THIS is what the media is trying to bury THIS is what they don't want whites to see THIS is why they are all in full damage control
South Africa is the canary in the coalmine of the multicultural experiment. Whites all around the world will begin asking themselves if they are prepared to be minorities in their own countries if the end result is brutal killings and political persecution and dispossession of property. They will see how journalist and the media are blatantly trying to cover up genocide because its white people.
You know for a fact that when white countries officially tip below 50% whites these journalists are going to celebrate how they tricked whites and how whites can now begin to suffer. You must keep this story alive in order for the word to spread.
645 page PDF of all S.African Farm Murders from 1994-2012 with lots of pictures and links starting on page 54. Pdf
"Kill the Boer" book by Ernst Roets published just a few months ago. GET THE BOOK, SPREAD IT.
Everyone on this fucking board is always talking about how they want the "great awakening" to happen, well this is your only fucking chance to ever get to normies. So spread the word.
I want to believe this, but there's going to be so many countries meddling in this event, that who knows what will result.
Charles Garcia
Karma is a bitch
Brody Turner
Rather than condemning this, why don't we all take it as an example of what we should do?
Also the Netherlands should start taking in white South Africans as refugees, they're the ones who aren't gonna start relentlessly raping your women and turning your country into a shithole.
Brody Ward
Yes, whites were so cruel for oppressing nigs that their population increased more than ten fold
op ask Jow Forums for the murdercube >the murder cube is 36gigs of years of reserch by Jow Forums on weapons and military/survival tactics for when shit hits the fan
Thomas Lewis
Ayeee I can't wait till it becomes actually legal for me to get some of dat sweet sweet whi*e pussay without consent boiii(not that it's a problem as it is getting dat whi*e pussay, but I wanna actually rape) Shit gon' be so cash
If china sends troops, the only legit response from the usa would be to do the same, right?
Henry Peterson
If you think I'm larping you haven't been paying attention kek. "Unled revolution" imminent.
Andrew Thompson
>meme flag Drop it and we'll talk ok? Otherwise consider yourself irrelevant.
Benjamin Cox
We going to shoot them with the machine gun they are going to run. We are going to hit them and you are going to run - shoot the boer! The time for talking is over.
But normies won’t see it this way. They’ll always look at Africa and see the white man as an invader. They won’t look any further beyond this because that’s all they need to be able to call white people racist.
Ayden Flores
RT has been accurately reporting on the situation in South Africa for some time.
Al Jazeera on the other hand is pushing anti-White propaganda, whining about muh apartheid and inequality.
I feel ya dawg, as an ugly gay sandnigger i could never get such quality nordic cunt. I would rape and breed that white whore hard, then kill her and eat her thus defeating the purpose. I like doing dumb shit like that, reminds me that existence is meaningless and everything will just die some day and you're all morons and i fucking hate you all. Anyway.
Gabriel Bell
You do know you don't stand a chance against the Whites. Just saying.
Oliver Parker
how does a chin get that weak? jesus
Colton Williams
What's her name, nigger?
Kevin Smith
Armenid genetics. And i don't mean Armenian.
Jackson Brown
Kek , screencap this and post everywhere.
Even normies will get it.
Luke Jenkins
I laugh every time honkey die.
Oliver Baker
LOL, masterbater race.
Hudson Sanders
Just evacuate all the white people, and let those damn negros starve to death and dont let them get out from the africa.
Isaiah Stewart
It's caused by being a cuck and larping as a nigger. The chin is so ashamed of being associated with such a pathetic individual that it retreats to avoid drawing attention to itself.
Jacob Diaz
>not fighting for your rightful clay Sorry, the niggers aren't going to stop attacking unless they are put down like rabid dogs. SA falls, then the next, and the next, until we are all dead. I don't feel like living on the planet of the apes would be a good thing, do you?
Lucas Williams
No country, including the USA, has the balls to land there if Chinese troops are present. We're all weak and subservient "globalist" puppets.
Jaxson Davis
>defeating the purpose Negro is you serious rn? >implying that consuming the raped flesh does NOT infuse one with the essence of the slain Oo ye, scared of the 5% white population. Real scared. How do you know? Elaborate, nigguh. Roastina Niglove
Owen Morales
I remember running into South Africans in the mid-2000s [in Yahoo Chat] and telling them that their country would become like Zimbabwe, that they would constantly come under attack by mobs of blacks, under a government that would increasingly target them, etc...
>They laughed at me and told me I didn't know what I was talking about.
All I did was read a little history and watch the observable trends, together with having an understanding of how black people behave and think and are manipulated. It was all obvious as fuck to me, way back then, from all the way over here. How they could actually live there and be so oblivious, I'll never know. I guess it's just like the dumb libtards here who can't into pattern recognition.
Life is pointless you will die only so that you can continue your miserable existence. You will die so that your children will have the chance to suffer just as much as you some day. Only in a different way, a perhaps more comfortable way.
Joseph Watson
Even if its indirectly, sending cia to arm someone? Or maybe funding mercenary groups?(I don't know how mercs work)
I think the world must leave africa and stop all gibs to that damn Landim, shoot any negro who try to get out , and let them all die from aids, hunger ,etc.
Luis Edwards
The funny thing is i'm not LARPing.
Asher Wood
Whites settled SA and Bantus invaded 100s of years later. You are an idiot
Cameron Hernandez
Eating White people won't make me like them, i already asked Jesus this question before and He said no. Or was that Him? nah, it was probably just KEK fucking with me.
Benjamin Perry
Have you tried Prozac? It can help your condition.
Parker Gonzalez
Well neither am I bro. Things about to get rapey up in here. Ain't no messing around
They are hopeless, they are living in walled compounds with electric fences, have armed guards, and carry guns everywhere and they still think things are "fine"
Nicholas Rogers
Chase Gutierrez
The South African whites can expel the nigger hordes, secure their borders and allow nature to take its course. Basically all the missionary groups and charity orgs need to be shut down and let the niggers starve.
Ryder Davis
Gotta lose some weight first Albert.
Angel Phillips
The (((professors))) need to swing as well.
Cameron Hall
Defeatist cuck.
Sebastian Scott
I have no condition my friend, i am as woke as you can get. Existence is a mistake. Or maybe it isn't, maybe only MY existence was a mistake. Maybe you're just fucking happy, are you fucking happy? well, we can't have that now can we?
Charles Nelson
talking awful tough for someone who just got off a 12 hour shift picking my cotton, mr. "kara boga"
Graphs is a white man's thing. As soon as we get rid of you we'll get rid of all of your dumb sciences and install our own and better one
Charles Morgan
Yep. Historically illiterate idiot detected.
Liam Sanders
I'm not White. I also just happen to be right, it ain't up for discussion you can think existence isn't meaningless all you want that won't make it any less meaningless.
Charles Fisher
You’re a bitch.
Adam Campbell
I'm actually not joking. Look at me in the eyes.
Levi Lewis
You don’t have to be white to be a defeatist cuck. Cuck.
Luis Williams
>183490725 White imperialist kaffas are MENTALLY RETARDED in beleiveing they belong there....and are a fucking joke .Its Africa
You're okay with Chinks turning you into indentured servants, though.
Most of you only give a shit about killing white farmers because literal Jews like Joe Slovo wrote it into your school books. If you had any sense, you would let the white farmers keep you from starving, and kill your own corrupt leaders instead.
I have preferences, one of them is that White people continue being a thing. I'm not gonna fight (possibly die or get horribly maimed) for it, that's your job.
Carter Rogers
except China has been buying out countries this whole time
Blake Long
Because you know, Africa automatically equates to black. Your American education is outshining your dumb memeflag.
What you may not understand about Europeans is that we are explorers and conquerors at our very cores. With a lack of unexplored territory and the comfortable societies we’ve built, we’ve fallen into a lull, a state of complacency. All of the recent hatred towards us is doing nothing but awakening our collective spirit. It has given us a cause and a reason to get back into the fight. The harder they push, the more they’re waking us from that lull. Struggle is the white man’s destiny as it has always been. It gives us purpose.
Easton Russell
does this mean a bunch of Jow Forumsommandos will go fight in SA like they did in the middle east as volunteer fighters?
Joseph Sanchez
Once again. The eternal kike strikes again. Gas him
Leo Martinez
you're about to get a can of fabulous opened on your black ass
That's great, Cletus Billy-Bob. But if you only sit down and think about it for say, oh i dunno, a few months of solitary confinement you will inevitably come to the conclusion that it's all fucking pointless. Even though God is real and Jesus will come back some day. I am at that level of sheer nihilistic despair.
I think i want you to be right.... orrr i dunno, do i? maybe not.
I like this quote by Thomas Ligotti "This is the great lesson the depressive learns: Nothing in the world is inherently compelling. Whatever may be really “out there” cannot project itself as an affective experience. It is all a vacuous affair with only a chemical prestige. Nothing is either good or bad, desirable or undesirable, or anything else except that it is made so by laboratories inside us producing the emotions on which we live. And to live on our emotions is to live arbitrarily, inaccurately—imparting meaning to what has none of its own. Yet what other way is there to live? Without the ever-clanking machinery of emotion, everything would come to a standstill. There would be nothing to do, nowhere to go, nothing to be, and no one to know. The alternatives are clear: to live falsely as pawns of affect, or to live factually as depressives, or as individuals who know what is known to the depressive. How advantageous that we are not coerced into choosing one or the other, neither choice being excellent. One look at human existence is proof enough that our species will not be released from the stranglehold of emotionalism that anchors it to hallucinations. That may be no way to live, but to opt for depression would be to opt out of existence as we consciously know it."
Gavin Cruz
Isaac Sullivan
This is true. There is absolutely nothing I hate more than leftists. They are destroying our countries and patting themselves on the back for doing so. I legitimately wish death upon those sick fuckers.
this, I don't get how most of us can have a good understanding of nigger behavior when only like 11% of the US is black, but South Africans denied reality while living in a 80%+ black country. How?
William Adams
c'mon Jow Forums let's get this shit in the public eye and get a ball rolling, I joined the infantry specifically to shoot people so if we can get WW3 cranking up in SA I'm game
I joined the fucking Army because I wanted to go to war, was a tank gunner. Ended up in Germany for the entire duration of the Iraq war. Do you know how pissed I am?