HAHAHAHAHAHA black guy running away from a cop yells "I DINDU NUFFIN BRO!" at 0:20 in the video. Get's fuckin' shot after being told REPEATEDLY that the officer would shoot, how stupid can this guy be???


Attached: dindu.png (2322x1552, 2.5M)

Other urls found in this thread:


Clearly dindu, he was just running to church to meet his grandma before taking his GED and applying to rapper school

Attached: nigger_gentle_giant.png (611x341, 283K)

It's just so ironic that he actually says "I dindu nuffin" before getting shot. I'm sure he was a very good boy as well.

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why the fuck do they have to shoot him 12 times in the chest - in europe they just shoot the people in the legs or arms or something to avoid killing them

Murder in its purest form.

I feel bad for how good it feels to see niggers get shot

>in europe they just shoot the people in the legs or arms or something to avoid killing them
0/10 Goldstien

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He was probably a doctor or an architech. Shameful.

1. Virtually anyone who is trained to use a gun is trained to aim for center mass
2. He was armed and evading police, making him a serious threat

Maybe even a future engineer?

Got a lot of niggers running around with guns murdering cops by the hundreds do ya?

Shut the actual fuck up you stupid faggot

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this is why niggers get ventilated most of the time because they thought attacking cops would be a good idea

Attached: CrimeControl.webm (1916x1080, 1.53M)

>purest form
*best application

what has this country become that a future president can't peacefully shoot a few rounds in teh air without being racially profiled

needs to happen more often

>murdering someone who could have had a legal CC

The nigger actually had a fucking gun lmao

Nobody with a legal CCW is stupid enough to run from the police while carrying unless they're trying to commit suicide by cop

Why are niggers this stupid? It seems counter productive to survival to be this dumb.

What a beautiful flag

>why the fuck do they have to shoot him 12 times in the chest
For good measure. That cop is doing God's work.

how do we ramp up these death by cop numbers?

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Remember, the natural population would be far lower. Civilization insists upon keeping them alive.

>in europe they just shoot the people in the legs or arms or something to avoid killing them

Why would we want to do that? It's almost like you want the wildlife to run around unchecked.

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>It seems counter productive to survival to be this dumb
In Africa the instinct to flee kept them out of the lions mouth. Bullets are faster than lions I guess....

Attached: nigger_out_of_natural_habbitat.gif (300x225, 852K)

So I guess carrying a gun in America is illegal now? ok then

It's a shame modern technological advances have not led us to an effective but nonlethal level of force for situations such as this.

Watch the slowed footage he grabs the gun he says he left back there.

cops disguised as gangbangers while pulling the trigger on the niggers

Attached: LeadDelivery.webm (1916x1080, 1.4M)

That's a lot of cops catching up at the end
Was this guy a coke dealer or something

>Have gun
>Police respond to gunshots in the area
>Fit the description
>Could just drop my firearm, raise my hands
>Instead be a nigger, be armed and run away
>After a ridiculously long chase pull gun out while running
>Get blasted

You could pull shit like this in Germany and youd get clapped in an instant.

It's really hard to shoot someone in the leg or arms while you're both running

>It's a shame modern technological advances have not led us to an effective but nonlethal level of force for situations such as this.
Ever heard of bean bag rounds or rubber bullets? They're fucking ineffective sometimes. There was just a hostage situation where the cops used bean bag rounds and the hostage died, woman would have lived if they shot the guy with real bullets. Lethal force is the only way to stop a suspect with repeatability.

i like the boss fight music

Damn this gif

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open season on negroids can't come soon enough

So anyone who has a gun is responsible for said gunshots in the area and must be shot on sight? Ok then.

Lol this reminded me of the Mike Brown movie.


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How about don't be a nigger and run from the cops while armed? Is that too hard?

its fake

gotta aim for the head, with excellent marksmanship, practice makes perfect

Attached: NigLobotomized.webm (540x360, 975K)

considering their average 85 iq, it truly is that difficult for them

He drew his gun on police after running away you actual retard. Framestep the end.

I've known 0 concealed carriers/white people who would run away from a cop during an event like this

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of course, its from End of Watch

If the pigs have to chase you, you aren't making it out of there alive.



Seriously though. Why do these blacks run? WHY DO THEY RUN? I simply don't get it.

You do know this was a month ago

You really asking how stupid nogs can be?

To me, this stuff should count toward black suicide stats (which are artificially low)

and its dumb the cops moved in on them while they could still fire

>I've known 0 concealed carriers/white people who would run away from a cop during an event like this
Exactly. Anyone who legally has a CCW knows that if you're carrying and run from cops, you're going to die.

fight or flight all they have is that reptilian brain

how do you know he wasn't putting the gun down like the cup instructed? there is literally now way out of that situation. you reach to put the gun down as a black man


get shot, die.

Since when was running from the police a death sentence?

Why didn't he put his hands up?

He turns and shoots at the cop in the video apparently. I have trouble telling but the cops said it happens and that they recovered a casing from the guys gun going off and everything. That's why the cop stops mid-word to light him up. He completely deserved what he got.

this is fucking awesome. saved.

You forgot your meme flag

>shoot someone who is armed in the leg
>they fall down and roll over and shoot you and you die

you just know the black race was the first batch the reptilians made before they got the balance right

All he had to do was stop and put his hands above his head. God damn you're stupid.

I heard its dangerous because they can tuck the gun under the opposite arm and fire at leo while running

If you reach for a gun quickly or while pulling it out point it towards the cop, you're going to get blasted. It's not that hard to safely and slowly pull out a gun when asked to and set it on the ground.
His chance of surviving this encounter would have been infinitely higher if he didn't run.



you mean like this?

black men get shot even without being armed. he had no chance from the beginning.

do white people get told to put their hands up in the air randomly in public simply for carrying?

Thats a good shot after all that sprinting

Good gif bud

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Because lawsuits.
Cops always shoot to kill, its literally what they are trained to do.

Crimefighting Wew!

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What movie is this? There’s no way it’s real.

>do white people get told to put their hands up in the air randomly in public simply for carrying?
Guy in the OP video was drunk and shooting his gun randomly in the air, at the ground, was a public danger

But yes, even whites would be expected to put their hands up when they're told to do so if the situation calls for it

>dat wyte boi gon git RAPED

I wouldn't call 10+ shots in a straight line being a good shot...

They don't. They always shoot to kill.

Watch the witness testimonies from before the bodycams were released, and realize why black witnesses should never be trusted

When will there be justice.

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shooting someone on the leg is a death sentence. Vital arteries run through them, and due to the width of the leg vs the width of the artery vs the width of a bullet wound, you are almost assured to damage it, causing death much faster than a wound to the torso.

“Just shoot them in the leg” is basically saying “just kill them!”.

Also, arms are a hard as fuck to hit.

Guns are not like in the movies.

I want to be a crimefighter

He was hiding in a way where his left hand was completely concealed. When he turned quickly he could have easily been pulling out a gun.

that's not the question i asked. I asked if white people are randomly in public asked to put their hands up in the air just for carrying a gun.

saying that guy in OP's video was the person who did it was an assumption made by the cop at that time.

This time OP was not a faggot.

Don't come here anymore.

Did you not see the gun on the ground when was neutralized? i.e. he was holding it when he went down.


With white guys they like to torture before they shoot them.

You get to meet stupid people
And blow them away.
That was a bit like one of those old timey horse chases but without the horses.
>I didn't du nuffin
>I haven't got a gun
Asshole. Don't do the crime if you're going to whine.

He was a felon randomly firing a gun in the neighborhood


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Fucken wild west

If the cops run up on you, guns drawn, and tell you not to move, how hard is it to not move and not chimp out?

Did you not here that mccane dyed?
>captcha says niggers arent fire hydrants

Right. Getting shot in the leg with a high % chance of hitting an artery is a way to make someone painfully bleed out on the street. Aiming for the chest is always the best solution. Depending where, it can either be fatal, or very survivable.

He reaches back to draw and actually reaches back across his chest to the left. You can see the barrel pointing out from the sillhouette of his upper body and he is twisting his torso to face the cop. That was his death sentence. If he was trying to drop his gun (an absolutely retarded thing to try in this situation)he would have pulled it out and dropped it to his right.

>I asked if white people are randomly in public asked to put their hands up in the air just for carrying a gun
>just for carrying a gun
You are completely ignoring the context in which this happens
This does not happen randomly - I challenge you to find an instance where it did

>was an assumption made by the cop at that time
It was a reasonable one and turned out to be true

>2.5MB image of a shitty compressed video
>Useless subhuman detected

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End of Watch

You're jelly, just admit it.

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are black americans so dumb because they're ancestors were basically from loser tribes?

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Less than 25% of gunshot wounds are fatal.