Your phone is listening. How fucked are you?

How long before you get fucked over your political beliefs?

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Other urls found in this thread:

is there a mac user that doesn't always look like they attend gay orgies?

Solution: buy a Huawei phone, better to have the chinks listening and not understanding what I'm saying than the leftist CIA glowies.

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I don't speak politics ever, but they see everything I type anyways so yeah I'm pretty fucked when the lefty revolution comes

I have an iphone im safe.

Do your job right OP stop embarassing yourself

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I guess that's why I always get ads for buying niggers

yes, my dad

God I'm so fucking lonely. I wish someone was listening to me through my phone

I don't own one. Feels good not being retarded.

>he speaks outloud
first mistake


I cannot wait until the yellow jews take over & return American cinema to its former glory

>Viewing ads online
Is this still a thing?

Attached: [Coalgirls]_Costanza_(16x16_Blu-ray_FLAC)_[ISHYGDDT].gif (16x16, 3.99M)

>not using a blackberry in 2018


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What other way would he speak?

>he doesn't give lectures to his phone and also attempt to subvert it
get fucking good

Nice thumbnail retard

Yesterday I went to a bar I haven't been to in a year. When I ordered an Uber it autocorrected immediately the bar's name. That shit was really creepy.

This. If you're not practising your JQ speech to your phone then wtf are you even doing?


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Probably because of the GPS. What do you expect when carrying around a literal tracking device?

i knew this months ago

thats why i said directly into my phone microphone that google executives and CIA niggers are all going to fucking hang, dozens of times

>Missing the point

>He doesn't know

It is definitely listening! My buddy recently said to me "Im thinking of buying a Kubota Tractor" and not two minutes later, an advertisement for Kubota came up on his phone. Once I pointed that out, he completely freaked out. It was not a coincidence.

I'm honestly careful what I say around smart devices. But everything I have ever typed...

If 2g was still supported, I would still be using that.

True story incoming:
>be me
>sitting in Starbucks
>music is playing
>pull out my phone
>searching for something, i don't remember what
>first word is "the"
>top google suggestion: The Shins
>The Shins are the band that's playing in the coffee shop at that moment
Yeah, there's no way they're not listening.

Why do you need more than voice and text messages ?

jokes on u ive never owned a dumbphone

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the part that bothers me is these fucking slimey jews like zuckerberg say they arent listening, yet facebook and shit literally gives ads based on shit it picks up from the microphone

i get ads for treating tinnitus every time i go fucking swimming

tons of other shit, i mention feeling any sort of way and its advertising diseases and shit

its fucking disturbing and retarded

Im not even joking. Over the last few days ive been seeing targetted ads for illnesses my doctor only informed me of last mail.
Ive not seen or even spoken to another person since he sent it.
Shits getting freaky

>sitting in Starbucks

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>he thinks his medical information is kept private and not sold to the highest bidder like everything else

>the Jews know I mutter "the Jews" to myself from time to time


ebin memes dude

I go there every Saturday, you mad?

soi latte?

I'm going to start doing this too,

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It goes deep user. /Abstergo

Do you get constant ads for foot and mouth then?

Sometimes I don't buy anything. I just meet friends there to play Go. Grow up dude, there's more to life than memes.

>being so autistic and self-centred like a toddler you think google executives care about you enough to waste time physically listening to you when hundreds of millions of other people exist with google phones

user, sit down. We need to talk.

they re-released it on 3g

I have no secrets from native FSB. Glory to Putin!

ultimate cringepost.

I'm sure theres some kind of voice recognition software too. A while back facebook started recommending my specific group of coworkers to add, from the 6th floor of an 11 floor hospital, with thousands of overlapping phone signals on every single floor. How did they recognize my coworkers?!
I never added any coworkers or searched them up, all I ever used my phone for was playing music and browsing /o/ on my break. All my permissions were off too, basically.

It's not that I think they're listening, it's poisoning the AI to kill Google executives if the singularity ever comes.

user, I have bad news for you

lel, hes 71 and can confirm hes no homo. he just likes having a command line that is usable

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Is this why I get those conspiracy nut adds when I scream about the Jews to myself in an empty room?

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I don't own a cell phone.

I never have.

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>mi6 plz lv

You could at least support a local business, faggot.

i'll probably have till next week till the 5 terabytes of child porn on my computer is found, its been a fun ride anons, see you in the non-existant next life

>set phone next to your PC speakers
>play redpill videos/podcasts constantly
>force CIA niggers to become redpilled

I'll just leave this here

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>tfw you don't have a phone so they give you ads to get a phone
>tfw you ignore the ads so they give you dreams about situations where you need a phone to try and prompt you to get a phone

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Voice recognition software might just keep logs then.

>But, according to Peter at least, it’s not something most people should be scared of.

>Because unless you’re a journalist, a lawyer, or have some kind of role with sensitive information, the access of your data is only really going to advertisers. If you’re like everyone else, living a really normal life, and talking to your friends about flying to Japan, then it’s really not that different to advertisers looking at your browsing history.

you own nothing

lol, I hope they enjoy my taste in music at least. I haven't even gotten a phone call or a text in 3 months, the only reason I have a phone is for music while I drive.

>sometimes I go there to play go

I don't know what's faggier going there to play Pokemon go or calling Pokemon go "Go"

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One of the few benefits of not having any IRL friends, no job, and no family who gives a fuck about you outside of close members, is you can escape jewry very easily.

I still manage to use drugs though. GOOD drugs.

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> t. google exec

if you think that's bad and dont see the irony on the pic you post, then congratulations, you have been brainwashed by /v/ and sony

Attached: literally taken from so(n)y E3 - they are they soyboys.jpg (1446x1356, 275K)

cia pls kys


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>not for human consumption
are you an extraterrestrial?

No. I'm CIA -

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Everything is backdoored, everything is listening, everything compromised, and you gotta call it out.

>If you’re like everyone else
>and not racist
>and don't engage in wrong think
>you have nothing to fear

They're going to come for us one day, straight Turner Diaries shit.

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The (((local coffee shop))) is where the real soi is. At least Starbucks has soccer MILFs and their slutty teenage daughters.

Pic related, memelord.

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you were in picture shared in their network, or the background of others

>owning a cell phone

>certain neural circuits
Kek, I wonder why they are being so vague and not using scientific terminology in that very real journal article.


Please, your local coffeeshop might be run by soiboys, but the money spent boosts your local economy rather than Seattle coffeefags.
Further, if you're so concerned about supporting soiboys, then I'll remind you that you can get a coffee just about fucking anywhere. Go play at a local diner you, cock gobbling faggot, and whine somewhere else.

No pictures in operating theatres. None of us take photos.

The fucked thing about this is there is a group of people who are essentially omnipresent. They have more info on the human psyche than any psychology expert.

Breakaway Civilization really does exist

You do know that blackberry are useless after NSA was given the decryption keys?

Sorry I don't know your autistic game still a faggot for going in one

checks out

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Everything's useless. PRISM makes all encryption moot. If the US government wants you, they got you.
If you're in the first world, you get arrested for child porn. If you're in the second world, you're assassinated. If you're in the third world, they blow you up.

Happy trails!

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Loonix then. Macfaggotry is unacceptable.

>sitting in starbucks

This is why, its just to sell you shit

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There's a class of people who have never been in a Starbucks, they're called "people who have never been on a date with a blue eyed, blonde girl."

I sit my phone up so they can watch me jerk off everyday

>its just to sell you shit
if you think that's all that's being done, you are blind.
Demoralization won't work on me. Call me crazy all you want, when this stuff comes out you'll shut your mouth.

you mean this piece of absolute horse-shit?

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I'm sending a whole squad of agents to your location as we speak Paolo.

It looks like a TV remote fucked a dildo and had a baby.

you could be getting paid for that like me

>Talking about privacy while posting on a site that's using Google Recaptcha
>Talking about privacy when Gook Moot was selling infos whne he was working on 2chan