I met him once, he's really loud Wouldn't be surprised
Samuel Watson
who the fuck cares
Ryder Watson
Your cuckalonian memeflag
Colton Watson
They are comming with memeflags again now. Kikes never learn.
Cameron Butler
Spruce Knob, at 4,863 feet (1,482 m),[1] is the highest point in the state of West Virginia and the summit of Spruce Mountain, the highest peak in the Allegheny Mountains.[2]
>where is Wilbur It's a "by performance" ranking, Wilbur will be there when he delivers NAFTA renegotiation 11 is in the top 5 user, lr2powerRanking
>Weren't you defending Sessions earlier in the year? What I said back then I maintain: Sessions is doing an exceptional good job in every aspect of his DOJ tenure except for one: to stomp on the corruption at the department itself and in the federal government in general. He's golden fighting against child exploitation, human trafficking and illegal immigration, it just so happens that, right now, Trump needs a corrupt piece of shit that will kill the democrats (like Christie) instead of a boy scout doing everything by the books (like Sessions).
>Yea but how many actual white people are left in Richland county??? Once the actual tax base has dried up, the Jewish parasites will move to another area that still has Whites and destroy that too.
One is a lifelong slave who only knows how to serve others; the other is a natural leader and business genius who became the most powerful man in the world.
Yeah, the one on the left sucked off Bush and Rove after they ruined his election with the "he fathered a nigger baby" rumors. The one on the right won the Presidency.
>If Alex Jones admitted to being gay what would you say? jej, Alex Jones should just own up to it (like Cruz) and move on, the sooner the better. Watching chicks with dicks would only confirm his Jow Forumsack status
He doesn't need to be corrupt to fight corruption, he just has to be mean. There are no laws preventing Sessions from cleaning house, it is just him being a stupid Boomer who prefers to be thought of as a nice guy more than he prefers leaving a future for his nation.
Two Republican lawmakers have added their voices to opposite sides of the recent dialogue regarding Attorney General Jeff Sessions as President Trump (R-USA) took to Twitter, all since FreeMartyG’s rundown on the debate Friday morning.
Congressman Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) weighed in on Fox Business Network, saying, “The fact that Jeff Sessions has not quit is a disloyalty to this president and to the country. The fact is, if he disagrees with what the president wants him to do, he should resign.”
Representative Rohrabacher thereby joined Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and a largely unnamed but apparently growing group of GOP legislators who are either privately calling on President Trump to fire Sessions after the midterm elections this November or who appear to be supportive of that action.
Rohrabacher also previously tried to reach Trump with evidence from WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange reportedly showing that Russia was not the source of the Clinton campaign emails that were published in the run up to election day in 2016. White House Chief of Staff John Kelly reportedly stopped the Congressman from getting to the Oval Office out of concern that “if I say one word to Trump about Russia, that it would appear to out-of-control prosecutors that that is where the collusion is,” Rohrabacher said.
Seemingly on the other side of the argument regarding Sessions, retiring Senator Jeff Flake (R-AZ), said this morning that firing him “would be the first domino” to fall. Flake thus joined a growing group of other GOP legislators who are publicly backing Sessions, at least for now.
Meanwhile, President Trump took to Twitter to encourage AG Sessions to investigate the as of yet unreviewed emails of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton: >"The FBI Looked at less than 1%" of Crooked's Emails" - Donald Trump
No, this is just females femaling. She wouldn't be demanding this shit from the government if she had a husband.
Sebastian Cruz
Enjoy your bread lines, cunt. I'll be eating steak in my house.
Robert Perez
I'll take the guy whose hotheaded actions didn't result in the deaths of 134 Navymen
Jackson Torres
Wouldn't effect a thing. > celebrity is degenerate OH MUH GAWD!
Austin Smith
#1 and it is fucking obvious. He has threatened to take on every single organization listed there. Trump is the strongest enemy of the existing power structure which is destroying American and working towards a one-world government in which an average american is no more important than any random Cambodian or Congolese factory worker.
It isn't an all or nothing process. Jews (and more recently, beaners and negroes) follow White wealth and industry around to leech off of it. That is what happened to Detroit, but Detroit is still there and still full of Blacks despite having been sucked nearly dry. They don't all pack up and go at once like locusts, but the trend is similar over time.
>False >Nope >Everyone president >Everyone does (muh ebil whitey) >nope >name one president that didn't >meme faggotry >what defense of enemies? He's not in prison because he hasn't done anything wrong.
>we don't give a shit about the military until someone else doesn't, also
Tyler Moore
Are Swedeshill and the cuckalonian going to commit suicide?
Nathaniel Moore
You think you're making a difference, don't you libtard?
Aiden Thompson
>Leftists try to meme
Alexander Baker
The replicators can't create land or anything like that but they are essentially a free-energy device that can print food for $0
Star Trek is a post-scarcity society where ideals like "everything should be free" can actually be realized because they have magical technology that makes everything for free (and because Rodenberry was an idealist who thought people would still keep working hard "to better themselves")