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No they don't. This is just another Jew show to divide america based on race. Too bad nobody wants identity politics anymore and Jews like OP are gonna be massacred.

Has anyone done a calculation on how much 40 acres each slave would have cost (not that is was ever a deal) versus how much blacks have received for dem social programs?

>what is Liberia

>giving the blacks unrealistic expectations of being able to maintain their own society in any semblance of success and social order

This propaganda teaches blacks to resist western society. Fucking cancer.

>what is Liberia?

Whoa are you me?

Thinking niggers know anything other than ooga booga

They did, it is called Liberia....

>freed slaves get their own country
isnt that what happened IRL ?

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It is called Liberia, they already wrecked it

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Liberals want to memory-hole Liberia. This show is going to redpill a lot of souls.

muh based black man in a maga hat!!!!!

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bet you 10 bucks if we did this, It would be a Haiti tier shit-hole.

shoulda just gave em the land they all would have lost it when they couldnt pay property taxes anyway lol

Whoa are you me?

40 acres? Niggers don't even mow their own lawn, what the fuck would they do with 40 acres?

literally Liberia

that coates nigger pretended to, i think. he figured we still owed them. go nigger.

Wow! That pic must make the hottest white women wet!

just mention to normies how niggers already got their own country in the form of Liberia and this whole narrative will fall apart


Dammit, it's like we already did everything we could for them, and still get told we have to give more.

I think they said "40 anchors and a pool", hard to tell.

4 million slaves in the us
160 million acres
7% of the US' size

It's called Liberia OP, and it's a shithole.

Fun fact, Aaron McGruder, the creator of Boondocks is the main writer

BASED black man is your ally against the jews

Literally Haiti
>In the midst of the French Revolution (1789–99), slaves and free people of color revolted in the Haitian Revolution (1791–1804), culminating in the abolition of slavery and the defeat of Napoleon Bonaparte's army at the Battle of Vertières. Afterward the sovereign nation of Haiti was established on 1 January 1804—the first independent nation of Latin America and the Caribbean, the second republic in the Americas, and the only nation in the world established as a result of a successful slave revolt.[18][19]

2007 me thinks this makes it based

so its going to bed a decent comedy?


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That happened already. It worked out exactly as you'd expect.
Why don't leftists study history?

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Wakanda rises

>what is Haiti

They have their own continent in real life, but when does a nigga start to care?

They did get their own country in our timeline too.

Attached: Liberia.webm (640x360, 541K)

they already were given their free countrry.
it was called LIBERIA !

What did niggers do with it ?
You dont have to be an Einstein to gzess :

OFC they fucked it up ! As niggers do with EVERYTHING those subhumans / animals touch !


I see blacks are just pretending Liberia never happened eh?

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Possible redpills definitely coming

Not quite the same, although it is a good example of blacks taking control. Haiti is more of a Zimbabwe kind of deal.
Liberia, on the other hand, is exactly what the premise of this show suggests. It, er, didn't quite turn into Wakanda. Maybe give it a bit more time?
>TFW there wuz unobtanium but M'bempe turned it into jemkem and smoked it all up

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So Liberia?

>an alt history in which freed slaves get their own country
If only. I'd love it if we could balkanize America and give each race a section.

"Here is a ship to return to Africa, to a province established there specifically for your return as free men & women."

"No. Frederick Douglass said we should stay because he is butthurt."

Wait, did the Indians evolve and learn to quit using the streets? They must have figured the water would wash it away.

Yeah we'd give the blacks a volcano in Hawaii, but since there's only so much room on the rim, we'd have to keep pushing them in to make room for the rest.

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They could save money by livestreaming Liberia.

It's McCains boot

IRL Wakanda lookin good

Only thing cumming is me.

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It's called liberia. They rape babies, drink shit water and engage in cannibalism.


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This is so stupid, it already exists and it's a shithole called Haiti.

Did these stupid niggers forget about Liberia or does it not count because it failed?

Pretty sure there was nothing that said "40 acres and a mule- in north america..."
But, majority of Arizona and Nevada are owned by the federal government,so they can have that

Do they even realize that was what liberia was supposed to be. Except most of them they didn´t want to go for 153 years?

Basically the African Americans quickly realized that the Africans were extra retarded so they set up a planatation system but then native blacks chimped out over this over the last few decades so everyone died. The end

I totally agree that just killing them off would be best (it's literally the only permanent solution) but it will likely never happen. Balkanization is our best bet.

You mean liberia. LITERALLY that was what it was for. Giving the africans that had worked for free for a few mostly jewish plantation owners in the US. THEIR OWN FUCKING COUNTRY. For picking some cotton. The blacks should instead ask themselves why their ancestors didn´t leave for 153 years.

I'll give me 40 acres at the bottom of the sea.

every problem the country encounters will be because wypipo are interfering.

Brief history of Haiti

>Whites owned slaves
>Niggers rebel and slaighter whites
>Now they eat cookies made out of mud.

Both are equally good examples.

>Did these stupid niggers forget about Liberia or does it not count because it failed?
I actually don´t think they have a fucking clue about liberia, or that they were basically given the opportunity to have their own independent african COUNTRY. It´s just an excuse to pick american taxpayers pockets yet again.

>Black people get their own country.
>N-not Africa, you racist!

I'd happily give them an entire US state or two, then this country would have to watch what naturally happens.

I support this and I hope we all encourage blacks to demand their own country or their own reservation of land. The more isolated they are, the better off we are.

Well they already have Michigan.

Southern U.S. farm land needs to be returned to descendants of black slaves NOW!
it is their land, their great grandparents worked that land, return it to their descendants is the right thing to do.

You know what´s funny about the whole reparations stuff? Well if you consider what´s going on in SA right now. Here´s something you might not realize.
>bantu's aren´t native to south africa.
>they move in 100+ years after boers create the nation.
>regardless they are given after apartheid 'reparations' for shit they don´t really deserve. They get choice, money or land.
>niggers take money, spend it all, and then complain they don´t have land. They didn´t take the land because they didn´t know what to do with it. Since they kind of have to build stuff on it or farm themselves on it etc. for it to be worth something for them.
And now they ofcourse want to take the land anyways from the farmers.

> Enslaved and dominated natives
> Live as overlords, get to rape and kill whenever they want


Pick one, Liberia is clearly nigger paradise.

Farm equipment don't have rights.

And you realize that in case of african americans socalled. They got choice to get an entire fucking country. And they said no and wanted to stay in the US. And all the welfare and shit niggers have collected over the years. And ten they go..
>white people (who only 1-3% even owned any slaves whatsoever in the US) never gave us nothing.
Try. An entire country. And massive amounts of welfare and other things. Niggers owe white americans so much fucking money already. And ofcourse the important part is these people today have nothing to do with it. It´s just excuse to pick pockets of people who live now over and over again.

Post the cannibal warlords vidya, stat!

I bet they're not going to do "White America", an alt-history show where there aren't any fucking niggers shitting everything up.

>worked the land
>should get the land
Just because I work in a building doesn't mean I own it.
Of course you're a nigger
Yeah but it only turned to shit in the 90's. Just understand for 153 years these niggers in the US could go to their literal own country where they could do whatever the fuck they wanted. That was the whole point full repatriation and basically giving them their own FUCKING COUNTRY! The repatriation failed and niggers didn´t want to go to liberia. But don´t act as if they weren´t just offered their own fucking nation. Just out of fucking nowhere.

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Yeah it's called Liberia.

0:20 seconds in
You could not pay me a million dollars to walk bearfoot through stagnant water in a 3rd world fuck THAT

Genuinely a good idea. Give them Detroit.

There´s nothing wrong with the country itself but you have to actually built infrastructure on it. It´s called building your own country. Things don´t just build themselves. It´s not some kind of shake and bake deal because other niggers enslave their ancestors sell them to the highest bidder so they come to US pick cotton. That doesn´t mean someone should just build a nation for them and plop them there afterwards. It´s extremely generous to even give them their own fucking nation in the first place. Liberia could have been really beautiful but instead they shit on pristine beaches etc. and turn it into a shithole.

Subversive jews at it once again. Liberia existed, niggers had everything and ruined it.

Free to leave at any time. I will gladly pay for the move. Leave your passport at the door.

non ironically, america better just give them something so they dont bitch and moan for ever, personally i think $20k worth of russel 2000 shares should be given to native african americans that can trace their family back to slavery.
they can either keep it and let it grow or sell it off completely but at least theyll never complain again about not being given some form of reparations

The irony is that they would have had their own state too if they had banded together instead of selling said land to find work in the cities mainly Detroit and getting suckered into Big Labor

>america better just give them something so they dont bitch and moan for ever

nothing will ever be enough, ever

>just give them something
How about giving them some Ebola?

Separation will only work if and only if they cannot cross over to our side and we cannot cross over to theirs. If they shit up their land and come to us for help they will just drag us down with them. There must be absolutely no chance of that happening.

Huzzah a man of quality!

Just give them all two free pairs of Air Jordans and a bottle of promethazine/codeine cough syrup.

>We've got to give them something
Let's make it a bullet in each of their heads.

Yup and then all the american niggers decided to imitate the antebellum south and enslave all the african niggers which caused the african niggers to rise up and brutally slaughter them isnt history fun ?

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ooh i like the idea of a free pound of lead to each one. give it to them one bullet at a time till the pound is up.

>We've got to give them something

or an abortion

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Wait let me guess:
Every episode will show a bucolic negro landscape, populated by genius children, and beautiful and wise negroes creating astonishing architecture, scientific discoveries, and wealth beyond measure. Meanwhile the whiteys pace back and forth outside of the laser perimiter, hoping for their day to lay eyes upon the wonders of the negro ethnostate.
so basically wakanda x10

Why the fuck they all look like Lanky Kong

LBJ great society dumped about 4 trillion since the 60's
Look at section 8 housing and tell me nigs are worth saving

This is true. Look at the Canadian government and the Indians. They get tons if free shit, houses, school played for, get played to go to school, free money and they claim to STILL BE OPPRESSED. Dont give a fucking penny to those cocksuckers because they will never stop

Nigs are worth saving. For some prime fertilizer.

We already have that show. It's called Haiti.