do any anons have some nigger encounter stories that made them hate shit-skins?
Do any anons have some nigger encounter stories that made them hate shit-skins?
Was taking the Liberal pill, then joined the the USMC. At first i took the CivNat pill until i started to notice behaviors of blacks in the military. I went libertarian and now im natsoc.
In about 4 years i went from good goy to anuddah shoah
>be me
>be white
>have white gf
>found her one day riding the bbc
>unironically nazi now
>browse Jow Forums
>be me
>first day of kindergarten
>end of day
>ask someone what nigger means
>overheard by 2nd grade nigger
>kicks my ass over six blocks back to my house
>mammy egging him on
>tell him to beat dat honkey's ass
>spend next week in bed recovering from bruises
>school won't do shit
>long gaming the extermination of the negro race ever since
>Black kid I grew up with no dad.
>Make friends as young kids
>Help him fix bike because he has not dad to help
In middle school uses our previous friendship to ambush me in an alley.
I did see him recently out on parole. I waved at him from my $100k car.
Was grocery shopping once and I saw a nigger
ruined my day
I was returning home on a Tram and I saw 2 nigresses blurp to each other in their retarded jungle tongue(one of them had her dreadlocks weaved into a cylinder on her head) and they were nudging/bumping into a woman with her baby stroller, which made rage, so I yelled at them for being barbaric niggers, then they promptly left the the tram at the next stop
>be me
>first day of i think 8th grade
>sitting in class
>chimp sits next to me
>he smells like shit, unironically
>go through an hour of smelling this shitskin
had to be my worst school experience
>be me
>be in lybia
>job is to load africans into bats to be transported into europe
>a huge horde of sudan niggers arrive
>we cram in as much as possible on the raft
>me and menahem start hitting them with shovels to flatten them so there is more space on the boat.
>that SATTUM accidently smashed one of the groid heads too hard.
>blood all over my clothes.
Fucking arab bitch at the dry cleaner charged me 10 dynars for my suit.