to try hard at the job, so they continue to make me bash my head through a wall whenever I have the displeasure of their company.

>mfw Im the one who creates the quarterly excelfile that gets magapedes and boomers fired or written warnings because they kpis are too low
>mfw I have no face

germany has magapedes?

Sucking dick?

So sucking dick...


Human resources exist to push the feminist and anti-white agenda. They exist to put pressure on americans to conform to corporate standards which are defined by the global banking cabal which has inserted itself into boardrooms across america and has an extensive influence on placement of executives within corporate America. It serves to mandates collegiate education thus advance bankers stranglehold on the American public through unforgivable debt, which makes Americans dependent of corporate employment and thus beholden to the arbitrary rules set by HR departments. Over the years these rules have advanced indoctrination forcing various employee training as a requisite for employment such as sexual harassment training, racial sensitivity, gender sensitivity, they ensure equal compensation all the while pushing out doctored statistics to further the false narrative of unfair compensation for females.

They exist as part of the machine which makes you a slave to debt and extra-governmental masters.

HR exists to minimize cost of human resources for the company. Real HR isn't run by women because its important and hard to get right. For example good HR will know not to hire hot women in an office full of incels because it will distract the incels. Also HR heads most lawsuits off at the pass if they are good at manipulating people into agreeing to a settlement that is cheaper for the company. Also dealing with insurance contracts is a full time job and greatly impacts the bottom line.

Lawyers are expensive but the nanny state makes something like them necessary. So corporate entities have their lawyers draft up legally safe methods of doing HR type stuff over a wide area so they don't have to pay so many lawyers

recent psych grad here who needs to get a job for at least a couple years before being able to just have kids and stay home. HR seemed comfy to try to get into and possible to bullshit a reason why psychology is relevant. what would be a better option with a bs in psychology thats not minimum wage?

When I have to keep selecting that I am a non-Hispanic White person at the end of every job application I feel like I am signing my own entry into the trash bin. Is this at all accurate? I honestly feel like I could easily jsut be making excuses for myself for not putting out enough resumes but the process seems pretty "reverse" "oppressive" at this point.

The 3rd Reich didn't have an HR department.

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Do you believe they might be the beginning of a resurgence of nationalism similar to Nat Soc. without the insanity of the Third Reich? I wonder how muich furthur thye public that makes up "the Matrix" will be pushed until they are on board.

Just don't answer the question. Or select other and write in American.

but then there is the 3d observation that standing out might be seen as a problem to some HR or employers. They are truly afraid of smart people it seems.

Because your chad middle manager keeps violating labor laws.
keeps paying equally skilled people different amounts based on how much he likes them
keeps telling them they can't ask their co-workers how much they make
and keeps firing them when they complain about these violations.

Also doing payroll is too simple to pay your accountant to do it. So you have him check HRs work instead.

None of you know what HR is, because you are perfect goys who don't even know basic workers rights. Since you never notice them being violated and contact HR. the only time you speak with HR is when you violate the workplace guidlines you also didnt read.

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not really no. they have the whole refugee thing going for them but their politics are generally shit. like tax cuts for the rich etc. etc.

Post gossip on SharePoint?

I said what EXACTLY you do. Walk me through a day in the life friendo. Tell me about how much of an impact you make on the bottom line. Tell me what would happen if your department did not exist in your company.

>HR regurgitating their own feces
Do you guys really think you're that special? That your job is difficult and that nobody understands what it is you do? You guys sound like retards trying to convince everyone else they're not retarded.

its better than going straight into the trash, and sometimes standing out as different might get you that interview, HR might assume taht you selected that because you were black or hispanic and wanted to obscure chances against "white privilege" weeding you out.

See they assume whites pick white because they assume you will choose to use your "privilege" to your advantage.

HR manager here. This guy has it mostly right. The purpose of HR is largely to avoid the filing of suits against the company. Those suits can come from the company's own employees, but they can also come from the government if the company is not treating its employees or the employees' environment correctly (such as properly verifying ability to work in our country).

Aside from that, a lesser recognized but very important part of HR is also the focus on recruiting and keeping talent. It's very difficult to find people that can perform a job well, and equally difficult to stop them from going to other companies. Depending on the company, HR may launch recruiting efforts, training efforts, company culture change efforts, health promotion efforts, etc., etc., all for the purpose of getting talent and keeping employees working well.

Most people focus on the public-facing side of HR since usually their experience with HR is the discipline acting as a watchdog and internal police force, but HR actually tackles a wide variety of work.

I dont work in HR, I work in data analytics.

But I am a big workers rights guy, so I spend a ton of time arguing with HR over fair practices.

If you are a tradie and don't know your rights, you are fucked.

Every HR circumstance I've ever seen was a cesspool of nepotism with absolutely zero support for those angry dudes doing the best they can to keep it all from falling apart despite your best efforts.


daycare for women but they get paid

Also HR. In our company, a fortune 200, our HR department is over 1000 people. The "front" facing part of it is probably only 1/5 to 1/4 of it. The rest no one know about and/or doesn't realize it's importance and duties for the company.

Fuck you and everything about you. HR is another name for rat fuck bastards who commoditize people but say they are there for the employee. Never EVER talk to HR for one second after you are hired. Filthy disgusting rats, avoid them like rhino herpes