Orange baboon strike again

Theses sons of bitches disrespect our flag when they kneel during the national anthem! They must stand!

>don't even know the color of his own flag
>don't even know the lyrics of the anthem

Trumptards will defend this

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He is a smart genius! Better than Obongo!

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I swear he does things like this on purpose because he knows how much of an over reaction its going to get

H-he's just constantly pretending to be retarded!

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When did it become proper for liberals to mock people’s skin color

You give him so much credit. Why is that?

What does Manafort’s shady dealings with the Podesta’s have to do with the price of tea in China?

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Do you ever wonder if he's trolling the paparazzi? Seriously, how much is this truly being covered in the MSM? It's very entertaining tbqh


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Bro you have no idea why we voted for him if you think we care about this.

Keep crying, reminder that you have 6 more years of you freaking out like a retard.

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>It's very entertaining tbqh
Is it?

>Implying Canadians want more liberals

>He doesn't like trump so he MUST be a libshit because ALL republicans and right wingers like trump!
Doesn't work like that dumb redneck

Wtf are you talking about?

Obviously he's trolling or doing 4dchess everytime he does something retarded
How convenient

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shut up frenchie nobody cares what you think. focus on your own shitty country and get a life.

i am from the splc and this hate symbol will not be tolerated, filthy goyim.

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>Paul Manafort breaks law
>"See Trump broke the law!"

How can you guys be so stupid but still pretend to be so much better than us?

Yeah. The media is clearly more invested in covering the minutia of frivolity (two scoops and some Russian pee pee hookers come to mind) than spend ANY time talking about important issues like the Federal Reserve or anything of the sort.
It's almost like they really are the enemy of the People. Can't wait until real sparks start to fly.

Trump isn't a Manchurian cani-

We all know Trump is a fake patriot and doesn't know shit about America or its history. It's painfully obvious.

Remember: Israel > USA

I know you don't care
Most Americans won't admit they voted for him because of his racist agenda or because he talks funny
It's fine if you did, but stop being a coward

Another triggered trumptard

We'll see if manafort broke the law for trump on his 2nd trial
Until then shut the fuck up please, I never said manafort did anything for trump, you made the connection yourself for some reason after seeing a simple pic

lmao shut up Mohammad

>than spend ANY time talking about important issues like the Federal Reserve or anything of the sort
... okay, what do you want them to talk about about it?

>It's almost like they really are the enemy of the People.
Because they realized sensation gets more views than dry stories? Why aren't you LIVID about Fox News if you disapprove of that behavior?

because its obvious if your iq is at least 115

Oh, buddy...

If it's irrelevant then why even include it? Are you trying to derail your own thread? or are you saying it's relevant to Trump?

Let's say he did break the law for Trump, So? If I tell you to go rob a bank and you go rob a bank, You're the one going to jail, not me. People will say you're the robber, not me. You see what I'm trying to say? Manafort wasn't exactly a long term campaign manager.

Go to hell idiot he is coloring with children which is normal behavior , sorry its not your idea of a kids activity with trannies or gender swap day

>Lmao shut up Mohammad
Sentence usually used by an American poster, usually a trump supporter in order to descredit an European poster in a cheap way
Frequently used when a sentence is too hard for them to analyze and comprehend.

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More like you tell someone to go rob a bank and then share the money with you.

>Most Americans won't admit they voted for him because of his racist agenda or because he talks funny
Holy shit how delusional can you get ?

I don't watch Zog News. Although i do recall seeing a YouTube video of their Glenn Beck with Zog doing a brief synopsis of "The Creature of Jeckyll Island" and the inception of the FED. Wasn't sure why Zog News would expose their own ponzi scheme like that, maybe to rile people up and cause further social tension?
I live in Commiefornia, so CNN is on the Tube at the gym when im on my hamster wheel. Its difficult to save up the dough to even escape this place. I'm no leftist, i guess im somewhere between a lolbergtarian and nat-soc. I find it is alarming that the info behind the usury-based usurping of our nation's sovreignty/destiny is in plain sight (it has to be if a pleb like me found it) yet nobody seems to understand we are heading faster and faster to the cliff's edge with no signs of slowing down.

>flags on /b/

lurk moar, mohammad

>coloring competition with kindergardeners

option A:
>color your flag perfectly, better and faster than everyone else, make kids cry when they realize they are subhuman brainlets that can't do anything half as good as an adult

option B:
>purposefully color your flag wrong so kids can be smug and say "haha I color it better than the president!" and feel proud of themselves

only mental midgets (leftists) would choose option A.

I'm only using it because it's in no way positive for trump
He called the investigation a witch hunt but a trump supporter juror said it wasn't, and that she despise the Mueller team also that she wanted manafort not to be guilty but he was

As for the legal aspects of if x is a crime or not, feel free to disagree with federal prosecutors
They don't give a shit, same here

Pay for wall and stfu Pablo

Hurr his image macro is wrong, I'll correct him, that will sure show him!

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>don't even know the lyrics of the anthem

Do you?

Confirmed. He even makes bets with his aides on these little things whether the leftists will focus on it or not. He has won almost every bet its getting ridiculous everyone here is very apprehensive to take these bets now. Hilarious stuff

>hurr somebody is scrutinizing my objectively heinous faggotry, i better say "hurrrr durr" that will show him

Don't you have something more productive to do like tossing acid on attractive women?

>Calling Trump racist
>Is racist himself
The liberal hipocresy is real frog

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Hail America

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Most french ,like myself, only know the refrain
Also most french don't say that not knowing it is a sign of disrespect for the country or do they?

How am I racist
Because I called you Pablo? Sorry if I offended you snowflake

The investigation is very clearly a witch hunt.
A trump supporter juror saying it isn't makes sense, she sees it in a different way clearly, if there was any evidence or anything, there would've been a charge.
Her not liking Mueller doesn't mean anything. Her wanting Paul Manafort to be not guilty also doesn't mean anything since he very obviously is guilty. Trump would be in that position too if he did anything illegal. But apparently he didn't.

Didn't you say Trump is a stupid retard? How is a stupid retard so efficient at avoiding the law and leaving behind evidence or paper trails or money paths or anything that might get him in legal trouble? It's almost like he didn't break a law and they're going to keep targetting people who are close to him until they find something they could potentially charge him with.
I dunno, Trumps real stupid but somehow he's smarter than all the law officials America has in its power. The only other explaination is that no laws were broken, hm....

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The guy getting triggered by Trump is calling others snowflake
Damn reminder he lives rent free in your head unless you're a shill which i very much think so

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>Trump isn't a Manchurian cani-
You don't know what that means, do you?

Just saw the words "witch hunt", same words that orange retard tweets at 1am for no particular reason I guess, it's just normal
Also witch hunt with indictments and guilty pleas
Sure keep believing they are not in any way related to trump and that's why he seems so relaxed!
I'm sure you're right

He has a pin of his flag on himself, yet fail to color the flag on the country he is ruling
Not even triggered but amused you guys worship this kind of super elite genius



Which is why everyone is saying that he probably did it on purpose. Either because he wanted to just have fun with the kiddos or wanted to troll the MSM.

Either way it's stupid that people are even talking about this.

>Also most french don't say that not knowing it is a sign of disrespect for the country or do they?
I don't know; Americans don't give a second of thought to France or to de Gaulle, beyond french fries and french toast. You're an irrelevant non-entity

This is why you don't know what you're talking about. I'll try and prove you wrong very simply so I don't stress you out from having to read a little.

Tweets in the morning.
Indictments and guilty pleas not related to russia or campaign
Now explain how they're connected? You've already demonstrated you lack the ability to read an article.

Trump doesn't know how to have fun. Just look at how he plays golf.

Yeah... everytime he fuck up he does it on purpose. He's just pretending to be retarded. His goal doing this is obviously that Americans that didn't vote for him will realize what a genius he is and vote for him and the GOP in the midterms. How could I miss that! I must be retarded

K, cool buddy

As i said, it's perfectly normal for him to tweet "NO COLLUSION - RIGGED WITCH HUNT" in all caps at 1am
Dunno why somebody would find it strange

Of course you know that indictment and guilty pleas are all unrelated to trump/Russia because you are part of the Mueller team and a seasoned prosecutor

>now explain how they're connected?
That's Mueller job, that's why I'm waiting patiently
If you're asking for ironclad proof as most trumptard do : know that prosecutors usually don't communicate what they found until the trial, so the suspect can't prepare himself in advance to counter the evidence
If a suspect murdered a member of your family, you obviously would like that he know in advance what they have on him

Fucking hell the man can't fart without some blue-checker twats on Twitter jumping down his throat and claiming his bowel movements are funded by the FSB and Putin.

Americans voted an actual fucking retard into office. Remember when he looked directly into an eclipse?

Anyone defending him at this point is stupider than he is, making them less than a retard. White niggers.

There's so many instances where he's not only done something retarded, but said something retarded. His base doesn't care.

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Unironically imagine if Obama had done this.

Maybe he is doing it on purpose though. He acts dumb to appeal to republicans.

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Why is it leftists always revert to racism?