How is this man still alive Jow Forums?

How is this man still alive Jow Forums?

>Outlived John McCain
>Outlived his own wife

Attached: Screenshot 2018-08-26 at 7.26.05 AM.png (478x432, 68K)

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The blood of infants

This and hes protected by the queen. So long as shes alive he will be 2

Drinking the blood of tortured infants. The adrenaline filled blood is the elixer of life for the elite.

sadly all true
The Bush family are part of the Black Nobility jews:

Alive is a stretch.
These uber-rich, and yes he is uber rich and controls nearly 30% of the global refining of oil, receive insane life prolonging technology.
Most of it is for business control reasons.
These people get multiple heart transplants, regular blood infusions, daily doctor visits.
His brain is completely dead, I am certain he has no idea who the fuck he is or if he can even register that he is a human.
He is kept alive with a cocktail of chemicals and spare body parts.
His body is an empty shell, for the purposes of holding stocks in his name.

Drink Child Blood and Fucked Child to get Telomere

You realize there are common folk people that live to 115

A big part is diet and luck

The common folks that live to 115 don't get multiple organ transplants, and are usually women.
Meanwhile, every uber rich man lives up to ~100 or more.
Their brains are long dead before their bodies die.

but none of those things are keeping the evil fucks alive, it's a daily dose of human produced and milked ACTH for people like the Bush's