Roll For His Next Victim!

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Other urls found in this thread:



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Working hard to get into hell, eh?

Repent and accept Jesus before it’s too late.

Ruth Bader Ginsberg

big red cortez

Oh my dog


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Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Radosław Sikorski


Robert Mueller by pick axe.


Queen England before Ginsberg

the clinton family

Hillary Clinton is gonna get locked up SOON!

My amazing dick

Hilldawg be gone!

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A big nose kike

Hell doesn't exist, it's a state of mind just before dying
God have mercy
Get the fuck out now

darth bader

Angela Merkel

Michelle Obama.

bye bye Ruth Bader Ginsburg. may we all fuck your body into dust

Trump hopefully


Jordan Peterson, and may he rest in shit.

shameless self check

Michelle it is lads.

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I can't stand by as Moloch received sacrifices yet I can't just start going running and thinking I have super powers being able to detect good and evil at a glance.

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All of it.

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Oh snep

A kardashian, any one


Robert Mueller

Realistically this
Hopefully Netanyahu

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On September 14, 2019.

Back to the fiery pit, Ruthie!

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Be patient oh children of Kek

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Eurofag, be gone!

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me please

Pope Francis

Chris Cuomo


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Hillary, it's jail or hell, digits will decide!

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That Maddow dude on MSNBC

Shut up and give me some oats instead

Billy boy


Samuel L Jackson

rick wilson, prostate cancer

Kek wills it!!!

Because MtF suicide?

But who doesn't want to taste that beautiful black girl penis before that happens...?

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Jewish elite


Hope its me

Alex Jones - suicide

The Trump Organization

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George Soros

Hillary (if I describe her as Cr--ked it calls me spam u compromised mod fuckwits)

All the Niggers

Eric Clanton and Dwayne Dixon twofer


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I think we have a winner.


Trump then Pence becomes Pres and the Electric shock brigades can be formed and rounding up all the gays begins

Hillary Clinton in less than 3 months

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The lack of trips is disappointing.
Alt-Right has a bad night.

>The press continues to feed the dying Russia collusion conspiracy theory, spending Friday’s news cycle regurgitating Democrat talking points from the just-filed Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act lawsuit against the Trump campaign, WikiLeaks, and Russia.

Yet the mainstream media took no notice of last week’s federal court filing that exposes an $84 million money-laundering conspiracy the Democratic National Committee and the Hillary Clinton campaign executed during the 2016 presidential election in violation of federal campaign-finance law.

That lawsuit, filed last week in a DC district court, summarizes the DNC-Clinton conspiracy and provides detailed evidence from Federal Election Commission (FEC) filings confirming the complaint’s allegations that Democrats undertook an extensive scheme to violate federal campaign limits.


Yet even with the overwhelming evidence of tsunami-level campaign-finance criminality - more than $84 million - the media instead chases the cloud cast over President Trump because of the $130,000 payment his attorney, Michael Cohen, made to Stormy Daniels, and claims that payment constituted an illegal campaign contribution. One wonders what it will take to break through the mainstream media blackout. Maybe a few pointed unpresidential tweets from our commander-in-chief?

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Soros again!

aut right is a meme anyway. fuck off flaggot.

Kurt Eichenwald, Master of Tentacles, Lover of MILF



Everyone on this list.

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george knows where the bodies are buried.

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Hot shit roll, nigga'!


Hillary by 69 roll um.

353 7 393

ruth bader ginsberg

december 23rd 2018

hitler has spoken

It's going to be more than one. Hillary has been "sick" for a while. She's one. Soros should be 2. He has lived well past his time. Then again, Kissinger has to go too. He's a cancer.


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muhammed noor

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niggers by Ebola
roll um