Should there be a sugar levy?

E.g. Cornflakes only have 8 percent sugar in them while Choko Pops have like 35 percent sugar in them.

A Fanta has 11grams per 100ml... a mineral watered apple juice has like 4grams.


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Soon enough you can be arrested for having these baggies in UK.

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hfcs is poison. 60+ grams of sugar per soda is insane

no there should be a sugar ban no wonder people are fat and retarded

>Another Fanta promotion
Fuck off with your Kraut piss-soda already, no one wants this shit.

If you don't like the taste. Don't buy the product.

Nah, just fine fat people.

Only for products that combine sugar and fat. Sugar is fine in isolation, it prevents diabetes. Fat is fine in isolation too.

I miss real Bru

Attached: 021095-Irn-Bru-can.jpg (600x600, 46K)


We have one in the bongistan. Just means the rich can drink sugary drinks and the poor get poisoned with artificial sweeteners. The only winner here is big pharma

Fanta is bright yellow for a reason, darky mutt.

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>MORE taxes
No fuck off and die.

Stop fucking taxing us.

Taxes won't do shit.

What changed? They replaced real sugar with artificial stuff? Love me some Bru, but I try to avoid fizzy pop whenever possible.

They took out half the sugar and replaced it with aspartame

Loving all that ((( VIBRANT DIVERSITY )))

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Only if it's equal, everything with added or excess sugar, not just another soda tax.
I see California is close to passing a law that removes soda from kids' menus in restaurants, but nothing about desserts.

they already had a sugar free

Imagine why so many want universal healthcare. They should at least be charged more for being unhealthy.

fuck I love euro fanta, american fanta is such garbage. Luckily I know a place that sells euro fanta around me.

Isn’t it the same shit?

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I'd rather see an annual BMI tax.

Countless products are sugar free. Therefore your post is extremely low quality and you're a faggot.

Let the boomers have their Otter Pops, ok?

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It should be illegal to market high sugar products to children. Sugar is a drug and is dangerous in the high quantities seen in children's cereals, drinks, and snacks. Ending the obesity and diabetes crisis is this simple.

dang. I wonder if Bru we have over here is exported (like Dr.Pepper) or "homemade". Next time I'll crave for Bru, I'll check the contents. No labeled "sugar free"m that's for sure.

Only if it's part of a logically consistent legislative package, anything else can be dismissed as reactionary, discriminatory or suspect.

fanta in America is a lot sweeter and more orange

Attached: fanta.jpg (1600x1600, 89K)

Oi don't be a booger, bin that sugar

>exported (like Dr.Pepper)
Sorry, I meant "imported".

Sugar is not a drug, neither does it cause diabetes. You fell for the jewish memes.

>fizzy pop
I like you

there should be a tax incentive for suggar beverage, so fatties can feast and finally kill themselves.

Wow that's crazy orange.

what a racist tax that will hit niggers and spics the most

Yes, the government should have even more control over what we do in our lives.. next up.. what we think

>fizzy pop
Fizzy pop is the HIGHEST iq variation of this term.

>Should we siphon more money from the people and give it to the government so they have even better financial power over the people
Yeah, sure why the fuck not. While we are at it just tax all my income and they have some civil worker decide how much I get back in the mail.

we dont put sugar in our sodas, we use high fructose corn syrup. its why "mexican" coke tastes so much better, they use actual cane sugar.
well i suppose if you enjoy our soda, then good on you because real sugar soda costs way more

Have you taken your Joy today?

yeah how about just education so people dont drink the shit. i havent had a soda in over a year. but theres no time for education here inbetween holohoax classes and shooting drills to traumatize the kids