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Other urls found in this thread:’s-records/

the guy in the yellow shirt in the foreground doesn't seem to be helping at all.

but as a ex-coast guardsman i can attest to the danger and ever looming threat of a shipboard fire.

>be surrounded by water
>burn to death

Attached: woah jak.jpg (629x533, 58K)

>Only way to fight the fire is by spraying water inside your people box.
>This is commonly called "sinking"

Shipboard fires suck

OP people don't know that John McCain did this.

I do but, how specifically? He crash landed or botched a takeoff or what?

He launched a fucking rocket while on deck

This actually changed the way the navy trainee sailors.

Now instead of only a handful of people who are trained to fight fires on ship, everyone fights fires. All of the trained firefighters onboard died when the ammo exploded in the first few blasts.

Now everyone has strict rules to follow when handling ammo, too. It was a jet's missile that detonated, causing a chain reaction.

There's no more shirtless ammo handling, chilling around the work, and no fuck everyone Captain on down knows how to fight fires.

nuoh my god

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For all the underage redditcucks McCain started this fire trying to show off

[somebody] hot started his engine (showing off) and cooked a missile on a nearby plane, causing it to fire on deck into another plane.

>jump into the water
>never seen again

great plan

I hope all the people he killed shove him down to hell.

Actual video of the event.

McCain's actual plane is in the initial fire.

is there any proof McCain was directly responsible for this? I've heard fags deny this and cite that there was no proof. I WANT TO BELIEVE.

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he was known to be a hotdog pilot who wet started his engines to show off. Wet starting meant that jet fuel was pumped into the engines before ignition and when they were fired up you'd get an impressive flame shooting out the back. He allegily wet started his engine that day, and inadverently set off a rocket of a plane that was right behind him waiting to taxi. The rocket than hit some fuel storage and the rest of them went up.
Whatever the truth of the matter he was evacuated to another ship after he ejected and was picked up because the crew were out for blood and were going to lynch him because many blamed his showboating for the accident

McCain was bailed out by his daddy no doubt, and libs say Trump got a leg up in life.

snopes says no so the question is do you trust snopes?

while everyone was dealing with the aftermath of the disaster, the captain order one person off the ship immediately via helicopter, so that that person wouldn't be killed by the angry crew.

There's a ship that carries the namesake of his literal dad. Most ships are named after cities, war heros or presidents

John McCain was the biggest silver spoon faggot maybe in the history of the entire US Navy. The fact that he happens to be that, but also a POW and the source of all these collosal fuck ups is a testimant to how much of a shit pilot he really was

Snopes said it's not true? OK then, probably true.

didn't he wreck like 4 planes?
anyone else would have been pushed out of the navy after one or two.

ya but he's father was an admiral.. So...

>jump 6 stories.
>break multiple bones.
>everyone fighting fire so no one to save you.


I read the Forrestal accident report a few years ago and if I recall it stated that McCains plane was somewhere on the port side of the ship waiting to taxi and was to the side of the aircraft whose rocket went off. Who knows the truth though, McCain had serious connections and I won't put it past his father to intervene to save his son and himself from disgrace

It's bullshit.

There was a Zuni rocket which was launched due to an electrical short from a plane that McCain wasn't even piloting. The story about flames from McCains engines causing a rocket to launch is pure bullshit conjured up for political reasons.

That's not how evidence works.

>hu durrr. Is grass blue?
>Well Snopes says it's not yellow
>Grass is yellow.

Evidence?.. testimony?.. at least give me a link to a conspiracy site.

>give link

Get ready for heavy bullshit lol

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That's exactly what I want.

Give me the dirt to sift through. That is where I'll find my gold.

They teach proper form.

its just fucking incredible that McStain wasn't charged with desertion under fire and fucking executed, for what is perhaps the most cowardly thing ever done in the history of US Navy. This piece of shit in a panic dropped two one thousand pound bombs into the deck, killing dozens and igniting a huge fire. Then he runs below decks, fake an injury, gets helicoptered off the forestal to saigon where he parties for 7 days, then he goes to see Daddy in Europe who patches it all up and covers up McCains crime!

What a fucking timeline. Jow Forums was right, the day he dies its all gonna come out!

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You are posting an article written by liberal jews when they were trying to stop McCain from being president lol. You're repeating lies that democrats made up to swiftboat McCain the way republicans did John Kerry lol

it wasnt the rocket, it was the two one thousand pound bombs that mccain dropped when he panicked about the rocket exploding. McCain basically shit his pants, and in a rush to get out of his cockpit he dropped two bombs into the fire, which would have been easy to put out ... well except McStains bombs killed the fire crews and detonated a huge pile of fuel! He had already crashed three other planes!

Thank god he was shot down, because he was doing more damage to US Naval Assets then the North vietnamese! In fact now that I think about it ... I wonder who shot him down! Probably the other pilots had had enough of "Half-wit McCain" and his fucktardo bullshit. Crashing planes, shitting himself and dropping bombs through the deck. That fucking idiot shouldn't have been anywhere near an airplane, let alone flying it.


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That's bullshit and doesn't even make sense. If he's on the deck and there's a huge fire underneath one or both wings of his plane, he wouldn't even need to drop the bombs for them to have gotten hot and exploded.

It's a false story designed by liberal Jews to try to stop McCain when he was running as a republican for president. And you fell for it because you don't like McCain lol

these "lies" where published long before that lazy jewess Hershburger got her hands on it, the source is:
May 14, 1973, edition of U.S. News & World Report
R.W. Apple Jr., “Start of Tragedy: Pilot Hears a Blast As He Checks Plane” (New York Times, July 31, 1967) 1; McCain, 181.
R.W. Apple Jr., “McCain’s Son, Forrestal Survivor, Is Missing in Raid” (New York Times, Oct. 28, 1967)

what is Apple a jew too. hes the one who raised the alarm bells long ago about McStains unfitness for naval duty, let alone at the controls of a jet fighter, but McStains own record speaks volumes

3 crashes, pant shitting, dumping ordance on flightdecks and finally shot down ... like WTF .. he should have been fired after the first crash

HE SHIT HIMSELF ... thats why he ran below decks, (quick stop at bathroom to clean up) and later appeared at medical center, then scurried off to pilots lounge

there was no fire under macStains plane, it was under Whites plane, maccains bombs rolled accross the deck and into the flames, in his panic to get out of his plane and run away McCain dropped his bombs, and he dropped a load in his shorts (we are not sure which occurred first)
he shit himself and abandoned his shipmates!

Post the articles so we can see what they allege about McCain and if he came up with the idea that McCain was a worthless coward or the Jew did. For all we know, the only information she got from those articles was shit we already agree on, like the fact that a Zuni rocket went off.

As it stands now, the only 'evidence' you have cited directly that calls McCain himself into question is an article written by a liberal Jew during McCains presidential run.

that was john mccain

Mccain's plane was parked with the tail facing off the carrier, shown clearly in this photo.

He may be a showboating shithead, but that isn't what caused the fire.

Attached: USS_Forrestal_A-4_Skyhawk_burning.png (1396x1110, 1.31M)

notice the missing bombs on McStains aircraft. He killed 143 crewman! Thats why he was helicoptered off the forestral so quickly and never returned, those men were gonna kill him! and the captain knew it.

It was probably his own wingman who shot him down. he singlehandledy caused more deaths then the entire North vietnamese airforce. Every sailor aboard that ship knew who dropped thier bombs into the fire. he was a complete and total fuck up. the only reason he got through flight school to begin with was his daddy the admiral, and thats who also made sure the forestral report didnt indict him for murders of 143 crewmebers. He should have been courtmartialed and everyone knew it, an absolute disgrace

MCCain knew the bombs were dangerous and authorized them anyways, his A-4 pilons were only rated to 500lbs, but McCain had them loaded with 1000lb bombs anyways ... the bombs were manufactured in 1935 ... McCain knew this’s-records/

"""crewmen aboard the Forrestal have provided additional information about the Forrestal incident. It is believed by many crewmen and those who have investigated the case that McCain deliberately “wet-started” his A-4E to shake up the guy in the plane behind his A-4. “Wet-starts”, done either deliberately or accidentally, shoot a large flame from the tail of the aircraft.
In McCain’s case, the “wet-start” apparently “cooked off” and launched the Zuni rocket from the rear F-4 that touched off the explosions and massive fire. The F-4 pilot was reportedly killed in the conflagration. “Wet starting” was apparently a common practice among young “hot-dog” pilots. """"

McCain caused the fire!

So now your evidence is a post on an internet forum. Alrighty lol

never said he did start it, was just explaining the meme to another user, see

Exactly. People going around claiming that this guy caused a horrible accident and then ran away without any real evidence to support it. Claiming a cover-up is easy as hell whether or not the person is actually connected.

not only is McCain a traitorous bastard, but his shithead dad covered up the USS Liberty incident ... this is one of the blackmails used against McStain family.

I notice you havent cited a single source proving me wrong ... protip you cant. Go back to the JIDF schlomo .... mission abort!

Why should I try to prove that a thing did not happen when you can't even begin to prove that it did?

Also you just reposted the same shit but on Tumblr this time. Basically it starts out by saying there's no evidence that McCain did it, and then makes claims that are demonstrably false, like the idea that McCains engines caused a rocket to fire, when in fact the plane whose rocket fired was not behind McCains plane.

This is bullshit liberal propaganda that you're recycling, dude.

Prove HOW it did happen. that proves me wrong. but you know as well as i do that any articles you cite are likely to raise more questions then answers. I have cited many sources, including eyewitness testimony
McStain shi his pants
McStain dropped his bombs
McStain did a wet shart onto the palne behind him causing arocket to cook off that fired and hit the plane beside him ... and thats not even to mention the other five crashes that he caused and the god knows how many near misses ... because he was completely incompetent, none of the other pilots wanted to be anywhere near "shit your pants and run for cover McStain" . He killed 143 men and his daddy the admiral covered it up.

"bullshit liberal propaganda" ... logical fallacy #13 - genetic - claiming its not the truth on the basis of where ti comes from, even CNN occassionally says something thats true

everyone knows mcstain is traitorous scum, what they dont know is this coward shit his pants and dumped his bombs into a fire klilling 143 crewman aboard the forestral, his father covered it up and thats exactly why he was able to be blackmailed for last twenty years

its all there in the eyewiness reports, and even in mcstains own admissions, and obvious lies about the incident, his changing stories etc etc. and yeah Mcstain was shot down allright ... by a US Navy pilot, they'd had enough of him and his bullshit and decided if the brass wasn't going to deal with this fuckup that they would ... thats why Mcstain hated the US for the rest of his life. He lived a lie to cover up a huge lie, just like you schlomo.

Attached: McStain.jpg (450x342, 29K)

You cited blog posts and a jewish propaganda article, man.

Meanwhile we have official reports and photos that contradict the narrative that McCain caused a rocket on a plane behind his to cook off and trigger the incident.

The rocket struck a plane directly next to McCains, and either his air craft or the aircraft that was struck could easily have released their bombs as a result of the explosion, which sent debris and shrapnel all over the place. Zero evidence that McCain panicked and caused the bombs to fall.

official reports and photos
so its kinda like the holocost,

..... you are jewish propanganda! go home schlomo, Mcstain killed 143 crewman aboard forestral while his father was covering up the USS liberty event, both of them were blackmailed with this information for years,

zero evidence! ,,, except eyewitness accounts, the fact that to drop the bombs would require two switches to be released, and the pilons they were mounted to were hardened and had fail safes to prevent exactly this, only problem was that mcstain had overloaded his pilons, which were only rated to 500lbs! its all there schlomo, cited sourced and documented

macStain shit himself, which is why he didnt go to medical first but instead went to his pilots quarters and changed out of his flight suit, then went to medical where he was dismissed by doctors as "not injured" ... but he did cower below decks, terrified by the knowledge of what he had done, and fearing for his life ... and thats all in his own report

you explain to me why he went to his quaters and changed his flight suit
you explain to me why the doctors dismissed him, despite his "injury" claim
you explain why he stayed in pilots lounge and watched the fire progress
you explain why his captain had him helicoptered off the ship that very day, despite the fact that all R&R was obviously cancelled
you explain why he did not attend the funerals of his shipmates
you explain why he never went back to forestral, but instead went to see his father for a week in london
you explain why he spent next week in french riviera "contemplating his career"

im waiting schlomo, but i know you wont explain any of it, despite the fact that it sticks to high hell of coverup

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The only similarity between this and the holocaust is that Jews cooked it up for political gain.

Still zero evidence posted.