Mexico is much better than the USA

Mexico is much better than the USA

>no niggers
>no mudslims
>few kikes
>no pajeet street shitting indians everywhere
>no retarded lawsuits like in Dumbfukistan
>if you have money you're above the law in some regards
>no death penalty
>women are not fat self entitled cheating slobs
>useless NEET scum don't get free money from the gvt
>very small number of hobos
>decently priced healthcare, not blatant scam prices like in the US
>best food cuisine in the whole world, not just cancer filled processed fast food garbage
>no school shootings or false flag attacks
>zero terrorist attacks/attempts
>no gun carrying population besides drug cartels which fight between themselves only, you wont get shot because you cut someone on the street

Prove me wrong, faggots

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forgive english, i am burrito man. i come to study clothing and fashion at American university. i am here little time and i am very hard stress. i am gay also and this very difficult for me, i am very religion person. i never act to be gay with other men before. but after i am in america 6 weeks i am my friend together he is gay also. He was show me American fashion and then we are kiss. We sex together. I never before now am tell my mother about gay because i am very shame. As i fock this American boy it is very good to me but also i am feel so guilty. I feel extreme guilty as I begin orgasm. I feel so guilty that I pick up my telephone and call Mother in tacoland. I awaken her. It too late for stopping so I am cumming sex. I am very upset and guilty and crying, so I yell her, "I AM CUM FROM SEX" (in mexicano). She say what? I say "I AM CUM FROM SEX" and she say you boy, do not marry American girl, and I say "NO I AM CUM FROM SEX WITH MAN, I AM IN ASS, I CUM IN ASS" and my mother very angry me. She not get scared though. I hang up phone and am very embarrass. My friend also he is very embarrass. I am guilt and feel very stupid. I wonder, why do I gay with man? But I continue because when it spurt it feel very good in American ass.

That's why people with money stay in Mexico, because it's a great place to live.

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>>women are not fat self entitled cheating slobs
Troll thread, move along.

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>a demographic toilet

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>few kikes

bro do you even Monterrey?

Having nigger blood is not nearly as bad as having native american blood

Do you even have toilets in Mexico?

hey mate how much is a tonne of cocaine in your country

Whites are the only Native Americans. You must mean American Indians.

>Prove me wrong, faggots

Well, for one thing, we're trying to build a wall to keep you subhumans out.

perfect shitpost 10/10

The problem with Mexico is that it contains Mexicans. A sub- human species who were conquered by a few based Spaniards.

Pffft. Your country is a shithole. And the people that come from your country are shitty lazy violent chuntis

less that 1K Dlls.

TIL Mexico is libertarian paradise

There's one major problem though paco, there are mexicans in mexico.

>Having nigger blood is not nearly as bad as having native american blood

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You are one lonely spic to troll as openly as this.
Well lads? Give him the attention he wants

It's true. Niggers are dumb but they are still able to excel in fields that don't require high IQ. There's many great nigger athletes, musicians, actors. Native Americans though, what exceotional characters did they produce? Jimbo the local drunk hobo? Some retarded rapist chieftain from 400 years ago?

Lel. You're a funny spic aren't you?

They do but they toss the used toilet paper down beside it. True story, ask them. This one will lie but some user should get him drunk THEN ask him.
"Much better than the USA"
>Yours is the only race on earth that refuses to properly use toilet paper, EVEN AFTER BEING TAUGHT HOW TO AGAIN AND AGAIN

I'm tired of them and almost ready to take tools down there and start building it myself. When finished we need to carve across its gate top, "Constructed by the conservative families and hard work of THE AMERICAN PEOPLE."

That'll humiliate them for decades.

His posts all cry out he's lonely. This is why we need to give him attention he may not want but the kind he deserves


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Based gay russia copypasta haven't seen it in a long time 10/10

Spic toilet use: there:


Remember what you've read here the next time one claims that he's white, or that puta desperately begs you to fuck her. You WILL smell her shit if you go for it. Guaranteed. Her personal hygiene demands it.

Wathever hes saying, is true we don't have many niggers or jews at all, problem is the LGTB culture is growing here too and very very fast, i blame all those chilangos you lads are deporting bringing their infected half-breed culture of faggots and for that i hate you all.
I saw a video of a bunch of people that looks like literal demons call themselves drags and walk to school areas to hug childrens it was so fucking disgusting and then at the end of the video they talk how USA is better than us at these kinda of things.

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You forgot
>hordes of low-IQ prietos
other then that yeah
and also to the americuck crying ITT it's true we don't flush our toilet paper but put it in a bin next to it

>few kikes


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>it's true we don't flush our toilet paper but put it in a bin next to it
Why do you do this? Don't you know it's unsanitary? Can't you just kind of sense it? It's shit... you know what shit is... why would you not want to flush it away using clean, sanitary water? (Inb4 some Europoor taunts me about bidets. I bought, installed and happen to own one. A little pricey but worth it.
Poor toilet hygiene is not on.) So, Carlos: why don't Mexicans flush tp? You have to know it weakens your case you're above niggers when even niggers as well as Americans know you do this.

>gets head cut off and body hung feet first from bridge in midtown Tiajuana. All for being white and walking down the sidewalk. Fuck Mexico. You're lucky we haven't given you the shock and awe treatment yet. I advocate military occupation of Mexico.

I honestly don't know, I guess I'm just used to it. Truth be told, the reason is cause our piping sucks ass.

>all of your people are niggers
>There's plenty of mudslimes in your country, you just can't tell because everyone else is shooting up the place and beheading others
>Your socialist country granted sanctuary to archkike Trotsky. Where there's 1 there's 1000
>your entire country is a toilet. Dysentery and Hep C don't just happen at random
>no lawsuits because there is no law
>having enough money puts you above the law in most countries. But it's not a good thing
>there is a death penalty. It's called getting your head cut off by los zetas for losing a kilo of coke near the border
>your women are some of the fattest entitled disgusting whores ever known. Without taquila, your people woulda went extinct centuries ago
>no one gets money from your piss poor govt
>most of your people are hobos, especially the ones who keep sneaking across the border
>whatever bare minimum of a functional healthcare system caters exclusively to foreigners with money. Fortunately, the average mexican usually dies from dismemberment before reaching a hospital
>your food is basically 100 varieties of industrial-grade laxative made from beans and corn
>I'm sure you can call some of your daily shootings "school shootings" if you had schools
>mexicans live in terror 24/7
>yep, gun control is wonderful and really does keep the gun violence down hahahahhaahah I suppose machetes and acid barrels fill that niche

Pretty sure they pwn Wh*toids at Spirit Quests

Yuros destroyed the great cultures of the Americas and replaced them with Juan Carlos Javier Fortuna Rodriguez Jr. Is there any greater historical crime?

But it's full of stupid, obese, obnoxious beaners. And Mexico City is third world shithole tier. Ditto all of Mexico, actually.

cant prove wrong what's evidently true

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One problem Juan, Mexico is full of Mexicans which makes it a worthless fucking shithole.

isnt it time for your evening prayer, abdul?

I preffer live among cartel than muslims / niggers.

>comparing people selectively bred for physical labor to the dead leftovers of a conquered people
You're a moron.

Glad you love Mexico. Stay there.
And since Mexicans are so great, you won't mind when we give you back 10 million or so of them.

>trusting jew indicators

>Prove me wrong, faggots

You got Mexicans...

>all for being white
you watch too much netflix narco shows
we only ritually people go flipflopped on deals or people who owe you money

I can't believe a thread this ignorant actually got made.

>implying there's a difference
you're all low IQ, violent shitskins, taconigger

kikes control the entirety of mexican media

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I was in Guanajuato for a month of summer classes once. There were some black girls.

We walked into a bar one evening. It went silent and everyone turned around and started staring at her. I live in the South and I've never seen that before.

Come to find out, Mexicans are racist against dark skinned Mexicans. Who knew?

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Postin' it here since my thread went byebye.
Mexico is fucking based.

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It's full of Mexicans though.

>no niggers
>no mudslims
we are already savages
>few kikes
cool and good
>no pajeet street shitting indians everywhere
have you seen the poor states? they dont even have a paved street, they shit, eat and sleep on the dirt
>no retarded lawsuits like in Dumbfukistan
>if you have money you're above the law in some regards
and how many have money besides (((televisa)))?
>no death penalty
sell tacos with poorly made tortillas to your local druglord and you are already fucked
>women are not fat self entitled cheating slobs
>useless NEET scum don't get free money from the gvt
>very small number of hobos
>decently priced healthcare, not blatant scam prices like in the US
cool and good
>best food cuisine in the whole world, not just cancer filled processed fast food garbage
>no school shootings or false flag attacks
user i
>zero terrorist attacks/attempts
why would (((isis))) attack this third world shithole
>no gun carrying population besides drug cartels which fight between themselves only, you wont get shot because you cut someone on the street

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fucking doomentio

Just checked Google Street view. Why does every house for a thousand miles have bars on the windows and doors and fences in the front yard? Are there monsters that come out at night like in Minecraft?

Just wondering.

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>no niggers
No, mexico IS the niggers


>Only 1% of crimes are punished in Mexico

>Mexico says drug gang members ate human hearts

>One Man Dissolved Dozens of Bodies and Dumped Them in This Mass Grave in Mexico

>More than 100 politicians have been murdered in Mexico ahead of Sunday’s election

i'd rather have mexicans than niggers or mudslimes, honestly.

good to see you cant refute anything fatboy

theyre not mexicans anymore, theyre pochos, we dont want them anymore since they somehow theyre superior now because they lived in the US illegally

thats because there are no niggers here except tourists so they stand out and we dont like em

see my first reply

cause you dont want poor people come from somewhere and easily break your window and steal your shit, remember no one has guns here so we rather protect with bars than use guns while the robber is alread inside.

>few kikes
Oh Jose

What happened to those missing students?

Also, granted most of your serialized weaponry came from the USA, these were military weapons given to the Mexican Govt and just happened to end up in Cartel hands.

We should have taken all the land when we kicked your asses. Kit Carson is rolling in his grave.