Seriously, why does everyone here hate him?
Seriously, why does everyone here hate him?
because he was a neocon, and neocons are subhuman
If you were actually serious, you'd be celebrating too.
he was a big meanie to lil baby trump
i dont know why people hate him
Because I like the ones who don't get cancered.
Because I know it'll make you ask
He pretended to be a conservative republican, when in fact he was a war mongering globalists neocon.
seriously kill yourself faggot
Warmonger imperialist who literally wanted the cold war back so he could make even more proxy wars constantly at all times for people to die for profit of elite.
McCain graduated 2nd from last in his class at the Naval Academy. He destroyed four planes before he was ultimately shot down over North Vietnam. Many people have asserted that he was responsible for the disaster aboard the USS Forestal due to a stupid mistake he is alleged to have made that cost millions of dollars and hundreds of lives of fellow sailors.
Any ordinary pilot would have been grounded after destroying four aircraft but John was not ordinary.
His father was the Admiral of the 7th fleet and this gave McCain the opportunity to continue his bumbling.
He was shot down during a bombing run in Vietnam. Apparently on the first pass McCain ineptly missed his target zone and decided to make a second run. The NVA gunners were ready for him.
Upon bailing out he did not follow proceedure and hold his arms properly which resulted in injury upon ejection which afflicted him the rest of his life. He is alleged to have been very cooperative with his captors who nicked named him "Songbird".
His wife became disabled while he was a POW. Upon return to the USA McCain abandoned her for a young woman who's father was a wealthy beer distributor in the Phoenix area. The father-in law has been long rumored to have had connections to organized crime. McCain then embarked upon his political career.
After being elected to office McCain narrowly avoided being caught up in an FBI sting called "Arabscam" where fake sheiks offered cash to crooked politicians. Later he became embroiled in the "Keating Five" he was one of those investigated for taking favors or money from a banker named Keating for favorable legislation and support.
Again, no smoking gun was found so he was able to continue his career as a politician.
Most of this is made up, he made a few video statements that all PoWs were pretty much coerced to make by being tortured. He was held as a PoW and tortured for 5 fucking years in a hostile country. You wouldn't last 1 month in the situation he and his fellow PoWs were in.
And you still couldn't get into the Academy if you tried.
Bealive gets the propaganda
No he wasnt.
Becuase le p eace negotiations are evil, and everyone here is told what to think
>Murdering many army members during his Vietnam time
>Being a Rothschild agent that actively went around the globe to do the bidding of the Rothschilds
>Pedovore Pizzagate shill who actively supplied D.C. Ashkenazi (= Turkic Khazarian Edomites) kikes and shills with kids to abuse (see added pic and realise that Saturn = Satan (McCain was Arizona senator))
My wife's son's father was one of the 137 men he killed.
No one man could do all that in the military, I bet you dig ditches or never served at all
they are the same thing
Neocon, killed an American soldier while joyriding his jet, the Keating Five, he set up an innocent man to take the fall for his wife's drug addiction, and he's a crybaby cuck that attacked everyone while doing nothing beyond selling out the country to illegals
He killed atleast 120 american soldiers
technically, the tumor was part of him and I love the tumor and every cancer cell in his body.
what do you want, imbecile, a signed affidavit?
>killed an American soldier while joyriding his jet
Sauce? Sounds spicy.
You're seriously trying to blame McCain for the Forrestal fire? What the fuck are you retards smoking? There's so many legitimate criticisms of McCain, it only hurts your credibility when you grasp at straws like this.
Why does everyone like him? or is it just fake virtue signaling
Neocon piece of shit that is rotting in Hell.
pol doesn't like airmen who get captured.
He thought arming ISIS rebels in Syria was a good idea. He thought deposing Gadafi in Libya was a good idea. He thought the Iraq War was a good idea. We wanted to star a war in Ukraine. He's obsessed with "confronting Putin". He loves destabilizing countries causing death, suffering, and massive refugee crises. All this and yet the only time he was in an actual war he got himself captured and betrayed his nation. Oh yeah, he loves open borders and he saved obamacare. What a fag.
Where is the source for this?
he's a warhawk shill who wanted further intervention in the Middle East killing sand niggers w/o realising they might wanna kill us back.
It's no wonder why jewfags who are so pro-israel that they have the PM of Israels dick so far down their own throats love him so much. Cause wanted to kill the sand niggers just as much as he did.
He also shilled for Pizzagate. another reason to hate him
I'm glad that fuck face bit the dust, i hope it was painful.
better question: why do democrats love someone who supposedly is an evil republican?
Erich Hartmann did not betray Germany after years of Stalinist torture techniques.
The Soviets gave up trying to break him. Hartmann was in captivity for a total of 10 years.
>No he wasnt.
Lmao what the fuck ever dude
because he actually did something with his life
>replies to pasta
what a sad idiot
Because they don't understand nuance.
Democrats seem to love anyone that doesn't like Trump. They sided Kim Jong Un over Trump too.
Hey retards, leftypol isn't a board on this website
>spoonfeed me knowledge
go suck a dick
So? You're saying that because one Nazi pilot resisted that every single PoW ever should be compared to this guy? Are you literally retarded?
Again, I ask you, if you in his situation, a PoW for over 5 years, would you break after being tortured with beatings nearly every day? Most people aren't as strong as they claim to be while anonymous shitposters.
literal brainlets claiming he's responsible for the USS forrestal fire, or claiming he's responsible for US aircraft shot down over vietnam or some bullshit excuse like that.
Because deep down, we all love Obama.
if you dont know he was scum you need to go back to plebbit you raging faggot
ask a vet who knew him
someone from thhe carrier he burned
a family member of a pow/mia that he abandoned as a senator
ask someone whose family died in 911 - mccain backed al qaeda rebels in libya and syria
he met with the leader of isis
he was a traitor known as the songbird
you really are an asshole for making me write a little of a giant list
fuck off faggot
Bet you'd break in a microsecond you fucking leftist bugman faggot
Foreign losers and edgy kids are mostly the ones who "hate" McCain
t. linked this thread on leftypol discord
Prove me wrong spaz
Because he is a lying liar who's lies sent good soldiers to die in pointless wars in the middle East. He is a piece of shit neocon who only cared about his legacy as a maverick. He cared more about appearances on letterman than his country.
he saved obamacare after campaigning to dismantle it
Why do you love mccain's dick so much you queer?
neither could mccain. it's not like he got in on merit. he got in because his dad was an admiral.
They don't. They hate themselves and in order to assuage some guilt for that and to further absolve themselves of any personal responsibility they demonise him (and others).
Because he put aside partisan politics for the best interests of the country and nu-Jow Forums, or at least the shills on it, would have you believe that rampant loyalty to your tribe is more important.
>goes to the middle east to fund ISIS
>huuurrr why do you hate me goyim hurrr
eat a bag of shit demonrat
>literally thousands of posts spitting on mccain in the sticky with over 99/100 posts shitting on him
>come into this thread
>tons of retards defending him
Leftypol is so fucking pathetic
this is mccain himself, delivering a propaganda speech over the north vietnamese radio waves from hanoi in 1969.
The broadcast was recorded by the Foreign Broadcast Information Service, a branch of the CIA that monitored international shortwave and foreign radio broadcasts.
This was a big part of why he was facing court martial and treason charges, though the files were classified this recording was discovered in a misplaced file in the national archives 2 years ago.
This was a huge cover up, you are all helpless idiots and I hate you for expecting me to spoonfeed you.
Lmao don't have a response for that do you.
>They don't. They hate themselves and in order to assuage some guilt for that and to further absolve themselves of any personal responsibility they demonise him (and others).
This isn't projection. Obamacare causes me anxiety bring a young fit male. I am compelled to fund old unhealthy people at unfairly premiums or pay a fine. I don't like it. McCain kept it from being repealed.
you know these kikes will suck off anyone who is deepstate as fuck, and will support Israel
but leftypol has a thread celebrating his death. only Jow Forums posters defend him :^)
He wetstsrted his jet and prereleased munitions and then ran so yea id say so you faggit.
Go back you faggot.
Because he's a fucking white male.
Didn't McCain pretty much save Obamacare??
Single handedly stopped the repeal of obummer care.
Worked with ISIS terrorist met with their leaders on more than one occasion.
Bombed his own aircraft carrier.
His father got him (arguably) undeserving military posts.
He lost the presidency to obummer.
Was involved with the Trump witch hunt.
Has a Clinton style corrupt foundation to launder political favors for cash.
I'm sure I could think of a few more off the top of my head but, that's enough..
Yes, after running on the platform of repealing it, and saying he would for years, the chance comes up and he nukes the repeal. Hes a piece of shit, and i cant believe he was actually allowed to have a hand in running the country with a fucking tumor in his head
>propaganda broadcast video
do we have a link boys?
one can clearly see the distinction between Jow Forums and t_d in case of this piece of shit.
t_d whines about death of the "hero" for a guy that was one of the absolute worst tools of the international jewry.
>facebook memes
lol this is why i never trust cancer patients, they pull 180s
he's a democrat in disguise. He did not even oppose Obamacare even though he rallied support from all the republicans.
NeoCons and Democrats are the only ones that like McStain
Unrepentant warmonger McCain called 4 US military intervention: Syria; Iraq; Afghanistan; Libya; Kosovo; Nigeria; Bosnia; North Korea; Iran; Russia; Sudan; Mali. Self-admitted war criminal 4 bombing civilians in NV. Helped with the 1980's S&L looting; gave wife divorce papers while recovering from cancer. SONGBIRD MC Sold out 2 NV N exchange for better POW treatment. Started tragic fire on USS Forestall when he 'hot-shotted' his jet. Good riddance.
>Obamacare causes me anxiety bring a young fit male.
Spoken truly by someone who literally is young and naive.
Let's hope that you've got hundreds of thousands squirrelled away for when you eventually reach old age.
>inb4 you reply with a post virtue signalling about muh fit & healthy forever or muh 7 figure sarrary
Cause they aint him
Gotta stop the opposition from uniting and stopping the (((democrats)))
You're right. We're alive.
SHUT your mouth civvie. Military law > US law. If you have high ranking officers as your parents you get away with everything. I've seen it first hand with enlistees of generals as their parents. It only takes a phone call.
traitor, terrorist supporter, trafficker
what's to like?
God rest his soul. I doubt he was conservative, but I pray for his soul and for the family he leaves behind. Let us pray for his family, and for the United States of Merica
Yeah, and you're a mod trying to make others think otherwise. :D
Spread it around my dude, more shall eventually know what so many so ignorantly attempt to refute.
i hate you John McCain
I hate you
No-one actually likes the man. He was a criminal, and a coward.
You know for a fact that it's true, ya fuckin' shill. :D
>one-line writing prompt
>meme flag
Well, I know why they hate you, OP.
>why would anyone dislike McCain?
Are you twelve years old?