Andddd another one down

you racists are losing. Another one bites the dust, at UNC no less

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part of me enjoys watching america destroy itself and another part of me feels remorse. Honestly though once America stops enforcing its diversity cuckolding on the world it'll become a better place. Sorry burgers.

You didn’t win anything. There is a law passed in North Carolina where it is illegal to tear down statues. They passed it after the retards in Durham tore down that one. The university is already announced that it is going to put up the statue with a protective barrier around it to make it more difficult to tear down and have warrants out for the rest of the students who tore it down. Furthermore violent mobs of apes that tear down and destroy places are just turning more Moderat whites over to the side of white nationalism. Keep it up please do

>democrats removing statues of democrats

Down the memory hole comrade

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did you say something antifamutt?

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lol at that fattie in the crack pipes matter t-shirt

personally i hope they keep doing this, and eventually topple the jefferson monument, that would probably be enough justification to slaughter them all

november 6th.
get out and VOTE VOTE VOTE
for the keks.

these are false flags instigated by deepstate White Patriots using dumb liberal stooges

they don't even scratch the surface in terms of hurting practical White interests ( lol a statue ) while energizing the base

that's how we make white people vote for their interest

1 masked antifa guy - 1 shop window broken - 50 photographers - 500 TV stations blasting for 2-3 days how masked anarchists are a " real threat "

c'mon tell me you don't see it

look at the expression on that bugman, very sad. many such cases!

interesting take, youre not wrong

We should troll them into doing it.

These guys start burning books in 3...2...

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statue was built in 1913. it was built to make whites feel strong and to scare blacks.

>entire crowd is white onions cretins

>Watching America destroy itself
Canada has the fastest rate of racial demographic change of any country in the world. You are literally being subverted and replaced faster than any other nation on Earth and you sit here and look as USA as if it is destroying itself?

i guess karma is a bitch
>what is US intervention in WW1 and WW2
>what is US/CIA intervention in South America/Latin America
>what is US intervention in the Middle East
There ir a clear sense of unironical poetic justice in seeing this country self-destruct as a payment for all the damage they have inflicted upon others

Big deal another statue is down, oh my you really are so powerful, whats next you will start throwing rocks at army bases?


Except 500 TV stations don't show the antifa guy as a threat. At all these antifa events they are literally described as anti-fascists and anti-racists by the media while the right wingers are portrayed as neo-nazis.

Antifa is always portrayed in a positive light by the (((media))).

Yes college twats are more intelligent than we wage earning deplorables.
>Commit vandalism and have yourself videoed doing it.
Even Pantifa are smarter than that.

Look at these utter dregs untermenschen pretending to have a cause by desecrating and destroying. They are nothing but loser atomised hedonists with nothing worth living for, so they destroy in a fit of juvenile rage.

Never interrupt an enemy while they're making a mistake

Why are anti white marxists and communists always found on college campuses?

Really makes me think.

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Mollie Tibbets is proof they eat their own.
And is this not why they are doing this to cleanse history of their true selves?

Being intimidated by a statue has to be the funniest projection I've heard yet.

You still don't get it, do you? Normie population sees this shit and thinks that you're a bunch of violent radicals. You destroyed some stupid fucking statue, who cares? The three retards who did it got charged and will face jail time. Public opinion shifts further away from radical leftists as a result.

Great job, you keep shooting yourselves in the foot with these statues.

Maybe it's time to bust up a Sherman statue or two. He deserves it for being a bigot against the Indians anyway.

I think this meme was called

Because they're basically the churches of the cult of Marxism now.

>Furthermore violent mobs of apes that tear down and destroy places are just turning more Moderat whites over to the side of white nationalism. Keep it up please do

I literally know zero people who have left the liberal death cult as a result of any ratcheting up of any recent anti-white/traditional/normal aggression.


Chapel Hill has been a liberal hell hole of a school for decades now. The effect is spilling over into NC State at an alarming rate too. Seems like the UNC school system is fucked and the only way to get a proper education is to go to Duke or some other private school.

t.NC State alumnus

His new name will be Micha being Rode hard, and hung up wet in the pen.
We know how much they love chomos.

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People who forget their history repeat it.

Let’s get on with the CW2 happenings and purge these fuck boys.

-T. Paratrooper

next up is repealing the second amendment. it's time for the united states to modernize and get with the times.

They arrested a few of them today
Turns out the donatiors have more power than welfare queers

I know one guy who flipped and most people are starting to wonder

They are putting the statue back up and three of you Antifa mob are charged now.
Good job.

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remember how the sons of former slaveowners still cant take it that they lost so they have to force people to look at their statues just so the fact that so many of their great uncles and great fathers died for no reason wont make them feel as bad


Remember middle school English?

The confederates are scum of the earth. these guys fanatically attacked their neighbors to the north, their fellow americans, over slavery??? I mean give this some thought.
Why would statues be built decades later to commemorate these cretins? this national disgrace?

I'm one

>Maybe it's time to bust up a Sherman statue or two. He deserves it for being a bigot against the Indians anyway.
Well it is one of the reasons to take Jackson off the $20.

Your ancestors did the same shit against their fellow British citizens. Get fucked yankee doodle dickface.

Took a while to rebuild the cities and such, are we supposed to focus on statues with more important things to do, that’s fucking retarded

Focusing on statues when we have bigger fish to fry lol we aren’t fucking dumb children

Statues put up by Democrats to piss off Republicans now getting torn down by Democrats and it pisses off Republicans. I love watching the USA act like idiots

I’ve known several and you hang out retards

Better yet have them tear down statues of Washington

The more these people chimp out the more people who would otherwise be on the fence get off and take the nonviolent side
By all means keep it up

>you are losing
says the useful idiot expediting the decline of their own society who foolishly believes they will not get crushed beneath the boot also when the time comes.

american laws were passed giving every single participant in the civil war full military honors
if you know someone that was dishonorably discharged, they are LESS than confederates

Because the Marxists long ago made a concerted effort to infiltrate Universities, "der lange Marsch durch die Institutionen." They planned to establish social and cultural conditions that would ripen into a communist revolution to empower the workers. What they failed to foresee, however, was that they would become the bourgeoisie and lose all touch with the workers. Your red professor today has fuck all in common with the coal miner or automaker or truck driver, all of whom probably voted for Trump. The long march through the institutions was so long that the Marxists marched all the way to forgetting class consciousness. Racism (anti-white) and sexism (anti-male) crept into the vacuum left behind when the worker was forgotten.

You disgust me

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they're not vocal about it, most likely. they probably have lots of norm friends who hate blornard blaumpt so they keep up appearances.

they make up the huge hidden trump vote that doesn't show up anywhere until election day

>There ir a clear sense of unironical poetic justice in seeing this country self-destruct as a payment for all the damage they have inflicted upon others

they should rebuild all confederate statues out of asbestos

i bet that MAN OF COWERING shot himself to death!!!

How American's haven't taken to the streets armed to the teeth demanding antifa be labelled a terrorist organization and it's members put to death yet I do not understand.

> these guys fanatically attacked their neighbors to the north

You lose too bubby.

>he doesn’t speak proper English

You disgust me as well

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>these guys fanatically attacked their neighbors to the north

Do people actually believe this?

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Right after you ban mosques, Achmed.

>these guys fanatically attacked their neighbors to the north

Someone needs to pick up a history book

I'll be honest, this shit is really getting to me.
>destroying our history
>traitors and criminals in our Intel agencies and gov't running amok
>media blatantly lying about everything, from "collusion" to South Africa
and meanwhile on Jow Forums, anyone that suggests we do something, anything, to combat these things is labeled a glow in the dark CIA nigger. we're losing really hard, and I'm sick of it.

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It wasn’t over slavery you historically retarded dipshit. It was known as the war of northern aggression. Do some actual research and get on the right side of history faggot.

this guy gets it

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That's a statue of a conscripted soldier, not a slaveowner.

>kill unarmed statue of a dead man named silent sam
>sam literally did nothing wrong
>claim victory

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>media blatantly lying about everything, from "collusion" to South Africa
When they keep you focused on the racial issue of South Africa, you don't even notice that the uncompensated expropriation of private property is pure, evil socialism at work. People care so much about race that they ignore property rights and the inevitable economic and humanitarian clusterfuck that will happen when South Africa can no longer produce food because the new landowners don't have the knowledge and skills of the dispossessed, who won't feel like helping out.

>implying the bankers didn't use Jackson's face to mock the guy who destroyed the previous central US bank system.

Statues can be rebuilt.

Leftists and kikes will not exist in a generation.

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I was referencing to the fact that did not refer to himself or the US as we even though he has an american flag.

Yeah, it’s bait but it gets read nevertheless.

Virginia fag here. No one is going to take down any statues in VA near where I am.

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Hillary lost!
Why don't you liberals get over it, and quit tearing down our statues from a war we lost 160 years ago!

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Exactly it was about establishing Federal supremacy over the states. In reality slavery had maybe another twenty years until it ended due to its cost far out weighing it profits. Between the cost of feeding, housing, and keeping them on the plantations, many slave holders were turning to share cropping, which actually made them more money at no cost.

those that pay no attention to history are destined to repeat it


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>three of you Antifa mob are charged now.
I'll celebrate when they are convicted, the Durham mob were charged too.

Factually this.

Slavery was dying out quite literally. Alot slave masters in the south weren't even concerned about their slaves breeding anymore due to it becoming more and more unnecessary via new technologies and a growing white population that needed work as well.

also, fuck the north

You guys fired the first shot at Ft. Sumpter.

The UNC board voted and the statue is going back up

Dwayne Dixon is a Homo Faggot

The people in the cult aren't the ones, it's the moderates. They ones who keep quiet when the dumb cult leftists talk. The ones who just "fit in".

The parties switched. They teach you this in grade school, if you had paid attention

statue destroyers are truly the fucking worst types of people

statues and monuments are basically a natural human formation that detail the history of mankind, they should be treated as a fucking nature exhibit

Hey now I am a northern yankee, but I do know the truth.
Since the last two signers of the Declaration of Independence Jefferson, and Addams the enemies of the Repulic have been subverting our nation.

terrible behavior

Oh yea lets just leave a fort inside the bay of one of our busiest ports to be controlled by a hostile foreign government, even though we asked them to leave multiple times under threat of violence. Oh and nobody even died.

please die

The US needs to be separated

That's not even the right faultline anymore. Better to jettison the left coast.

Are the people who dis this going to face charge