Based Poland
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So an MP from currently ruling party tells Swedes to get rid of currently ruling government. Can you get more stupid and undiplomatic than this?
First, fuck you. I am just glad most people in your country are not as flagrantly idiotic as you are.
>Pole advises Sweden to stop ruining their country with mass-immigration and non-whites
>oh my god how rude
go live in the middle east
but it's a matter of diplomacy, you hillbillies
Who is more based Poland or Hungary?
nationalists of poland: the person corresponding to instagram account "jonnymakeup" should be of interest of you. You should try to look up who his gramps was
He's not head of State, nor a member of the Government, he doesn't have to be diplomatic
Off yourself, now!
>He's not head of State, nor a member of the Government, he doesn't have to be diplomatic
he has to, because his views will be associated with that of the government. Getting with conflict over some issue that isn't in any way related to us is just total failure