What value would you guys put on the value of the Mexican deal? Hundreds of billions? Would it be crazy of me to think the GEOTUS could put a $20b wall payment as a condition of not crashing the Mexican economy?
It's kind of one of those understandable but stupid things to say. You can't just go around telling all your friends they are your "Best" friend. Because they all know you're full of shit and don't really mean it.
Juan Richardson
Yeah and canadian politics are already getting weird
Now there is no excuse for him. Why would he accept the job knowing that a case against Hillary was one of the main mandates for Trump's election? Busted. He's a fucking glow in the dark nigger
Chase Anderson
Sign new NAFTA, gringo.
What do we (Mexico and the US) even win by having Canada on our trade deal? What do they produce? I've never seen anything 'made in Canada'.
Why don't we have that Bermuda island the UK has here?
Lincoln Campbell
Roll again
Josiah Brooks
it really seems more like a magicians distractions than a legit problem, yea it looks bad but so does a lot of shit trump does until it turns out it was his plan the whole time
Wyatt Morris
tfw I just noticed I have "Zap" in my ID Digits decide which high profile celebrity LGBT I fry
That makes a little sense though. He might be trying to really gauge the population on certain points that get shoved into the "conservative" platform but isn't central.
Trump has /physically removed/ more people per year than Obama.
Obama changed the definition of "deport" so that people who were turned back at the border were counted towards deportations, at the same time Obama tried his best to avoid deporting illegals- this is why you see so many stories like "illegal who was supposed to be deported in 2012 wasn't deported, now he's going to prison for murder!" and shit like that.
The number of people turned back at the border has fallen overall because fewer mexicans are coming here and Trump's policies discourage haitians and centroamericanos from coming here, but there are still many illegals who come here on temporary visas and don't leave.
Overall a lot of it has to do with laws which require illegals to be given a day in court, which are designed specifically to impede Republicans seeking to deport illegals. Trump and ICE have found loopholes around this- most illegals are now physically removed without trial on the justification that ICE "suspects they may have committed a crime" and because democrats never closed that loophole ICE doesn't have to explain what crime they believe illegals committed
However as anyone can tell from the Democratic response to the end of DACA the Democrats are fighting Trump every step of the way in his efforts to enforce the law that non-citizens who enter illegally must be deported
yea trump probably doesnt know what the american flag looks like and didnt know he was screwing up or he was playing around with some nice kids for a photo op
Caleb Perez
Have patience. Trump only hires the best. You'll see, in one fell swoop he'll nab Clinton, Podesta, Comey, everyone. Just wait.
I fucking hate this guy so much. He unironically thinks weed smokers are a bigger problem than the deepstate.
Brandon Gomez
Nice but it needs a swastika, SS runes, or a black sun.
Hunter Ortiz
He sits on his ass all day smoking weed like the hypocritical faggot keebler elf he is. >i recuse myself from doing my job >i recuse myself from having a spine
That`s far too edgy. Keep the optics down. The Iron Cross is already a too dangerous insignia for most people.
Landon Bailey
he was coloring with kids yea he was probably goofing around
Robert Howard
He literally did it knowing it would become a news story. There were journalists there, he was baiting them into acting like petulant retards
Jacob Wood
The wall is already like halfway done.
Blake Stewart
2bh this is why Trump won't get a reaganite landslide in 2020. Reagan and Nixon got landslides because they united people against the USSR, but Trump talks shit about China and Mexico and North Korea and then the next year he says "we've come to an agreement, these guys are our friends now". Trump isn't in the business of creating a foreign enemy and uniting people against it, so he'll never get that Nixonian landslide
Canada will flood your market with cheap chinese steel they claim is produced in canada so that native mexican steel plants go bankrupt trying to compete
How's that for the "canadian contribution"
Jacob White
He's color blind and the media is just making fun of another disable person again.
Asher Rogers
Ppl march in support of ppl who keep citizens safe, hundreds protest such action & Antifa join them & stat attacking the cops & the 20 marchers who turned out. When will Antifa be labelled a terrorist org?
"For death is of destruction, and nothing in the Cosmos is destroyed. For if Cosmos is second God, a life that cannot die, it cannot be that any part of this immortal life should die. All things in Cosmos are parts of Cosmos, and most of all is man, the rational animal."
>2bh this is why Trump won't get a reaganite landslide in 2020. Reagan and Nixon got landslides because they united people against the USSR, No, they got landslides because the electorate was 95% white and white people don't vote overwhelmingly Democrat. It's impossible for a Republican to get a landslide in a nation with a 75% white electorate.
Owen Johnson
At least Antifa was arrested. More often than not the police just steps down and lets them attack people.