Why do liberals prefer cities?
Why do liberals prefer cities?
They don't, cities make people left wing.
free shit and lots of degeneracy
I'm a conservative racist and I've lived in a city all my life.
Cities make liberals. When most of the economy revolves around politically motivated handouts, people need to get a place at the feeding troughs just to survive.
Because living somewhere rural would mean being faced with the ruinous remains of their culture's traditional way of life that their politicians "progressive"-ly destroyed.
I would prefer living in a small town so as long as I had employment lined up there. The main reason why I even bother living in a metropolitan area is because the job opportunities are concentrated in the cities. City life is expensive. Housing and rent is out of control here in the GTA. Auto insurance premiums are high
What ever would they do without a Starbucks or Apple store
Are you a business owner?
In cities you can "hide", you are anonymous. In small communities, like a village or a small town, everybody knows everyone else, which is a continuous check on your behavior. They know your past, you can't hide away with your degeneracy, if you have one.
Also, in small communities people are down to earth, they work hard, farm, run a small business, they work. Down to earth people don't care about fads and alike. Liberals love the latest fads, faggotry, whatever the media praises.
Genuine hate or fear of being independent in any way.
If a liberal can't pay someone else to do it, they don't want it.
Liberals are the most tolerant of other ways of life and cultures. They think everyone can live together in harmony. A city is the closest you get to experiencing that on a daily basis. As you move from a suburb, to a small town, to a rural area, things are dramatically more homogenized. People haven't been exposed to other cultures and ways of life, or they have and were repulsed enough to retreat away from them. Minorities and degenerates flock to cities, where they would be accepted, and stay away from rural areas, that don't want them.
The End.
Liberals just score higher at openness to experience.
>Why do liberals prefer cities?
They don't, that's why they all constantly larp about their "green" lifestyles. It's just that they can only thrive in cities, so that's where you'll find them.
you need to understand why cities existed in the first place. its the quickest place to get the latest shit. and people who want the latest shit comes from all places so you need to be really tolerant of others to live in cities.
Thats the fucking answer short and sweet.
Is that really why cities existed in the first place? Are you saying that homogeneous cities with a common culture never existed?
>Are you saying that homogeneous cities with a common culture never existed?
Cities are places where diplomacy and world trade happen between nations. In every city in the world even Pyongyang youll find tourists, merchants and diplomats from other nations that practice different cultures and speak different languages.
If you cant tolerate people who looks weird and do weird things to you you cant live in cities. Thats why the intolerant stay in rural areas where the community is more homogeneous and everyone knows who they are.
kill yourself retard
Because living in the middle of nowhere means not having a starbucks every 20 meters
Parasites support a parasitic ideology
News at 11
>understanding logic is too hard
Eat shit and die. If you dont die from that fucking hang yourself for being too retarded to exist and for wasting my time replying to your retarded posts.
Dumbshit fucking braindead no education fuck.
calm down angsty teenager
are you openly conservative and racist? how many openly conservatives or racists do you know? how many openly conservatives and racists live near you?
No need to reply retard. Just stating facts.
Wrong, the city turned me right wing.
When will Hiroshima make abusing the name field against the rules...
no, a few, no idea
I guess it works differently for different people, some people end up drinking with a bunch of ethnic poor people and then have a lot of trouble accepting that they're still responsible for their own outcome, even if they're ethnic poor people. This is the mentality that drives you far left, it's the same mentality that drove Karl Marx, who fraternised with his father's workers.
So yeah, if you're living in a big city, you either are a liberal/egalitarian or you keep your mouth shut.
theyre abominations too far removed from actual homo sapiens
why are memeflags so rude? stop being rude
Cause small towns don’t tolerate degeneracy, and will ruin your reputation
Easier acces to consumerist items and a wide variety if sensory stimulation services.
They prefer being in close proximity to each other because they cannot survive on their own. It also explains why they prefer communism as opposed to individualism.
Because they are helpless retards who don’t even have enough testosterone to mow the fucking lawn. And they think they can win CWII. Fucking pathetic.
I didn’t have much of a political opinion until I moved to downtown Milwaukee and saw how black people act