How screwed am I? Found a job in edmonton area alberta. How are the public schools in the area? Is the city proper shitty like other big cities or a little better? Is it a good choice?
Moving to canada
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Also would like to know about how other alberta cities are like calgary if any user knows.
calgary is filled with horny sluts but im from sask
I know if you go far up north like down to Fort Mcmurray there ain't too many chink, but there is literally nothing to do.
alberta is the most based province but the progressiveness will still suprise you
you're screwed
Edmonton is fine as long as you stay away from the drugs and retarded people.
>calgary is filled with horny sluts
I expect the cities would be kind of progressive
Alberta is the Texas of the North, we're the most conservative and based of the Canadians. That being said, we still have our lefty eggos. Join a gun club, meet some Canucks and try to send your kids to a private Christian school that isn't going to go in for all the gender bending queer shit the public's have started indoctrinating kids with.
Edmonton is ok, though I never liked it much. Lots of homeless and more run down than Calgary. My old stomping ground was Red Deer which is a decent small sized city.
Calgary is fine, its wealthier and more upscale than Edmonton, but smaller in terms of a cultural scene. Both are decent choices. Lots of small rural towns around too if you want a smaller community feel while living closer to a big city.