Why aren't burgerlards more grateful to us...

why aren't burgerlards more grateful to us? don't they realize how lucky they are to have us as neighbours instead of terrorists that try to force their religion or black pirates?

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So lucky that half your population is desperate to escape to here

But yes you're better than Africa or Muslimland

>why aren't you grateful to us for coming and raping your women, murdering your children, taking your money and sending it back to Mexico, tax free

Politics aside, you guys are annoying and smell like shit.

Because you bring out the worst in capitalism. You're cheap labor willing to do jobs that should have (and in other countries are) done by machines.
You're a kind of second class citizen with no real rights and no legal capability to vote, but yet you're also effectively subsidized by the government (because of the agriculture lobbyists pretending to do it for humanitarian reasons) so that you can live in substandard housing with poor conditions that are just good enough to let you continue working your terrible jobs.

Honestly your people are being absolutely victimized and exploited, but you're just "happy" to earn a little extra money to send back to your families so they can pay their way out of the shithole country you came from, rather than work to better your own country.

Technically, you're correct; But is it really much of a compliment to say that you're better than mudslimes and niggers?

As a fellow mexican, go fuck yourself.

Also this mutt is right tho

I like how you have to dump your flag next to some generic whore to prove how awesome your country is, as people can't believe Mexican women don't look like goblins.

You mexicans are so fucking disgusting, I'm already used to dealing with subhumans in a daily basis but you somehow manage to set the bar even lower. You are a lot like chinks, you use the little IQ you do have to be a despicable backstabbing cunt. You deserve being thrown in a pit of snakes.
You give the subhuman bolivians a run for their game

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>you should be thankful to us for not being even worse subhumans!


Sure I guess if the choice is getting pissed on by an ugly motherfucker rather than getting shat on by an ugly motherfucker then I guess most people would look at getting pissed by as the better alternative

You call Americans :burgerlards" when you loser fucks have an even worse obesity problem? Shut the fuck up. There is nothing to be grateful for, you fucks are a huge problem. Pushing drugs into our country. Taking our jobs. Destroying economies. Ripping off the government. I wish we could invade Mexico and then annihilate all of you permanently.

You live in a white rural suburban land and watch way too much (((Fox News )))

Hey now if americucks don't do anything to stop gun trafficking into the south you have no right to complain about drugs going up north

take the crest off that flag and i wouldn't doubt shes italian

Mexicans are worse than terrorists. Between the narcos and the illegals who come here to commit crime sprees, Mexico is just a giant crime family masquerading as a nation-state.

kys paco

Yes why aren’t I grateful 15 million useless fucking spics ruined California and are single handedly responsible for our water problems.

Mexicans are alright. It would be better if fewer of them came here.

I like legal Mexicans. My neighbor moved here from Mexico and did it legally. He’s a retired boomer veterinarian that travels the country on his Harleys. Do it legally and we’re good.

Can any mexican here comment on if an idea of a UN envoy sent to help with cartels is a good one?

>The UN "peace keepers" from south America will just go rape the locals

No! Goddamit. That will just make them support the Cartel more.


UN "Peace Keepers" in Africa


>you live in a white rural suburban land
Thank god. I'd like to keep it that way so stay the fuck out
>watch way too much (((Fox News)))
I don't watch any of it. Get the fuck out though.

Your slave mentality is fucking up our egalitarian model, burrito boy.

Honestly I want to annex you once we get a right wing dictatorship going.

yes, because the first class citizens are willing to do shit jobs. oh wait

Maybe if Mexico were a better neighbor we'd appreciate you more, Meximanteca.

t. Tejano

They are if you pay them more than 9 dollars an hour

stfu. china was the one BEING backstabbed by every country on god's green earth

not mexico's fault

You have a really good point.

Build the wall and all... but thanks.

Your country is literally run by the cartel. Why would anyone want that near their borders?

And it's not the battering ram's fault the police use them to smash your door in.

>how lucky they are to have us as neighbours
you mean how lucky we are the Spanish killed 9/10ths and raped/converted the lucky woman one left alive?
We should have statues and a national holiday for Conquistador Hernan Cortes

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don't be a nigger

I think you’re great neighbors. I like the neighbors in the house next door to me too. But i want them to stay in their own home, much like we want you to stay in your home. Once you’re in my home, you’re no longer a neighbor, you’re an invader

We do like you Mexico, that's why we go there for vacation.

Probably because you're genetically inferior to whites and behave as such.

thats not context


if only you'd take your own advice

diversity is our strength

>Every white person is exactly like my petite bourgeoisie friends on Facebook

I actually agree with you.

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Why can't you be more like Australia...

Just a bunch of gang rapers and killers.

you're one to talk, britlard

I like Mexicans, in Mexico.

The cartels are terrorists, worse than Isis.

Attached: Cartel Facelift.jpg (500x417, 42K)

Why should we be grateful? You are terrorists, and what difference are you from black pirates?
Answer these questions and we can have a real conversation, otherwise, you've made no points in your post other than to farm you's.

nothing is worse than you autistic faggot macacos, trully the scrum of the earth

If you gotta have a migrant crisis, spics are the best group you could pick for it tbqh

t. cuck

Answer me these questions, nigger.

why do you claim "we are terrorists", are you dumb?

you funded them

You guys are all Chollos, I had a mexican best friend when I was growing up, he's probably in jail, he shared an apartment with 10 people, you guys are scum, please kill yourself..

--Snow mexicans

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>the tacofat

The noms can stay, but your brood brothers have to go back

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>>All 60 of them, and ride back across the border in the same clown car all of you took across, take your shitty half glass half coke with you.


An user posted a story about him trying to find meat packing work and they usually don’t post the jobs in a normal way and filter most whites out if they do find out about it. Plenty would do it, just like white men still do construction