Qanon predicted McCains death.
Qanon predicted McCains death
Other urls found in this thread:
NO NAME time of death: 4:28 PM MST = 7:28 PM EST = 19:28 EST Military Time
Time of Q Drop #1095 which is about
NO NAME: 4:28 PM MST = 7:28 PM EST = 19:28 EST Military Time l
He had terminal cancer, fuckstick. Every retard with consciousness predicted it.
I predict OP will die at some point, but not soon enough
>predict someone with cancer dies
You guys see the period at the end of his one word reply? That means he's super serious.
According to a statement from his office, Mr. McCain died at 4:28 p.m. local time.
Read the time stamps on Q posts about McCain.
Jesus op are you in a Q Facebook group? That's cringe.
Oooooo...Q must be fucking clairvoyant to do that! KYS.
If you are vague enough, anything can be predicted.
That post doesn't say anything about Mccain. You're delusional
So you're retarded enough to care more where the pic was downloaded, instead of the content of it? Jesus christ what kind of shitshow /pol has become after Q took everyone with brain with him when moving to 8ch.
You're actually retarded op. Nothing he said has anything to do with mccancer.
>no name returning to headlines
>30 days before his death
Why would he know thet exact time
8ch's fastest and largest board is q focused. Are these the people with brains?
Also, he was dying. It's pretty obvious when its that close due to a known medical condition.
when you talk in riddles there's a lot you can claim you meant
>still buying the Q meme
It sure seems so, as everyone here still seems to be too stupid to see how much Q has unironically predicted and given away.
dont bring 1/2chan here
reddit boomers still going with the Q thing ? bretty sad not gonna lie
Assisted "suicide"?
>We're in control.
You better go with him and stay there forever then
Who would predict a guy with brain cancer would die? based Qboomer strikes again
>a dying man will die soon
Qontrolled Opposition?
Q says nothing and you believe it I know you think I'm a shill or something but you're actually a gullible fucking idiot. There is nothing in your original posts that indicate anything to do with McCain dying other than Q says the word suicide. You're a fucking moron op.
i-it's just a larp!! p-please s-stop reading q
yeah the new kids on here think boomers are 25 and its real dumb
how fuckin young are the
Why don't you stick to Sparde posting and autism like lovable Fins? Why do you have to be a faggot?
Bath water
too hot?
Pigeons fly where
Under or over, never through
What time goes backwards?
It's a dead meme, not even the braindead normalfags give a shit about it anymore
Get this faggy boomer LARP off Jow Forums
the fuck are you even talking about. you goddamn Qtards keep shittin up the board with muh sekret codes n sheeiitt. youre the reason the board is in a state of decay. RWDS when
QAnon Coincidences:
Sure do seem to be a lot of of 'em.
Fuck off boomer
First that dumb shit isn't about McCain, second everyone with a brain knew McCain was about to die. Qoomers fuck off!
I'M Q user
LOLOLOLOLXDDDD ALIENS AND PEDOPHILES - btw, be sure to do nothing or else you'll mess up the ((((((((plan))))))) you don't want to that do you? you wanna be part of the club? then sit on your ass and do nothing you stupid fucking goy. remember to post in other threads telling people to stop trying to help trump because it'll interfere with the (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((plan))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
also meuller is (((our guy)))). you stupid fucking goys lololol I can't wait to circumcise you all
Take your fucking meds, OP.
>predict suicide
>someone with terminal brain cancer dies
Typical Q post and Boomer response
>a mysterious and vague thing will happen
>something happens somewhere in the world
now all the lil niggers spam the thread again, good job op dont mention Q, shills get fussy.
Q predicted this
Lmao look at this buttrage
Predict the death to a fucking minute?
Are you stupid, user?
if you start calling them by their programming name, they get super weird.
try playing with them
>post doesn't say anything about McCain
>even if it did, he just said he was refusing treatment a day or two before, something people typically do when they know they're croaking imminently
>Q predicted a man who's had an aggressive brain cancer for over a year now and just now refused treatment would die shortly
Wew. Love the "BIG week ahead" too. Something "big" happens every fucking week. Who the fuck is still lapping this shit up?
Today is 26th, Dog Day.
He predicted the exact day.
im gay
I don't see minutes retard
also "stopping treatment" means "we're dosing him with morphine so he can die without suffering"
QAnon posted "No Name back in the headlines" exactly 1 month to the minute, when No Name so called "died".
Also mentioned "every dog has its day"
What day is it today?
National dog day?
What a coincidence.
Whats their programming name, i love fucking with them since theyre so damn obvious most of the time
Q originally implied McCain's cancer was fake if I remember correctly.
>the thread
In the Maddening Happening thread, the shooting begins at 0:28 in the live stream link. Interesting
some user had kind of figured out they're possibly ai.
and if you address them by personality type (he used seven dwarfs) they may break programming for a min.
try it
thoth approves
>I don't see minutes.
Yes we already know that you are a retard.
fuck off with Q user you stupid faggot.
>unironic boomer-tier Qfag
erase yourself
ohai grumpy
Define "lizard people"!
Q predicted this thread
He fucking announced he was discontinuing medical treatment 3 days ago. Q didn't predict shit, it's the natural consequence of having a massive fucking brain tumor I AM SICK OF THIS QLARP SHIT
Fuck off racist idiot. Q predicted your stupid post.
Okay, that's fucked beyond belief. Someone please demonstrate how this isn't true before I become a Q acolyte. That fucking way.
Hmmm lemme see. All over the news: McCain comes off cancer meds!
Q: McCain is going to die.
It wasn't fucking rocket science McCain was going to die. You people are beyond retarded.
1 day after Trump finally said his name (he didn't before).
1 day later he said that he would discontinue "medication".
1 day later the brain tumor finally "died".
1 day later is national dog day, the day No Name finally has his day.
What a "coincidence".
He didn't kill himself, you fucking retard.
Who is this nobody?
>McCain comes off cancer meds!
>Q: McCain is going to die.
You got that reversed, moron shill.
Qoomers hate this video:
Q predicted that nobody would believe him
Explain this, faggots.
You going to suggest that's fucking coincidence?
Your brain is in reverse fuckwad.
You're telling me someone predicted a guy with brain cancer who just announced he is going off of treatments death? Wtf I'm joining a cult now
I can edit shit on this site too. It's not hard.
No, the moron shills say it's a fucking coincidence, like FoMJiTwH.
Q said there are no coincidences.
"brain cancer".
His so called "brain cancer" would normally kill within no time.
His "brain cancer" is a cover.
Fucking traitor.
Day of the rope is coming.
No Finanon, meme magic pop the tumor
The original Q posts are still up, fucking idiot.
Not our problem that you are a normie fucking moron shill.
Yeah and what kind of dumb ass retard goes looking for Q posts?
We can't really confirm McCain't even dead. But he's back in the news. And today is the Dog's day.
So this is weird, i live in the area and i saw 20 different news vans huddled together from every major news network in cornville on August 24th. I looked on the news and there was nothing going on that day for them to be there filming, he died and the news broke of him being dead the next day
Exact date, hour and minute, shillo
Songbird isn't dead, he's singing in Gitmo.
Why do you Q tards feel the need to constantly push this bullshit here? Aren't you happy in your little hole with each other? Do you like abuse?
What does editing a picture have to do with the date/time of Q's post and the date/time of McCain's death? You can't edit either of those, faggot.
You - the fucking dumb ass retard - don't, we already know.