User, did you know you are NOT user at all?

You cannot post using Tor.
You cannot post using a VPN.

There are cameras in the public libraries, and a credit card needed at the coffee shop.

So user, do you feel safe posting all those red pills?

Chimpmania and Voat are more user.

Attached: nwo.jpg (500x453, 23K)

Other urls found in this thread:

You dont scare me commie.
Ive been challenging you fags to dox me for three years.
Still waiting

Because I'm not afraid.

The trick is to not mind it.

Literally am posting from my phone. That's because this site is satire hosted on a different continent and my countries laws don't recognise posting stuff online as valid intention for anything at all. By stating here at the bottom of the page that all my posts are my creation and belong to me personally you have created a bubble for me due to the absolute freedom of speech in America thus further reinforcing the immunity the laws that my country provide for me.

Afraid of sharing information?
What are you, some kind if faggot afraid to hear your own voice

Fuck off CIA, you don't scare me. You can't stop me from posting the truth!

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If you run your vpn on a private server you can post faggot

sauce? can highlight by member to see connections?

Most VPS servers are blocked too. Almost all of them are.

the government knows who I am

I'm not afraid anymore

Attached: image.jpg (640x640, 34K)

We say the same things in public that we post here in Dixie, I’m more afraid of dishonor and cowardice

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its an oldschool chart lad if you could see the CFR and TC one it would be far bigger

I'm using a VPN right now.

Strength in numbers and plausible deniability.

they have backdoors at hardware level
privacy never existed.
but it doesn't really matter at this point
they have lost

it's all a joke.

How have they lost when they control everything?

>So user, do you feel safe
I make other people feel unsafe.
What do you think of this interview?
A real intellectual Crowley & P.Hall Mason cum guzzler disciple right?
Wowie he even likes based Berserk
Wowie he has even read "The Kybalion"

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I'm probably already on a list. I don't care at this point. Everything i say here is just venthg ing and banter anyway. Nice try at scaring us tho.

>not a secret just none of your le business

go fuck yourself illuminati

Attached: 911-planes.jpg (400x414, 52K)

It would be the most ridiculous case ever, if all the posts were to be read in court.
Nobody would take it seriously in a way or another.
I would personally make sure all my /b/ and /x/-posts and -threads would be examined with care.


Don't care, fuck off nigger.

All good stuff from the guy that did the 9 11 video

They don't control everything. There will always be weak points and things that are outside their control. They just think they do because they're arrogant. A person's entire world can change in an hour based on things they never thought possible or thought were minor.

What are they going to do? Ruin my life?

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>It would be the most ridiculous case ever, if all the posts were to be read in court.

It would be damn near shakespearean

Attached: stop-my-penis-can-only-get-so-erect.jpg (1280x720, 142K)

>You cannot post using Tor.
>You cannot post using a VPN.
Thank you for confirming that this board has been overrun by computer-illiterate neocon boomers.

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eat a bucket of AIDS, faggot
>in all fields

>It would be damn near shakespearean

>eat a bucket of AIDS, faggot

Attached: LaughinNice.gif (245x207, 2M)

Gypsies cant afford phones

Nigger faggot kike

Call the cops, I don't give a fuck

I need to be on more watchlists because I didn't get enough attention as a child and the government is my only source of getting it because im a neet.

Attached: 39263791_2456491091243999_379021397764079616_n.png (688x387, 180K)

>Miranda rights? Sorry, never heard of her son.

Attached: CIA-Agents-Like-Entrepreneurs.jpg (250x184, 8K)

Right, it would be absolutely hysterical.

I shitpost on the toilet while eating my snots

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Also this is a satire website you absolute mong

They post on all the 14 daily pic-pocketed phones.

If that's true.
Then what is it satirizing?

Supposedly Jow Forums servers are hosted in UTAH provided by some company that sub contracts for the NSA. I wouldn't be surprised if chans are honeypots.


How about grow a pair of fucking balls and stop hiding like a pussy manipulative commie bitch.

What the actual fuck do you think is going to happen? You think the fucking CIA is going to just make you disappear? You know how many fucking people they'd have to do that to on these boards? You think that wouldn't raise a few eyebrows?

Fucking faggot fuck off with this paranoid bullshit bait. They can't even do a simple deplatforming of anyone from the internet anymore without 100s of thousands of people finding out about it. Fuck your watch lists. Clearly at this point simply being on one almost solidifies getting away anything ranging from """hate crimes""" to literally shooting children in school.

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Hey faggots, they don't care about you incel anons, what they are after is the tiny minority of actual legit whistleblowers on Jow Forums. There are clues that Assange, Snowden posted on Jow Forums. If Q is not a disinfo larp, they surely are trying to get him too. Also celebs who redpilled us about pedowood.

People like you who take the world too seriously

burner phone , faggot

Why would you need a credit card at a coffee shop?

Broo, when you're a schizo you might care. IDGAF, I used to post the same "redpills" on FB and Twitter, they just ban you. THEY CANT DO SHIT TO YOU FOR SPREADIN THE TRUTH.

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cus Jow Forums doesn't afraid of anything

What? you think what I said is wrong in any way whatsoever?

Based degenerate

No, that's not true, I don't believe it Neo.
>It's true Morpheus all the levels of irony and shitposting were just another layer of control brought to you in part by the CIA and viewers like you who take everything too seriously.

Attached: afp4u.jpg (800x339, 66K)

Most of the people here are legit (sadly) complete retards.

you cannot hide the truth, and i won't ever stop speaking it. you have no power here.

Attached: marching.gif (360x250, 984K)

Whats the big deal about shitposting on a 12D underwater basketweaving forum?

The average peacock when exposed to turpentine, reacts in a manner more befitting the subject than the dispenser.

Attached: invisibles8.png (220x778, 308K)

>can't comprehend jack shit
>literally posts comics and anime as responses

Weekend fag detected

Can you explain more clearly? I spik no englaise.

duh, you aren't user even if you have tor behind a dozen proxies

>So user, do you feel safe posting all those red pills?
100% just doing my duty

S-shit none of this was anonymous?

Ooo, so scared! Fuck off.

You can be completely off the grid and they will find you

>implying I've ever tried hiding myself
Don't get me wrong I'm probably the second most paranoid human on earth.

Yea people know you came in that book and left it on the shelves

they ONLY post from phones because their mud hut only has enough voltage to charge a phone, not a pc

If every person who says Jews NWO Niggerfaggot Heil Hitler Gas the Kikes Race War Now gets b& and v& they'll run out of mods and drivers

Should've invested in psi-scrambler tech rather than a cuck bunker

are you threatening me alphabetfag?

Synchronizing timelines of the past and done with future fun and cutting donuts on a dime. For it is the word whose utterance is multiple. Dead actors faking lines, over and over again they cry.
Pulling hats out of rabbits asses. All before SNL.

Is it code?
Or is it just a culturally recognized delirium?
Everyone loves a good spy movie.
Things are getting so complicated and people are assigning so many arbitrary meaning that you can spew nonsense and some spook in a suit will think you are a sleeper.

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To be fair, I am not afraid of my Jow Forums posting.
But my /mlp/ posting....

Life is a Joke. I like this game. They want to make you believe that you are worthless. But the truth is simple and it will set you free.

>flat earth

Celestia forgives but she never forgets

Attached: Eye of Q vs Providence Eye.jpg (2000x2000, 3.11M)

May sunbutt be fair on her judgement, bother

Do we care? I don't.
Then again, I live in the greatest country the world has ever seen. We have freedom of speech, including hate speech and indecent speech. It doesn't matter if the NSA has my dick pics.

The Jow Forums servers were moved from Texas to California in August 2008, which upgraded the maximum bandwidth throughput of Jow Forums from 100Mbit/s to 1Gbit/s. Forums

your not going to be user when bullets start flying
your not going to be user if you do nothing and these commies march you into a death camp.

red pill like your life depended on it
because it does

Attached: ahchristianfull.jpg (1076x703, 428K)

god you're a fucking queer

>There are cameras in the public libraries, and a credit card needed at the coffee shop.
Are you retarded?
t. posting from vpn, don't report pls


i dont know, maybe my other post just before this one

He stole it from me, it's alright

There are cameras in your brain

metaphorical of course.
it's nanotech that records what you see in real time.

Hey, you're all fucking faggots.

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>not hiding a rasberry pi in the bathroom of the library and using a yagi antenna to access the internet from 2 miles away
never gonna make it


>user, did you know you are NOT user at all?

to be user you need just to look like a normie
if you look uniform, you are not special

IPv4 CGN is enought to hide

Only pussies use VPN when posting on Jow Forums

I dunno what this means but its supposed to make Colon Lodged Masons mad.
Step outside the circle?
Step out of the circle of dick to ass fucking circle?

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I'm vaguely aware. Oh well.

What coffee shop requires a credit card?

Hey you!

If you were a zombie, how would you know?
Being braindead and all.

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We will fuck your life