Holocaust general BATTLEGROUND 2

The deniers keep getting rekt

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You're a retard, and I truly feel bad for you. Imagine your whole identity funded on a lie for gibmedat. That's nigger-tier people.

The nazis never used zyklon B, but I wish they did

Attached: HitlerLoaf.png (644x840, 157K)

imagine your whole identity is based on getting oppressed by a minority so small they could barely put up a resistance and your best strategy to combat them is to try to deny history that happened and is well documented to own them.

>muh 600000000000000000

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>well documented
Show us the math for the open trench burning plz
How many btu s are required?
Times how many bodies in an open trench with no insulation to keep heat in and flame controlled ?
Show us the math Nigger

muh boring infographhhhs

Attached: krema jew stories.png (726x746, 464K)

Daily reminder for the deniers that the Jewish post-war immigration to Israel accounts for only a small fraction of the missing Jews in Europe.


My identity has nothing to do with filthy kikes. You're just a parasite, nothing more.

>gets rekt last thread
>uses pilpull to evade the argument
>does another thread
The jews really are scared.

here is hoess' deposition on the matter

Attached: aertharth.png (820x617, 158K)

>Tens and hundreds of thousands every year
>small fraction
Idk about that.

trust me it does. You are super mad all day.

now add United States, France, Canada, United Kingdom, Argentina, Russia, Germany and Australia

Attached: HER-JDL-SISTER.jpg (381x511, 89K)

>shlomo wants to debunk "deniers"
>ends up reinforcing deny
>also has a nice thread bumping for all to see the truth
Thank you rabbi, you're our greatest ally.

Checked No maths provided
Visit a crematorium and tell him that

Also see total pop numbers

USA is in the last thread Still too little

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They really are numing themselves with their own bullshit


why research are verboten then if everything checks up? in France you can go to prison if you say 5.9 millions died.
what are they afraid of to place a 80++ year old gag order on the subject?

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> hello fellow whites

>you need to provide to me the BTU's required in a wood fired pit

no you need to understand you are moving goal posts to areas nobody in the history of the planet has moved them. It makes no sense and its a question that literally cant be answered. Its not a gotcha question , its a "what the fuck are you babbling about" question. Because answering it wouldnt provide you with anything that would change your mind.

These two left their old thresd after being hounded with why their claims are bull shit and all they do is repost the same stuff
>b-but you didnt read it all

Probably the same kike too

Saved based Frenchfry

> what is a kilajoule Alex?

You dont have freedom of speech in your countries why are you suprised speech is limited in this area?

>answering it wouldnt provide you with anything that would change your mind.

Kinda like you right? Been taught "history" since you were a wee lad, actually thinking for yourself at this point wpuld shatter your very existence. Must.Keep.Resisting. NEVER AGAIN

Population expands massively in a short period of time and expands rapidly again after the USSR fell showing many jews were held behind the iron curtain. That plus the massive immigration of holocaust survivors to the US is a noticeably large number of survivors. Either the genocide was not very effective or the numbers of jews to begin with was understated.

How did Germans kill Jews in Samara and Tashkent?

Attached: JewsEvacuated2.jpg (2882x2156, 2.43M)

not surprised, i know the kikes control what we can and can not say. i'm just asking faggot OP.

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I didnt leave the thread they reached bump limit and died you stupid faggot did you read the hoess testimony yet or are you still pretending him explaining in detail what happened is "leading questions"

> Canada, United Kingdom, Argentina, Russia, Germany and Australia

I've added all these together and the total Jewish population of these combined is about 1,2 million. Even if we assume that all of these are Jews who moved there after the war (they aren't) it's still not enough.

They can question the Holodomor and every other historical genocide. Stop acting like it's normal kike.

Are you saying you dont have the first ammendent anymore in america?

this is what happen in France when you question the holohoax.

Attached: agression_juifs_Robert_Faurisson_Vichy_16_septembre_1989.jpg (371x233, 35K)

Just so everyone who isn't a shill is aware, here is the old thread where OP was getting completely btfo and caught outright lying. So he jumped the thread without addressing anyone's arguments and started a new one so he could maintain the illusion that he was winning. He'll undoubtedly do it again. He doesn't realize though that he's helping us red-pill lurkers with our actual facts.
So by all means OP, keep pretending you won, just like the Jews pretend the holocaust is real.

no not like me. Asking me "HOW MUCH BTUS IN THE PIT FIRE" would offer him no information that would prove or disprove anything. Its a retarded unanswerable question.

Attached: JewsEvacuated.jpg (561x1081, 458K)

Nope, do the math. Even assuming that there was no Jewish population growth, the numbers still don't add up.

He’s qualified for the “whew lad of the year”

the kikes? lying? come on...

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>he got owned
I reached bump limit

after 300 posts the thread doesnt bump anymore and dies. Learn how the website works

You guys are getting rekt pretty bad.

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imagine peddling lies and then dying for them. Pretty wild

OP, I believe that the Holocaust is irrelevant.
It is a part of a very profitable industry. It is used cynically by Jews and Israel apologists to further their political goals. Furthermore, it is a historical event that can land people in jail if they were to discuss it in an "incorrect" manner, which is intellectually dishonest beyond what words can describe.
Thus it should be absolutely disregarded, as simple as that. It does not matter and is not relevant to modern times, and taking it seriously will always cripple one side of the debate without having the ability to even react.
Change my mind.

Yeah you did leave the thread. still had a good 50 replys left till you ran away
Once again all you do is repeat the same shit.
Anyrhing said that was "incriminating" was from a lead question any thing he wemt into detail on his own had no significance into proving gassing
You even screen shoted a section that was supposed to vindicate you or whatever and all it did was talk about the surrounding countryside lmfao nattsis btfo

They will not touch that shit bro


Imagine having so few arguments against a man you have to attempt murder. That's the state of holohoax believers.

People kill you over the truth. Not for spreading lies. If that were true the Jews would never exist faggot

animated image of jews being led into the krema 2 and 3.

Attached: 1_25Aug44_Krema23.gif (224x399, 276K)

>The deniers keep getting rekt


ikr they should have killed way more

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Legitimately gross

Air Photo Evidence—World War Two Photos of Alleged Mass Murder Sites Analyzed

So what are we off by? You clearly see tons of jews immigrating after the war in your pics. The population quadruples by 1960. That graph alone doesn't make your case clear at all.

Daily reminder about debating Jews
>The more I argued with them, the better I came to know their dialectic. First they counted on the stupidity of their adversary, and then, when there was no other way out, they themselves simply played stupid. If all this didn't help, they pretended not to understand, or, if challenged, they changed the subject in a hurry, quoted platitudes which, if you accepted them, they immediately related to entirely different matters, and then, if again attacked, gave ground and pretended not to know exactly what you were talking about. Whenever you tried to attack one of these apostles, your hand closed on a jelly-like slime which divided up and poured through your fingers, but in the next moment collected again. But if you really struck one of these fellows so telling a blow that, observed by the audience, he couldn't help but agree, and if you believed that this had taken you at least one step forward, your amazement was great the next day. The Jew had not the slightest recollection of the day before, he rattled off his same old nonsense as though nothing at all had happened, and, if indignantly challenged, affected amazement; he couldn't remember a thing, except that he had proved the correctness of his assertions the previous day.

Faurisson didn't die, faggot nigger.





Good post.

I am a western supremacist part white nationalist and I personally consider holocaust deniers the enemy of the cause. They make everything they associate with look mentally disturbed and extremely fucking stupid. Used to debate these idiots years ago and I notice that they are still pushing the same select few lines they have memorized. Not one of them has studied the history of holocaust. It is so incredibly obvious to anyone who studies it that it happened and millions of European Jews were systematically murdered. You have to be absolute retard to think otherwise.

These fucking idiots are a stain on white nationalism. A fucking disgrace.

They are right only about one thing. We have to get over white guilt to confidently assert our position in the world once more. But it doesn't happen, is never going to happen by denying most obvious history and reality. It just makes you look an intellectual and moral bottom dweller and hurts the cause you claim to stand for.

Op is gay
Digits confirm

>Its a retarded unanswerable question.

kinda like you and the holohoax amirite?

Do you even k ow what btu's are? Becausr it is a releveant question actually
Just throwing some fire on bodies doesnt dispose them you brainlet
An intense temperature is required to make a body into ash, which is very difficukt outside in a pit
Unless ofcourse you are outside being firebombed by the liberating allies :^)

(((fellow white people)))

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I know how the site works, shill. In fact, I demonstrated that you can link posts from other threads. So how bout you put your money where your mouth is and address all the posts you ignored in the last thread. Like David Cohen's video being legit and him being threatened by the Jewish Defense League into voiced recantation and hiding. Or any of the other countless posts that you ignored because you're a lying faggot.

>We have to get over white guilt
What do you think debunking the holohoax is abo...

Oh ok, rabbi.

>doesn’t read or write English but somehow manages to produce a written confession in English

Even the British jew Bernard Clarke who interrogated Hoess admits to having tortured him.


good post though
if I were you i'd be genuinely frightened because the moment Euros discover what has been happening to it they will find way too many suspicious coincidences, and who knows what the consequences will be for those coincidences. Remember that these people were killing each other just for shits and giggles for as long as we've had recorded history

so they deloused them and killed them huh? Totally makes sense. Did they send them to the barber the same day too?

>hello fellow whites
Opinion discarded

And the infirmary bro you wanna make sure they’re healthy and clean before you kill them

Totally happened....

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reminder that the kikes has been expelled and physically removed all over Europe multiple times way before Hitler was born.
they are a cancer that keep spreading if we don't stop it.

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discover what has been happening to them*

Hi, can I join you go-- Guys

You know it takes minimum of 4 hours to fully cremate a body right? You think they burnt 6 million jews in a 4 year time frame? You lack basic logical ability and should promptly quit your shilling gig and commit suicide, preferably livestreamed so we can masturbate

Looks like a reptile, seen plenty of her pics. I got hotter rusky girls living on my street, your pic is just sub-standard for me.
I am a little frightened but I generally understand that the world will be a better place once all this Jew shit is washed away. So it's ok if I die I guess.
On the other hand, I know that the same Euros who were killing each other for shits and giggles still always had a strong sense of justice, compared to other peoples, so people like me who are not a part of the Jew system of belief and have no Jewish identity, or are even opposed to Jewery, may be spared.

>So what are we off by?

A lot. You can look at the stats yourself. For example, you don't see millions of European Jews emigrating to Israel after the war. Isn't that strange?


ITT: butthurt deniers butthurting over a genocide that happened over 70 years ago that no one gives a shit about.

I dont care whether its real or not. All I know for an objective fact is it needs to be completed.

why do you always go that all jews were cremated
no one is saying this faggot

Where are the teeth?
Where is the jewelry?
Why would they lie at all? This is the biggest question. Why lie at all? The holocaust did happen to a degree, but all the bold-faced lies around it bring the entire thing into question. They should've just stuck to the truth and nobody would be able to deny a thing. Why lie?

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>ITT: butthurt deniers
Can't deny that which didn't happen.

nice digits longnose

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no it doesnt. You can cremate a body in 45 minutes to an hour.

And in the case of this situation you can add a new body on top of the old now burnt up and smaller body in 20 minutes.

I guess it's just a matter of preference, I honestly think Andre Rea is the prettiest kikess I've ever seen.
Also you will probably find refugee in the catholic church as has been the case historically, but then your descendants will eventually try to subvert the nation they inhabit and repeat the cycle all over again, even if it takes them 1000 years

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Its also clearly obvious the official narrative that the same hand full of shills that lurk Jow Forums for holocaust threads push is also bullshit. Its quite clear the holocaust remains a poorly understood and poorly documented event still far too reliant on hearsay, dubious anecdotal testimony, and wartime propaganda. The taboo around actual critical research on the topic does little service to anyone.


That's not a fence line in the background--- its overhead electric lines for powering electric train engines.

I didn't know newsboy caps were so popular with Nazis in the 40s.

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Wow new one post by this id as the kikes are btfo by
Where do they keep getting all the new blood I’m mean ip s?

Lmfao you must be just trolling now
Youre the one that made the thread

Your pic shows millions immigrating though.

Animated image of hungarian jews being burned in pits outside of krema V during the "hungarian operation" when the amount of jews coming in exceeded the ability of the camp to dispose of them with ovens.

Attached: 23Aug44_krema45_2_zps9ke17wnt.gif (501x279, 281K)

(((Western))) supremacist. Yeah, the Western end of Asia.

>Can't deny that which didn't happen
The nazis in the 1940s would all seem to disagree with you. That leaves only the word of mouth of wannabe neo-nazis and edgy incels who are trying to find meaning in racial politics.

>no it doesnt. You can cremate a body in 45 minutes to an hour.
You can burn a body completely to ash in 30 minutes you antisemite.

Attached: Creamation in 30 minutes.jpg (2729x4023, 2.68M)

Cant argue shit anymore so now youre just gonna talk shit and act like its all a joke hahahaha pathetic

>not thinking the Holocaust happened
cringe and blue piled

>And in the case of this situation you can add a new body on top of the old now burnt up and smaller body in 20 minutes.
Not unless you have women.

Attached: Men Won't Burn Without the Women.jpg (553x495, 191K)