Well, republicans?


Well, republicans?

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Its not that universal healthcare is bad but the people in charge of it are total scum who can't be trusted with that power.

>private institutions and voluntarism providing a social safety net
Sounds pretty good, conservatives have argued that this would work for a long time.

so what
don't you want citizens to give their money to help the unfortunate?
your only complaint is not being able to use the power of the government to force more people to donate

And the AMA is the strongest workers union for high paid white collar employees in the country.

>conservatives have argued that this would work for a long time.

nope, you are mixing libertarians, minarchists and ancaps with conversvatives

>All GoFundMe contributions are from the same state and country as the OP
It just shows that returning to a charitable, community driven system to help the poor is better. Should just abolish social services and have local church groups support the poor through charity.

How much did the Obamacare website cost? Should the taxpayer subsidize out of control healthcare/pharma price gouging?

People not being coerced to do things? what a hell of a concept

Healthcare costs are high in the US because of two reasons, it is high quality and a regulatory strucure

yes basedims because the handful of people on gofundme asking for money is somehow similar to 300,000,000+ people needing it

Two of those four are outright commies

Good we don't need Obamacare then!

The other 2/3 goes to funneling money for the DNC/leftist fringe groups

That public charity is stronger than government programs?

I don't count RINOs in Congress as conservatives and neither should you

But the insurers who have no other purpose then to increase profits can be trusted?

>Us healthcare
>Not a giant waste of money and Jewishness

Maybe in the past but we're basically garbage at this point. Please don't reference how rich and famous people come here to see a super secret specialist, that's not reflective of reality for literally any American.

CONFIRMED: Private charity works better than govt programs.

I completely agree. We need to kick out all black and brown people including Jews and have universal healthcare.

This user gets it: people don't like to be forced into doing shit.

The government should never mandate I pay for someone else, but should ensure I am perfectly free to do so if I wish.

it says there are a lot of suckers who give con artists money online.

Attached: ancap.jpg (547x402, 23K)

Charity works better than welfare? When people are given the option to donate they tend to give more than they feel comfortable with being taken from them by force for the same things?

Yes, because the phenomenon started the precise moment Trump got elected

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I had to get stitches in NY after I punched a guy and my fist ripped open on his teeth. The actual medical quality (getting the stitches) was the same as getting stitched up here. The staff were worse though. Openly rude & just seemed like a massive bunch of cunts.

Sheer number of nonwhites and overall trash people means massive lines and doctor/nurse shortages in a country as big as USA should Marxist health become a thing. Don't do it.

Its almost like charitable donation models are superior to coerced insurance models?

That's New York. The asshole of the first world. Everyone in that city is a scumbag. And it smells like piss.

ok let's get rid of the 20 million illegals and we can have universal healthcare shitlibs


Says that health insurance is a scam

>It just shows that returning to a charitable, community driven system to help the poor is better. Should just abolish social services and have local church groups support the poor through charity.
>>private institutions and voluntarism providing a social safety net
>CONFIRMED: Private charity works better than govt programs.
>This user gets it: people don't like to be forced into doing shit.
>The government should never mandate I pay for someone else, but should ensure I am perfectly free to do so if I wish.
>it says there are a lot of suckers who give con artists money online.
>Charity works better than welfare? When people are given the option to donate they tend to give more than they feel comfortable with being taken from them by force for the same things?

all this, but commies will NEVER accept/understand/comprehend and quixotically see it as a 'failure' of 'government' to 'do its job' to 'take care of everybody'

That capitalism works, bitch.

Get enough people to feel bad about your kid with cancer and they throw their hard earned dollars at you. I think this is how the whole welfare system should be run. Make me understand why I deserve to pay for you. If you don't make a convincing enough argument, you don't get welfare.

To be fair it's not. NY is revolting. I liked Texas most, NC was alright.

"you can keep your doctor"
"an average of twenty five hundred dollars in medical savings"
everyone knows universal healthcare is code word for higher taxes and little benefit.
well these days.

Thanks Obama.

The state–the police, army, courts, bureaucracy and similar institutions–is set up and controlled by this capitalist class. These big businessmen–the bourgeoisie, or monopoly capitalists–consistently use the police, army, national guard, courts and bureaucracies to break workers’ strikes and generally to put down the rebellions of the poor who own little or no means of production. The police, army and national guard are never called out against the class of bankers and corporation executives.

In short, this state is a bourgeois dictatorship. This does not mean there is a dictatorship in this country of one or several men. It does mean there is a class dictatorship, where a tiny handful of profit-makers rules society and uses the state as their machine to suppress the working people.

Most people do not think of our country as a dictatorship because the relationship of different classes is usually concealed. The monopoly capitalists do not openly admit their rule. Instead they claim that this is a democracy where “everyone shares power and takes part in running the government.”

The ruling class goes to great lengths to cover up their dictatorship under the mask of democracy, for it is extremely difficult for a minority of exploiters to rule by force alone. Only at the time of full-blown crisis, when it can stay in power in no other way, does the monopoly capitalist class rule by open, terroristic dictatorship, or fascism.

Jews really

>Its not that universal healthcare is bad
Yeah it is, and so are you. Kys.

>Well, republicans?
It shows that a community when working properly (Online community or actual community where you live) will help others when they are unable to help themselves. This is humanity, not republican or democrat. Think about all the containers of change at the local gas station. The money is always for some sick kid. What is the difference?

It's bad for both that reason and tragedy of the commons
Without barriers like price people will use it to the fullest extent and strain the system

We're Republican Rome at this point.

Perfect. Free exchange. You fuckin commie bastards just love force and authority. Cant wait for the day of the rope.

So you are ok with people abusing the system, as long as they have money for it?

>It's bad
That is not what facts show

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Isn't this a good thing though? People who want to others to pay for hospital bills can donate their own money

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Exactly. Why does the left always want to take?

Not going to happen faggot. I will stop working and live off you.

This, shitlibs and communists are denying us access to PayPal, patreons and other things, imagine them being in charge of giving us health care

> (You)
>So you are ok with people abusing the system, as long as they have money for it?
How is it abuse if they have the money for it?

no fuck you if it isnt through somoene with a gun threatening you to do it I dont want it

why would you copy paste random communist propaganda, how disgusting. spoiler that shit.

I am completely against universal healthcare..but it's hard to argue with your point

>That soiboy stare

Fer u
I unironically would be for a basic level of healthcare so poor people can escape poverty without worrying about a $50k bill from a broken arm

My problem is I don't trust the government and especially the dems. They'd probably find some way to funnel half of it into slush funds like making doctors receiving universal healthcare payments pay into unions which donate to dems

Perhaps we could also work out a system whereby people only get access to those funds based on, and to the degree, hey can demonstrate an ability to contribute to society.

We should provide them some sort of token, or currency, in order to symbolize their value to humanity based on their demonstrated competency.

Then, they can exchange those tokens for medical care, goods and services, and anything anyone would like to trade on exchange for those tokens.

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No it isn't. The insurers could be trusted if we had actual market competition. As it is now, most insurance plans are strongly tied to government. By working together they've created a defacto monopoly sponsored by the state.

Profit is generally a great incentive to be better, but right now it's not a motivating factor.

>How is it abuse if they have the money for it?

What a kike mentality.

I was answering your point. You said that government is ineffective, and i answered it why. Because the state is engineered to accommodate the capitalist class, at the expense of the working class.

>one third of GoFundMe campaigns are to pay medical bills

I wonder how many of them are actually legit.

>The insurers could be trusted if we had actual market competition.
Insurances do not want a "actual market competition". They will fight tooth and nail against it.

>Profit is generally a great incentive to be better, but right now it's not a motivating factor.

No, profit is the end in itself. Being the best is one way of having more profits, but most of the times it is not the best way to be profitable.

>I was answering your point. You said that government is ineffective, and i answered it why. Because the state is engineered to accommodate the capitalist class, at the expense of the working class.

okay but thats both a a stretch and super wrong.

our government is ineffective because over-centralization adds needless bureaucracy and red tape to everything.

same reason soviet union failed. eu is failing. america is failing. over-centralizing power can cause inefficiency, under communism, under capitalism, under fascism. it destroyed the roman empire, which no one argues is either capitalist or communist.

What is exactly the issue with over-centralization?

>okay but thats both a a stretch and super wrong.

Yet you presented zero arguments why.

>jamal gets killed by police after acting like a nigger

>sheboon gets ten gorillion go fund me goy bucks

>this factors into "medical bills"


>getting charitable donations for some non-verifiable things, some often made up completely and scams, is a good idea and should be done on a national level
Liberals are retarded.

Just dont get sick lol

That people are willing to voluntarily pay for other people's medical bills and those who don't want to, don't have to.

Voluntary participation within the free market.

Fucking terrible. All those poors should fucking die instead of clog up the system with their non-paying asses. Survival of those with the bucks to pay.

Capitalism is the be all and end all. Die with money, or die now and get out of the way.

So he is saying voluntary contributions and taxation works? GoFundMe is literal proof ancap is more efficient than anything else.

That fucking soya look is unsettling as fuck. They all literally look the same. Does soya charge NPCs batteries? Does it calcify the pineal? It’s fucking uncanny

Wait.. are you saying that pepole are voluntary helping and donating money to those in need....and the government isn't threatening jail and fines?

Well shit.

>GoFundMe is literal proof ancap is more efficient than anything else.
>half of the projects are scams

Find out how many people the "one-third of GoFundMe's campaigns" actually are and get back to me

>chuck the cuck somehow matters
fuck off
Also, you do realize that most of the medical bills are scams, right?

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someone should remind him that his beard isn't hiding the fact that he's balding


Churches used to do this before they became overly interested in the colour and model year of the pastor's fleet of Cadillacs.

Nigger that started happening decades ago.

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>What is exactly the issue with over-centralization?
>>okay but thats both a a stretch and super wrong.
>Yet you presented zero arguments why.

but i did explain why:

>our government is ineffective because over-centralization adds needless bureaucracy and red tape to everything.

over centralization has ALWAYS historically led to over extending, inefficiency, corruption, and political hubris.

>That fucking soya look is unsettling as fuck. They all literally look the same. Does soya charge NPCs batteries? Does it calcify the pineal? It’s fucking uncanny

to be fair wendig is obviously on a super cocktail of soi, semen, and bull shit.

Dude, they made it very inexpensive.
The problem is that a large majority of people are too dumb to realize how to make it inexpensive.

>adds needless bureaucracy and red tape to everything.
But insurance companies are essentially bureaucracy and red tape. Why aren't against them. They are just middleman between you and the caregivers(hospitals, clinics...) and they take their cut of it, and a very large one at that.

You still haven't presented any argument as to why that copypasta was wrong.

>lmao, the system is very good, you just have to game it for it to become good.

Holy shit am I laffin. You made this thread thinking it supports your delusions, when all it proves is the free market is better at supplying socialism than actual fucking commies.

>You still haven't presented any argument as to why that copypasta was wrong.

i have, but u r just dumb, but okay, again

while capitalism may not be entirely perfect and free from corruption it HAS been proven very prone at economic efficiency. globalism is capitalistic because its efficiency. communism wasn't. communism couldnt even feed people, capitalism is SO efficient it OVERFEEDS people, even poor people, and has created unprecedented obesity epidemics all over the world. you cannot deny the efficiency of capitalism. while capitalism doesnt work perfectly, communism doesnt work at all.

>i have, but u r just dumb, but okay, again
Point out

>while capitalism may not be entirely perfect and free from corruption it HAS been proven very prone at economic efficiency. globalism is capitalistic because its efficiency. communism wasn't. communism couldnt even feed people, capitalism is SO efficient it OVERFEEDS people, even poor people, and has created unprecedented obesity epidemics all over the world. you cannot deny the efficiency of capitalism. while capitalism doesnt work perfectly, communism doesnt work at all.
So you moved the goalposts, and then just enumerated meme boomer tier tropes? lmao

You have said that you think bureaucracy and red tape is inefficient, so why do you support Insurance companies, when they ARE essentially bureaucracy and red tape?

>you cannot deny the efficiency of capitalism.
I can, i'm just doing it right now.

Private sector + charity to the rescue.

>You have said that you think bureaucracy and red tape is inefficient, so why do you support Insurance companies, when they ARE essentially bureaucracy and red tape?

i dont support insurance companies just because i recognize capitalism is more efficient than communism.

insurance is a racket, and LEGALLY REQUIRED insurance a result of corruption from over-centralization.

So like does anybody who is democrat or on the left actually understand what insurance is ? because obamacare wasn't insurance. and gofund me sure as hell isn't insurance. seem to be very confused on the subject.

so, what he's saying is, Obamacare doesn't work?

You went to an ER. ER's always suck

We can't have universal healthcare until we secure the borders and catapult illegals back across the border. After that massive suck on the healthcare infrastructure (among other things) is gone I will be happy to discuss it with you. I do think it's needed, but right now it's just another way to bleed wypipo dry for your Australopithecus pets.

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>i dont support insurance companies
> i recognize capitalism is more efficient than communism.

lmao, i guess your snowflake perfect utopia, that has never been tried, version of capitalism is truly perfect!

Meanwhile, your system is what a privatized healthcare system gave us.

Isn't that how its supposed to be? People supporting people with the money they voluntarily give?
I mean, unlike taxes these people know where it's going.
Imagine... a system where you can take the money that was going to be spent on something you dont agree on being spent on what you know of and approve!

>1/3 of campaigns
Yeah, but probably only a small fraction of the actual money donated. Besides, everyone gets sick but not everyone comes up with a brilliant idea that just needs funding.

Except gofundme allows donors to chose who they donate to while universal healthcare doesn't allow that.

The ever-increasing undocumented immigrant and uninsured fund proves exactly why universal healthcare won't work

Daddy government will be forced by lawsuit to pay out for every little thing and the system will collapse over time

>one of the largest insurers in the US.

Gofundme raises about $140 million per month, so that places medical expenditures at $46M per month, or $560M per annum. The top 5 insurers issue more than $50B per annum each and about 100 companies stand above $1B per year.

So how is gofundme one of the largest?