Why is polygamy illegal in most of the west?

give me 1 good reason why it should be

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you need somewhere for all of the loveless men to die young (war, suicide bombing, working in china, etc.)

Raises perceptions of inequality.

I bet someone will barge into this thread claiming how in ancient Varg Vikernes era Europe Odinnites were plowing thru multiple women while worshiping oaks and acacias, average peasant Varger had 9 concubines (ranging from 8.7/10 to 9.4/10) and 5 kids with each but then the jewish kike on a stick came and - let's find out.

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The whole idea of marage has been reduced to people who love each other and that's why Gay marriage came along and it's why polygamy is going to happen , especially with the west's Islamic demographic

and it's beautiful

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Is that really an excuse to prevent people from loving one another

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because if the man dies and he leaves over four wives and 35 Children the tax payer has to take care of it


Why do the taxpayers have to take care of them? In polygamist communities a man cannot even marry if he doesn't have the means to support his family. Also, what is preventing them from remarrying?

And another and another and another, wouldn't it be nice if you left some for the rest of us? After all, gender ratios typically trend to 50%.

It's perceptions of inequality that cause crime, not actual inequality.

Take a look at all the great civilisations and cultures of human history and ask yourself why monogamy is so common if it confers no or lesser advantages.

Every great civilization and culture of human history was not monogamist. Mistresses were commonplace, and in many situations they even lived in the same household and bore children.


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I am for it. It will enforce examples on men as to who role models should be, if you want a woman. Lot of men dont know how to be. Missing fathers etc. Nature will choose the fathers of the next generation. Not everyone is cut out for parenthood.

because no civilized society can exist without monogamy, its the stuff that channels sexual energy of them males into something productive

Because the legal proceedings of divorce would be much more complicated. If a man is married to two women and one woman wants a divorce, how much of his and his other wife's property goes to the woman who wants a divorce? This creates a problematic situation in which at least one woman gets fucked over by the divorce.

Imagine being in your 30's, having completed your education, started your career, money in the bank, financials ordered and well invested... and coming home to 3 qt waifus 10 years younger than you.

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pic related

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>using memes to explain complex social structures
yep, that's Jow Forums

there arent enough women to go around in polygamy

It gets the job done

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>implying gender ratios have to be around 50%
It's simple, just gotta have more daughters. Were not cavemen, we can do sperm sorting and shit.

Cunts won't be able to file for divorce, simple. How can a piece of property say that it wants to leave its owner? Allowing this, allowing cunts to rob men like this is one of the major problems today.

because women don't like getting fucked over by other women at divorce time

statistically it's not good for society. Young men need to put their testosterone into making traditional families and being fathers for children. having a monopoly of females fucks the balance.

Not all males will be able to provide for multiple wives

Ironic considering polygamist communities have by far the most traditional families

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Do they have fffm sex?

if you're talking about breeding a 10+:1 female to male ratio with eugenics programs for the purpose of making every man's life that of a Babylonian king utterly lost in his harem.

I could see the allure of that.

I'd love to watch my wife eat my other wife's box. While I bend my 3rd wife over

In nature its a common trait for males to have multiple mates simultaneously, simply for the fact that women can have children and the male is expendable

Polygamy has always been product of a surrounding culture where huge male deaths have been rampart in one form or the other. Polygamy in arabic culture for example wasn't really a privilege to fuck a 10/10 harem unless you were rich 1%, it meant that you're expected to marry and take care of wives of your dead male relatives.

Same reason you can only buy 2 cartons of eggs when they're on sale
Gotta ration that pussy, or the proles will kill the aristocracy.

If you want a real answer, it's because it's a tradition inherited from Rome, the Bronze Age Collapse, and Indo-European marital traditions.

By all accounts the traditional Indo-European form of marriage was strictly monogamous. That's not, however, the traditional Afro-Asiatic marriage. Indo-European marriage is fundamentally about two families unifying through marriage; Afro-Asiatic marriage is centered around a man adding a woman to his property. This has a lot of impacts in husband-wife relations but that's not important. What's important is that in the IE model, it's a joining of two families to produce a new, unified group of people. In the AF model, it's an outside party being brought under the control of an inside party. You can't add a second woman to the IE model because breeding is a two person act; you can add a second woman to the AF model because women are property and marriage is just a property transfer.

Then why can't I have 2 wives? They seem to always be complaining that there aren't any good men left. Problem solved.

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Monogamy limits conflict between rival men. Societies evolved towards it for this reason. For women polygamy is actually better. Being paired with a Khan was far better than one of his archers, even though he had 10,000 women to bear his children.

Is that what the law against polygamy says? That multiple women cannot marry a man because there isn't enough property to go around?

something to pitch to the feminists

Makes sense. But why sign it into law? Technically isn't it infringement on peoples rights?

>we need to use legal and social norms to make it easier for men to attract and keep a wife without forcing him to improve himself and his life

And people wonder why our civilization is in the shitter.

Sexual socialists should be treated exactly as economic socialists should: free helicopter rides

Do you want the west to become like the middle east? those jihadis go around blowing things up because there is no pussy

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R vs K selection you absolute fucking retarded retard

This is exactly it. Ever wonder why groups like hasidic jews don't allow marriage unless the husband can prove that he can provide an exceptional life for his family. Meanwhile the western media simultaneously promotes degeneracy through social polygamy.

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>Redditor brainlet thinks no polygamy means you can't hold multiple partners

Now that you mention it... aren't laws against polygamy essentially laws against women?


But it mostly prevents women from marrying the same man

It prevents anyone from marrying multiple people.

Only whites follow laws, and the Jews don't want whites to breed like Muslims.

But historically this has only been an issue for women trying to marry.

Again, what is the legal basis for preventing a man from marrying multiple women?

So? Am I supposed to give a shit about what feminists cry about?
The "legal basis" is that the state passed the law.

So polygamy is a feminist issue

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Everything is a feminist issue, retard.

Well, go back to one of the universities in your homeland of china if you don't want to exchange and explain ideas using memes. That is literally what this place is about you absolute fucking rice nigger

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I support the feminist idea that women should be able to marry the same man if they choose to. Drumpf must not succeed

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Have fun with that.
You shouldn't be a cuck and hide behind women to advance the things you want.

In a time where people married for land and property. Love was not involved.

Because feminism is being used to destroy our nations.

Men’s love is expressed naturally through polygamy. Female love is the one that’s actual used through dedication to one person and full submission to them. This is not something that was ever meant to be reflected in the male counterpart.

>used through
*actualized through

>why can't the 1% have 99% of women
It will be made legal once guns are outlawed.


Notice how the cultural conversation shifted from the word “polygamy” to “polyamory” — polygamy is sexist, a symbol of patriarchy and oppression. But polyamory is progressive, hip, everyone’s doing it user. But deep down it’s the exact same shit.

Fuck Jewtube won't show the video
Tl;dw: it's the state's last attempt at showing mercy. One wife is more than enough to fuck you up, and you want to have more?

this cunt is taking the 14 words seriously

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Polygamy leads to angry beta males not being able to get qts
Angry beta males make stupid choices which impact all of us

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Its probably a tax issue. When you sign wedding documents you get a large tax deduction.
Fed probably doesnt want one "family" to have more than one tax deduction. You can have floozies around the house to your heart's content but you can only marry one of them

Can they make it one tax deduction per family, no matter how many spouses you have?

I mean, it's serves it's purpose

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So what you are saying is that women belong in the kitchen or the bedroom, should be barefoot and pregnant, that we should lower the age of consent, and engage in a little domestic discipline when required?

That we should vote for far right christian fringe groups that have no chance of winning, so that the mainstream parties (conservative / republicans) politicians will start to represent the above values and people like you? (moving the needle)

whites need to just impregnate as many hoes as they can and make the jew state pay for it. outnig the nigs at their own game and keep the demographic majority. dodge child support, skip state lines, use fake names, etc etc. slimy tactics, yes, but a means to an end.

holy shieet id blow loads in every one of these "legal" femmys

Because of Gay Marriage and equal rights....If Polygamy is legalized, each one of those women can have multiple husbands or wives. A gay man can have 4 husbands and those husbands can have husband or wives as they can have more and more, so on and so forth. Our system of law regarding spousal testimony would be gone. Never mind child support and alimony. It's basically a giant bag of dicks.

Also, a woman can have multiple husbands or wives or any mix in between. and each of those husbands and wives can have their own set of spouses.......

Karl the Great (Charlemagne) had 18 children with multiple women.

Carl the Cuck will father no children.

Which Karl you want to be?

Because polygamous marriage, by denying a woman the right to an exclusive relationship with her husband, either by being one of multiple wives, or living under the threat of being passed over legally for another wife, reduces her to a literal chattel object, & Christian culture, has (until very recently), always said that the proper role for a wife is to obey her husband, but has always recognised women are human beings. Polygamy takes that away.

Image related is the end point of a polygamous culture.

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Charlemagne's (3) legitimate children tore up his Empire and opened the doors for the Welfs

Karl the Kukk died way before then, in a battle of a war started by Karl the Great.


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