Who is White?

When it comes to the white nationalist and "Nazi" presence on this board, I'm often curious as to their definition of who qualifies as being white. What concentration of whiteness is required to be included in a white nation state? I have seen a wide range of views having lurked and posted here for some time. Some say, for example, that the Irish are not white. For the sake of the thought exercise, would an individual who is primarily Scandinavian but has an Irish grandfather be considered white to these people?

My general point is, if you're going to have a collectivist movement, how can you possibly come to a consensus as to who is to be included in the collective? Even if 70 percent consider the Irish to be white, 30 percent may have strong beliefs on the matter that make cooperation impossible. Do you think that it's possible to have a truly white nation by consensus, if there are so many "mutts" as they are known around here. Why should people who have such a significant chance of being excluded from this national order when/if it comes to pass help your cause now? If the collective considers Italians to be non-whites, why should people with Italian blood help you, even if they are majority "white"? Won't most simply suffer the same fate as those they are trying to remove from the nation?

These questions and others like it bother me when it comes to the discussion at hand on this board and around the internet now. I don't think I articulated it all that well, but my main point is that I don't think the collective is ever going to come to a non-destructive conclusion on who qualifies as the in-group, making unity impossible as a result. Blindly following the prescriptions from the leaders of the collective sounds like a bad pathway towards group-think and self-destruction for the majority who won't meet their standards.


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>Who is White?

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50%>= Caucasian is “white”

My half-white hapa son is the future of the master race

Best of both worlds. High iq, good genes, light color skin eye and hair

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Seriously, the bullying against American mutt members of this community is getting way out of hand, especially since amerimutts are some of the biggest contributors and most involved in this board.
Its not just "memes" or "banter", its vicious attacking and regardless of intentions it does demean people and hurt feelings. I can't say I'm the only Mut man who finds it hard to take pride in his own country after having years of constant and needless attacks defaming my heritage from insecure losers here. Why not bully Italy or Spain ?Are they not just as swarthy as our peaceful country? Greeks get bullied less than us and yet we are the purest whites in Americas.

Like when its not just banter, when a meme is repeated over and over again, repeated systematically, it eventually becomes a truth irregardless of the intentions in repeating it. And that isn't just jokes any more then, then its harmful !
Would you call an American man a "la creatura"(disgusting word) to his face? Would you say to a kind,peaceful and hard working salt of the earth American man that they are a " el goblino "? Would you say those words to your fellow white brother? Are you starting to feel ashamed now? You fucking degenerate?
Your destroying national pride, your dividing whites against each other, your doing the opposite of what you claim to support when you engage in this incredibly abhorrent behavior. So I encourage you to stop now.

My skin is white and has white features like face and intelligence but still not sure if I am really white

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>Who is White?

people who have exclusively western european heritage. next question.

Based and true

this is such horseshit. there's no such thing as "purity spiraling". everyone knows what "white" is. only real mutts, people who have substantial non-european admixture, would post a shitty map like this.

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>muh feelings
Are you a woman?

"white-american" is a well-defined ethnic group, or lends itself to a reasonable definition. whites americans have a right to their own in-group identity.

anyone saying otherwise can die in a fire

everyone from europe is white, this isn't really a debate.

Gr8 B8

Finland and Hungary honorary whites? stupid and arbitrary.


My mullato boy is intelligent and aggressive. If he is not a future warlord in a post-democracy future, he will earn me millions as an NBA point guard.

If you're from poland, you are not white.

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fakes are all argument you ever had germ

are quadroons white?

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so no, your mulatto isn't white. neither is your hapa. people who have european ancestry are white. you're genetically closer to me than you are your own goddamned children.

you're a disgusting cuck

Bullshit. Slavs are in fact selfmade aryans. Their skin is white and soft, their lips are luscious and firm and I want to cuddle with them all day. We need everyone we can get do defeat the sandniggers once and for all and you would have to be literally gay to not want to slaughter them together with some qt polish bois.

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>you're genetically closer to me than you are your own goddamned children.

and that's fine. it's not really my business how you live your life. but don't try to suggest that the question "who is white?" has no answer. it does.

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OP is merely signaling to his fellow shills to start the "le 56%" and "you're not white" shilling. It gets tiresome when they do the exact same shit, day after day, with almost no variation.

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Watch your daughters.

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West Eurasians with no admixture

One drop policy means if you are 1/8 or more non-white then you aren't white

i.e 1 fully non-white great grandparent

It is our business because these race mixing and pro mass immigration faggots are turning every white nation into crime ridden poverty infested shitholes

Is she?

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>Who is White?
this is what white nationalists look like
you can't make this shit up

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who is that ugly cunt i see her everywhere

>Who is White?
A White person is a human being of solely native European ancestry; or a human being who, if they have non-European antecedents, is nonetheless of a physical and genetic makeup that is within the range typical of people of solely European ancestry; or, the child of two Whites.

>1 post by this ID
Really makes me think...

If you habe brown/black/curled hair you are 100% not white but a mongolian/turkish rape baby.

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A white nation state is retarded and would never happen.
Who I consider white depends on looks. Skin colour and face mostly. People who consider people with brown eyes nonwhite are autistic however.

What the fuck is wrong with the USA

I posted a pic of myself on /soc/ once and a guy said I looked like a natsoc chad and that if I am he supports me 100% and he was one of the most mexican-looking dudes I've ever seen.

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well then do something about it. all i can do is raise awareness, and even that entails a certain amount of risk for me. i'm all for closed borders, love everything about it. if i can help in any way i will.

i really wish i could change things, but i have no idea how.

I think she said she'd flash her tits if TRUMP won

it all seems so hopeless.

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being taken over without any way to resist is a hell that i wouldn't wish upon anyone.

white people are overrated

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Shaun King is the only person Jow Forums unanimously agrees is white.

Does mom have cancer? Or moms a man? Kek

Basically Scandinavia, Germany, Belgium, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Britain, Austria. These are already white nation states apart from the immigrants. Other than that some people want to make a white state elsewhere for European settlers.

It'd be better to start off by asking who ISNT white.
Here are some examples:
People originating from the West asia/middle eastern/north african region such as Arabs, persians, jews.
Aborigines, Islanders, Native amerindians, Indigenous peoples of South America, mestizos (what most people think of when they say "hispanic" or "latino")
People from south asia (India, pakistan, bangladesh, nepal, countries surrounding the himalayas)
Anyone originating from any part of east, west, or sub-saharan Africa is barely human.
Southeast asians

East asians may sometimes look white in terms of skin color, but there are many fundamental differences when compared to europeans.

Basically, anyone with roots and origins that can be traced back to Europe and maybe SOME surrounding areas are white.

Did I miss anything?

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We just have to figure out a way. It's not over until it's really over.

feels pretty much over to me.