All American liberals I know are now furiously circlejerking about "great national hero McCain, that defended our country in fight, while DRUMPF is a traitor that was too pussy to serve his nation and go kill Vietnamese commie scum".
Wait a minute, I thought liberals view Vietnam war as a mistake? Now it turns out it was ESSENTIAL to American security, all fought in it are heroes that stopped the frightening army of South Asian villagers from taking away our freedums.
Also, since Russians supported Vietnam anyone criticizing the war are their puppets/traitors. This is the world we live now.
All libshits want in Republicans is a cuck who throws the elections at them like a good little loser. McCuck and Cuckromney fit the description to the T so that’s the reason they love them.
Kayden Hall
>hat defended our country in fight How the fuck he defended USA in fucking Vietnam????
Hunter Williams
Someone post Songbird with the Isis leaders. Gotta have to spread that this morning.
Jayden Murphy
By not allowing Vietnamese villagers to take away our freedoms, what do you not understand?
Tyler Scott
Psssh. Who cares, just redpoll them about McCain being a traitor and secret seller
Jacob Allen
Liberals are learning
Also, a lot of respect and apologies are constantly coming Romney's way.
The human scum that is Trump brought a lot of clarity.
the left and the right are controlled and headed by the same groups. Its surprising this isnt more discussed. The left is used because they are useful idiots and the right is used like narrow-minded blugeons to beat the left back into place so the puppet masters can continue to loot both sides. Its asinine.
Brandon Price
They are only memorializing him because he hated Trump and saved Obamacare to spite Trump.
Carter Allen
It was a terrible time when the Vietnamese invaded and almost managed to burn the Constitution It was like that old 1980s movie Red Dawn Except they made everyone eat pho
Ayden Young
That's because they are quite literally usefull idiots, lured into this fake opposition. Now that Trump is president and now that they're unable to maintain the left/right narrative anymore, the very situation itself forcefully exposes the entire stinking system for what it really is. There is no left and right, there is only Cosmopolitan, modernist globalism vs an authentic grassroots opposition that is currently shaping itself.
leftists who think they are "rebelling" against the "system" are in fact, brainwashed footsoldiers unknowingly acting on the behalf of global corporations.
As people get older and realize the world is more complex. they get more conservative, it's only natural
Evan Lee
He's more valuable to the normals dead - he can be used as a comparative example of what a lowlife, coward, and pussy Trump is. Nobody cares that McCain was a shitty old clod warrior - Trump is just as big a chicken-hawk, and is also a pussy who never served. The comparative qualities of the two men make excellent propaganda to bash Trump down even lower in the public's opinion.
It's gotten to the point that everyone who hates Trump is worth defending to the American left. Everything from McCain to North Korea. I'm not kidding when I say if Hitler rose from the dead tomorrow and called Trump an asshole they'd probably defend him.
Michael Foster
>while I hated the man and his policies I did like when he did things I liked the thought process.
Asher Price
This right here. Incredible to witness isn't it?
Liam Rogers
>neocon warmonger He made some shithole regimes tremble and change their behavior without a single shot fired?
In reality, when it mattered McCain was much less of a warmonger than Obama. Like every man who served, he knew what were the implications.
He's gone, old news, hopefully a Trump nationalist candidate will replace him. As the NWO Globo Homo Boomer cucks die out, more based White Gen Z types will replace the Forrest Gump generation.
Bentley Stewart
>memeflag >spacing >Supporting a neocon warmonger Imagine my shock. Just show everyone your flag. McCancer is rotting in Hell and you are welcome to join him.
It was a mistake but there's nothing more pathetic than a draft dodging daddy's boy like Trump.
Grayson Cook
>(((Memeflagging faggot))): Oy Vey!!! You must be a Russian proxy nigger!!! Keep hiding behind that memeflag where you belong. Next you kikes will be back to hiding in the attic.
Samuel Evans
American liberals are very far from the left They're just capitalists who want more welfare in their gated neighborhoods while they orchestrate social collapse through capitalism Pretty disappointing, but there's little that actual leftists can do to stop them from ruining the left
Jackson Baker
>Not only that, they are going through extreme mental gymnastics to explain why the policies they previously despised are now ok.
Liberals have no ideals, or morals. They are driven by the zeitgeist, or feeling of the moment. It's cool to hate Trump. So, if you hate Trump they support you; regardless of what you really stand for.
If the KKK, or "White Nationalists" came out againts Trump; Liberals would be there to support them and virtue signal.
>fires missile while stationary >ruins your nation heh nothing personal
Ayden Sullivan
He most likely faked his own death and either left the country or went under ground to avoid prosecution charges of treason
Jackson Perry
>Today, young people in the big cities in New York and California are all part of a similar social ideological consensus and all think alike. They are highly motivated in their ideological reasoning and are intolerant.
>By the way, tolerance is tolerance is tolerance. Period, you assholes. Today’s intolerant, young, liberal California/New Yorkers are only comfortable within their own shared consensus. Friends must think alike and believe the same things now. They must vote the same and defend the same ideology like zombies. Anyone who disagrees can only be evil, stupid, and wrong.
It's not good to speak ill of the dead but I don't understand politics. The left are war hawks and love war hawks now. All that seems to matter to people is whether "their side" wins. I guess it isn't too dissimilar to sports where people hate a player until he comes to their team or care about the rules until the ref favors them with dodgy calls. Humans were a mistake.
Chase Johnson
Oh looks it's another thread where isolationist zoomers are too historically ignorant to understand the real threat that communism posed.
Aiden Reed
Having principles and trying to avoid hypocrisy is a ring-wing thing. The left is only concerned with the destruction of hierarchy and concentrated authority. They will say whatever they feel is expedient to this goal at any given time.
Nathaniel Green
Actually there is. Americans have more respect for people with the financial means to never take the path of military service than they do for incompetent retards that get in, get preferential treatment like McCain because of his daddy's position, blow up our own goddamn equipment and nearly kill American troops with his lack of attention then when he gets caught gives up info on his squad movements. As someone who was in over a decade straight with a very high speed combat position, I can tell you definitely that we do not need or want dumbfuck daddy's boys like McCain in service trying to showboat and almost killing us with friendly fire and giving up our intel because they're pussies when they're caught. We have sere training for a reason, stupid fucks. You're basically saying some fucking clown that is actively a threat to the mission and handing info to the enemy is more honorable than some fuck with money that never got in the way or joined. No. Not ever. You have no idea what you're talking about and when you have to act fast in hairy situations we don't need to babysit stupid fucks like Mccain who could very easily get 6 of us killed by his own 1 mistake. Fuck that and fuck that dead piece of traitor shit.
Ian Martinez
>Vietnam war
Literally murdering gooks on an industrial scale for reasons. Liberals called anyone who supported the war traitors and murderers with some justification.
That war made the white man look weak in the face of rice farmers.
Adam Baker
The enemy of my enemy is my friend
Leo Kelly
Shit you're right user Those rice farmers half a world away deciding to adopt an economic system different from capitalism was a HUGE threat to Americans Thank God we survived Don't want to imagine a world without western culture :((((
>Having principles and trying to avoid hypocrisy is a ring-wing thing. It really, really isn't and I'm certainly not immune to it but to see it on a mass scale so often is disturbing.
Nolan Turner
I too enjoy LARPing.
Jack Foster
fucking this. McCain was a fucking traitor, how about the support for the lives this rat costed in Nam. You can even as his war buddies, Mc Cain was a snake, FUCK HIM AND GOOD RIDDENS, maybe one day Ginsberg or Waters will kick the bucket next.
Jace Taylor
Is this what passes for argumentation among zoomers? Just say the opposite of what you actually think and you win? You're a hipster, man. You can't have a genuine conversation about anything because to do so would be to open yourself to the threat of realizing that your special powers are a crock of shit.
I'm not arguing with you, I'm mocking you If you honestly believe that teh gommunists XDD were ever actually a threat to America you are literally unironically retarded
Grayson Harris
If I were an Arizonian I'd be pissed that he stubbornly held onto his Senate seat for this long. He hadn't been able to properly carry out his duties for the better part of a year, so AZ representation suffered.
Ryan Kelly
You've got no idea what you're talking about because you have no idea how our offenses operate on an internal level. The only times we have "looked weak" or not be able to follow through completely on a long-term mission since WWII, it's not been any fault of our command, troops, equipment or tactics. It's because while we're out in a zone, the leftist jew lawyers back in the states are busy trying to bind our hands with the most trivial bullshit imaginable. Rule of Engagement are a perfect example. I remember distinctly from the Iraq theater by the end of it the kike lawyers had worked out 3 steps before you were even supposed to fire a round at an enemy. Now this is in the split second that hypothetically you and a semi-obvious enemy locks eyes on the battlefield. You've got to a) hold up some stupid fucking sign if you're on a .50 cal b) then yell at them c) then finally fire a round. This is while your same enemy has none of those same restrictions in the same amount of reaction time that determines life and death in combat. And it's our own leftist kikes pushing this shit through courts non-stop for years during active wartimes and trying to fuck us on the ground on purpose. Of course nobody listened to that shit and lit motherfuckers up but the fact that leftists back in the States will actively try to sabotage any war we have against us the entire time we have it is a very real thing that people don't know about. It's very telling.
Bentley Lewis
Sorry not a sign it was like some orange fucking traffic flag thing or some shit. Never once used them because fuck jews and arabs.
Because the Vietmanese were going to load up their dug out canoes with guns and paddle across the Pacific and invade the USA.
Hunter Flores
Ok look another shill, you should be happy this guy made your nigger democrat look good back in '08. ungrateful SJWs.
Carson Williams
If I wasn't so lazy I'd gather the media's (the left's) published declarations about el songbird from 2008
Alexander Johnson
>I thought liberals view Vietnam war as a mistake? Now it turns out it was ESSENTIAL to American security, all fought in it are heroes that stopped the frightening army of South Asian villagers from taking away our freedums. Liberals are mentally ill
Nathan Lewis
Wow, this is a tough one for user. Who knew being a cowardly fat Incel white boy would be so complicated.
McCain sang like a canary while he was in captivity. How does that make you feel Niggerfaggot?
Zachary James
Your right, takes a real man to buckle under soo much pressure, but don't worry the young men whos lives he accosted, their family understands what the big war hero was doing, snitching to the NVA so he could save his own ass.
Seriously how has someone like you not be blacked yet?
Adam King
>Not understanding that Liberals respect our troops who sacrificed their lives even when some of them disagree with the conflict itself.
You hate liberals so much that you either refuse or are just too stupid to understand any nuanced issue.
>Thinking that randoms on Twitter represent all liberals or the Democratic Party.
Both parties have idiots spouting dumb opinions. Republicans cant stop incest child joebob from posting furryporn with maga hats any more than Actual Democrats can stop stupid highschool girls from posting ill informed tweets.
Just because some random 16 year old posts FUCK JOHN MCCAIN you cant just think "WOW THE ENTIRE PARTY MUST FEEL THAT WAY WHAT HYPOCRITES".
Stop looking for blue idiots who arent even out of school to validate your hate for the blue party. Stop consuming Strawmen for breakfest.
Owen Ross
>>Not understanding that Liberals respect our troops who sacrificed their lives even when some of them disagree with the conflict itself.
Perhaps but I usually at least try to wait a week or two.
Tyler Harris
>butthurt losers cant tell the difference between being a war hawk bootlicker and a veteran supporting patriot go ahead and say Trump is a draft dodger again, I'm waiting
this is interesting. I wonder if this could be meme into real life just to watch the liberals support the KKK bc "the KKK just stated they hate trump"
Julian Jones
>this is real
It's always been real for us, fuckface, everybody hates you and you can't figure out why
They do like him. They like conservatives that lose. He lost in Vietnam, he lost the election both times. He drug his feet throughout the whole Iraq war and complained. He was probably sincere and just never figured out the only reason they kept him around is that he was always going to lose. They love old white men that just give up and won't fight for anything. At one point he seemed to have fight in him, but he lost it. So they love him now.
It's going to be difficult to find another veteran to be their gatekeeper and mouthpiece now because the american people call out sell outs and neo cons. They are going to look for an iraq vet to take his place, and the guy is going to get slammed.
McCain and all the military folks should have figured it out. Working class Americans were the only people that ever cared about them. The left just uses them and tosses them. They don't really have an option. But, whatever.
Lucas Baker
*tips tinfoil*
Jonathan Taylor
>unable to differentiate between a struggling vet and a rich politician The left can't analyse power structures
Isaiah Garcia
While McCaniac was destroying innocent civilians lives and homes, DJT was building homes for low income Americans.
Xavier Thompson
Traitors and communists mourn the loss of an ally. McCain was basically a democrat and a neocon who pretended to be a republican when it came time for elections.
Chase Moore
Donald Trump will be rehabilitated and fondly remembered by Democrats just as soon as another Republican wins the Presidency. GWB was reviled as a war criminal right up to the second week of November in 2016 when, suddenly, he wasn’t such a bad guy anymore.
Adam Murphy
I can see this happening. Trump hasn't even done anything that bad or with as long lasting impact compared to Bush and they like him now. When it is no longer convenient to oppose him and they have someone new to focus on and the red haze of hate has lifted they will look back and say gee that guy wasn't so bad after all.
Aaron Ortiz
Anyone have a normie friendly rundown of McCains warmongering?
William Sullivan
Donald Trump should send a VERY nice gift basket, only the BEST stuff, to his pal and the guy who arguably made Trump’s presidency possible, Bill Clinton. Bill made dodging the Vietnam draft okay for the President. Bill made cheating on your wife okay for the President. Bill made deliberate lying to the public, at least while not under oath, okay for anyone in DC. Last but not least, Bill made Hilldawg’s political career, because not just anyone can lose to a guy like The Donald.
Dylan Collins
Ask them to name a US military intervention, carried out or proposed, McCain was against. Emphasize that you’ll wait until they come up with one.
Luke Thomas
Lol...yes they would.
Adrian Williams
That's a myth. That's only because of the Boomers did it look that way. Millenials are actually getting more liberal as they get older.
Nolan Collins
ethernal >S for traitor..
rot in hell
Ethan Diaz
He voted against authorizing Reagan to send troops to Beirut. Now name a single military intervention Trump was against. >inb4 Iraq >inb4 Libya kek
Josiah Davis
It's beautiful to watch, isn't it? Like chimpanzees flinging shit. Entertaining on a certain level, why they both do what they do, who knows.
Brody James
>Vietnam war was a war waged by Vietnamese nationalists to regain control over their country from colonial powers (The French, and later the Americans who backed the South Government who supported French rule) >liberals champion a man who fought for colonialism
Ayden Howard
He was opposed to quite a few (Lebanon, Somalia, Haiti and more) early in his career, but his position changed after the intervention in Yugoslavia in 1995/6. Basically he was radicalised by the neocons. Good article here:
Zachary Gutierrez
Checked, and it's because fuck Drumpf, as an user said earlier in the thread they'd praise a reincarnated Hitler if he said bad things about Trump.
Nathan Nelson
Hilarious that this liberal cow was happy to be seen posing with the gooks trying to shoot down McCain's buddies back in the day
So glad someone else has finally recognized the sports fandom parallel with today’s libshits. So much loathing.
Landon Morgan
It's a character thing. Cadet Bone Spurs is nothing but a narcissistic idiot who is unusually susceptible to flattery from the fundies and the crazies.
Hunter Jenkins
This. When he ran for president, lost to and ended up sucking up to George W the left hated him and constantly shit on him in the media. Now that he said something against Trump though they all love McCain. Memories of fleas.
Ayden Hernandez
Fuck off
Jew lawyers didn't shoot down thousands of your planes in Vietnam or stop you bombing tens of thousands of gooks into dust.
Burgurland in the 60s was a disgusting shit pile full of jew cucks and cowards
David Ortiz
>right >sinerly lazy
Gavin Phillips
This. Republicans are the enemy just like the Democrats