Democrats are now saying that Trump doesn't need to commit any crimes to be impeached, they can just do it because they don't like him.

So if they're stupid enough to actually try this, what do we do?

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We'll have to kill them all. It's our right to do so, since they'd officially be tyrannical at that point.

Trump isn't going anywhere morons.

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There would be blood for real

I tend to agree with this.

I don't think they can impeach Trump, but didn't Nixon get impeached for far less than him, I heard of Watergate before but I thought it was nothing. Didn't he only have to resign because he gave up to the resistance?

That's not what the constitution says.

>So if they're stupid enough to actually try this, what do we do?

Impeach every future Democrat president. That's why a lot of Democrats are hesitant to do it. They know they'll reduce the power and threat of impeachment if it can just be frivolously thrown at whoever you don't like. But if that's the game they want to play...

They won't be able to impeach him, but they can promise that they will now, and maybe Trump will commit a crime in the intervening time until Dems get a majority in one or both houses, and the hysteria will drive more D voters this year.

>Harming society

If Trump is “harming” what would that nigger call the black communities impact on our nation?

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Watergate was Nixon spying on his politico opponent which is what obama did. All trump did was pay a hooker which is what all of Hollywood does

Diversity goy

I'm going to vote Democrat this midterm and I despise Trump but impeachment is retarded. You can kick him out of office but the GOP will still be in charge of the executive branch and Pence will just continue Trump's agenda. Democrats should forget impeachment talks and just focus on winning Congress this November. Trump can't do shit with a divided or fully Democrat Congress and he sits around twiddling his thumbs until he gets voted out in 2020.

We need to protect the President!
Protect America!!!

Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.

its great when they bring up watergate and think trump is nixon just because they were both presidents

Well memed fellow pede! Maybe if we keep memeing on the libtards, Mueller will just go away and Congress will stay red despite every poll showing it wont!

No, Nixon actually authorized a break in at Democratic election headquarters to spy on them. The burglars were caught, and Nixon tried to cover it up. It is like 1/1000th as bad as the spying Obama did on the Trump campaign. However, the nigger got away with it because he was furthering the Communist takeover of America.

I guess it's time to launch another all out meme ops and this is prime material.
Keep those screencaps and slap a
>that's why you have to vote republican in the midterms
on it and spam it everywhere.

To me Nixon seems more like a guy who had a conscience than a guy who was so much worse than other people. He was far nicer person than Obama or Trump, it seems like his mistake was that he simply gave up because the people who would have hated him anyway pressured him.

He didn't gain anything by being nice to them.

>defending politicians
Why do people enjoy licking the boots of men in power? You really think Trump cares about you?

thats not going to end well for them.

10/10 edit. Also Dems literally can't do shit to impeach.

To be fair the hysteria will probably drive R voters as well in equal or greater numbers who believe the administration they chose is under undue scrutiny. The fact that dems traditionally have poor voter turnout in midterms gives Rs the advantage in such an environment where both parties bases are motivated to turn up.

The more the media and the traitors in our country freak out it's not because we should be worried about Trump. It's because they feel the DOTR getting closer and closer.

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This has everything to do with Mueller and nothing to do with midterms.

Trump's interview with Ainsley Earhardt he talks about how IMRAN AWAN got a deal and ratted out tons of democrats. Imran was working for Schultz and Israel.

Also Trump called Australia our closest ally. OY VEY!

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Well considering the aussies clearly taught Trump the art of the shitpost, I am not surprised he is so fond of them.

he resigned, no impeachment

>Democrats are now saying that Trump doesn't need to commit any crimes to be impeached, they can just do it because they don't like him.

They're not wrong

>Believing there was ever a political solution possible with the left.


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And they will be shot. It has been written.

you just gave me a libertarian boner

>We'll have to kill them all

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Trump should be impeached for his poor taste in women, of I had bang a porn star money I wouldn't pick Stormy Daniels.

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>far less than him
>far less
remind me what bad things trump has done?

I would support trump if he just started arresting dems

>there are no greater friends than US and Aussie
guess trump doesnt use Jow Forums

being on the news 24/7

yes he does

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>that's trumps fault

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the joke

>waaah he beat Hillary impeach impeach impeach!!!

It funny because Nixon's guys did such a bad job of it. They wiretapped some low level secretary's phone, and they got caught red handed rummaging around an office in the middle of the night. Compare that to Obama slipping an actual agent into Trump's organization. Much more effective, and yet harder to get caught and easier to justify.

>"We were watching out for Trump!"

It's despicable. People should hang.

Kinda like Obama was doing for Hillary on trump. Hahaha

Sad but true, they're leaving us no choice at this point.

>Impeachment = removal from office
Why is literally everyone a fucking brainlet on this topic? IMPEACHMENT IS NOT REMOVAL FROM OFFICE. NO PRESIDENT HAS EVER BEEN REMOVED FROM OFFICE. Impeachment is simply a statement by the legislative branch. Literally nothing changes in the white house as a result. There's no way they could get the votes to have him removed from office, so it's not even worth discussing.

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impeachment means no longer president retard

Well didn't he fuck two whores, Stormy Daniels and someone else and then pay them to shut up. It's not an offence against his country but only offence to his wife.

The lefties really are throwing a shit-fit when not getting their own way, like a spoiled child. They're willing to push this to a civil war to get what they want...Which will lead to them starving.

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The US Constitution says that impeachment is permitted for a President or Vice-President who has committed "treason, bribery and other high crimes and misdemeanors."

Blackmailing is a crime... paying a blackmailer is not a crime, and certainly not an impeachable offense.

>Pence will just continue Trump's agenda
Lol Pence is a Neocohen through and through if hes put in office we can expect another war in the middle east and not even the pretense of trying to stop illegal immigration it will pretty much be christian hillary

Fake and gay

allegedly and while i dont like that, it's not destroying the nation.
it only gets the pearl clutchers uppity

Lied under oath.
That's where the charge has moved to. And over some stupid shit too, a whore.
But he lied under oath.

what did he lie about oh wise aussie retard?

can someone confirm this? I dont use pisser

paying off this dumb whore.
That's what I've gathered so far you little mutt. Feel free to correct me.

Why would you doubt the God Emperor?

woah, i cant believe he paid off a whore, my god what an atrocity to our nation!

I Sooo hope they are this stupid.
It will never make it threw both house and senate even if they get their 'Blue Wave' and will then seen loose even more credibility with the public.

If you honestly think Senate cucks are going to have any fucking spine and stick up for Trump if the House votes impeachment, you're literally retarded.

The Democrats know this. They're pushing for impeachment in the house because they KNOW the GOPe will fold up like a cheap suit if they gain enough political momentum to impeach.

You don't think there are a dozen weak Senate republicans who'd vote for removal?

Come on, wake the fuck up.

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>Lied under oath.
As far as I'm aware Trump has never offered a statement under oath since taking over the office. Clinton, by comparison, lied under oath during a federal investigation and was impeached by the House but had his impeachment overturned by the Senate.

If Congress votes to impeach then you are impeached, why is this news? You can commit a crime and not be impeached or vice versa, it just is a vote.

>So if they're stupid enough to actually try this, what do we do?

Al Green is massively retarded. The democratic party is finished.

Trump has NEVER been deposed under oath on this issue or any other issue while president or prior.

This is just false.

No it doesn't, you fucking brainlet. Removal from office is a separate procedure that has never happened in American history, yet there have been 19 impeachments out of 64 attempts. You must be too young to remember the Clinton impeachment..

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People don't care about principles.
They care about their feelings. If they thought lynching you or another person would make them feel better and that their social group would be on board with it, they would not hesitate to try to goad others into lynching you.

People do not tend to operate on principle in their actual lives - that probably includes yourself. You - personally - would probably do all sorts of depraved things if you could get away with them, because you - personally - are just another animal drone whose primary operating compulsion is the satiation of your desires and nothing greater.

Ok you clearly don't get that it's no longer about the flesh slit.
It's the fact that

comprende senor? por fa vor?

I hope they win the House so they impeach him and fuck their chances for 2020. It'll be a bloodbath when nothing comes of the impeachment and Trump wins bigly

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Ah well then I don't understand, the issue seems to be about him paying a whore for her silence and denying he did so?

I said impeachment isn't removal from office. Removal from office is much more difficult than impeachment, which is why no president has ever been removed from office. Pay attention you reddit spacing retard.

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I am out of the loop, is the whole investigation bs finally over or something, and lefties are finally admitting that they do not care how, they just want trump impeached

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Paying someone to shut up is completely legal and is technically called a 'Confidentially Agreement'.
And second off you jerk offs the legal precedent is you can't impeach for offences that occurred BEFORE they were in office.

Why do you continue with this stale argument? People voted for a set of principles that Trump is protecting. Caring is for women. Leading is presidential.

No, that was Clinton who lied under oath while in office. Trump hasn't gone under oath and lied about anything.

Dear God, please, please let this happen. I was promised a civil war soon.

>dude I have no principles that means nobody else does either
Imagine being this much of a degenerate

>People voted for a set of principles
You are utterly delusional.

Techmically, Tricky resigned before he got impeached - it was however impending, and it certainly wasn't for nothing. Clinton is your best example of getting impeached for nothing, literally so. Basically, enough people want you on trial? you'll go on trial, actual charges are near-irrelevant. Friendly reminder, who sepnt a fucking age crying for Obama to be impeached over non-existent birth certificate forgeries and similar fucking nonsense.

>Fpbp, the only post, /thread, this, etc.
I cant wait to see the shock on their faces when they realize what a horrible idea this is.

I'm open to this option actually

If they do it, that's the end of civilization: either because people will revolt or because they won't

You would kill an innocent stranger if you were sufficiently threatened.

When asshat?
When has he been put under oath since he's been in office?

just try and bullet hell touhou will come to reality

You're an idiot. Kek.

There's nothing morally wrong with self defense, what is your point?

Look how scared you are. It thrills me.

You're not defending yourself. You're killing an innocent person because someone else threatened you should you not.
That's brute evil selfishness - animalistic and without principle.

He lied to the American people on national television.

This nigger Al Green has been moving to file articles of impeachment for over a year now. It's become so unpopular according to demoncraps' own internal polling that Nancy Pelosi and others have had to tell him and Mad Maxine to shut up about it until after the election. The more these loud-mouthed jiggaboos cry impeach, the more they're annoying Americans who are getting back to work, buying houses, having money to feed their families, and getting off welfare.

they need to convict him in the SENATE. we have the senate

There is not a sweet goddamn politician alive who hasn't 'lied to the Great and Gullible Murican Public' on TV before, FFS. Clinons 'lie' was a minor, white one. srsly, it was a fcuking nonsense to be impeaching over, it just lowers the bar to the level of ridiculousness and triviality.

trump needs to take a look at the benefactors of said opposition

bet this has something to do with "Trumps Trade War"