Why should I hate this guy? Talk to me like a twitterfag with no information.
John McCain
1. Supported Iraq War
2. Wanted Gaddafi killed
3. Wanted Assad killed
4. Anti-Trump
5. Possibly gave away secrets when captured by Vietcong
If you are a Democrat, you should love him. He was a RINO who sided with the Democrats more often than his own party throughout his entire political career.
If you are a Republican, you should hate him for the many times he pulled shit to make himself important or to block Conservative leaning bills from becoming law.
If you are a vet, you should hate him. He claimed to be for the vets, but he always voted against veteran interests, and tried to shut down all POW and MIA efforts between the US and Vietnam.
>participated in the slaughter of millions of vietnamese citizens
>supported iraq war
>supported countless anti-poor policies
Just read this bro
You forgot he is singularly the reason Obama care still exists
watch his interviews and media appearances and judge for yourself
Literal Nazi
He was a bigot and a racist
The biggest reason I rooted for the based tumor.
>Hehe hope all you kids enjoy war with Russia!
He was one of the best Democratic senators in this country.
too bad he insisted on running as a republican
Don't be fooled, he backed them because they are an anti-Russia paramilitary faction in Ukraine, not because they are Nazis. They would never actually come to power so no actual harm was done to his masters.
one reason i saved recently
Evil warmonger shill for the neocons, interventionist, he never saw a war he didn't like.
The same reason he supports ostensibly ""Anti-semititc"" groups like this: (see: )
He wants to destabilize countries so the kikes in charge get the go-ahead to bomb them to hell.
>twitterfags don't know that john mccain was a big obnoxious warhawk
I don't know why the left suddenly loves him, must be purely because he's a never-trumper. The dude has voted for so many wars, especially in the middle east. He drafted Obama's drone program, the NDAA is his turd, he had fucking Sarah Palin for a running mate.
All this Mccain knob slobbering is grossly inauthentic and it's just the corporate whore media circling the wagons around a guy because he hated Trump.
Because he didn't dodge being drafted 5x over a fucking bone spurs
Try harder, Fritz.
Being a POW makes you a victim, not a hero
You shouldn't hate him. He had a beautiful singing voice, like a bird.
>accused of being anti-semitic neo-nazi
These days it's a badge of honor my Ukrainian friend!
Inb4 a swarm of neo-Soviet Russian trolls starts posting their confused propaganda.