People who deny shootings are part of the psyop

The moment a shooting is announced, this board fills with tinfags crying instantly about "false flags". Since there's no way that every shooting can be a false flag, and claims start being made the MOMENT a happening is announced, I'm forced to wonder if and how that behavior itself is part of the overall psyop. Is it meant to steer our investigation of happenings? Is it meant to force us into a conclusion every time, so we don't actually research, and don't discover key details? Is it to sow division, so some of us jump to a conclusion then disrupt the others who actually investigate? Is it meant to make us sound like crackpots who just "cry wolf" every time, and thus, lend credibility to the "mainstream" narrative of events? Hopefully people who care actually think about this.

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Then why our questions are so hard to answer?


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It's because 90% of them are, because (((they))) want to disarm us so (((they))) can do to us what they did to Ukrainians and Russians.

false flag doesn't mean what you think it means.
false flag doesn't mean the EVENT was fake, only that the motivations and allegiance of the attacker are fake.
like when israel tried to sink an american cruiser and blame it on the egyptians

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No, people around here LITERALLY are claiming that there WAS NO SHOOTING. They do this EVERY SINGLE TIME. They talk about "crisis actors" and CGI and other bullshit.

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these are the same retards who claim 9/11 never happened.
9/11 was definitely a false flag but it still happened.
these morons have always existed, we just need to learn to ignore them.
they tend to gravitate here because they are banned everywhere else for being morons

Crystal water turns to dark
Where ere it's presence leaves it's mark
And boiling currents pound like drums
When something wicked this way comes...

A presence dark invades the fair
And gives the horses ample scare
Chaos rains and panic fills the air
When something wicked this way comes...

Ill winds mark it's fearsome flight,
And autumn branches creak with fright.
The landscape turns to ashen crumbs,
When something wicked this way comes...

Flowers bloom as black as night
Removing color from your sight
Nightmarish vines block your way
Thorns reach out to catch their prey

And by the pricking of your thumbs
Realize that their poison numbs
From frightful blooms, rank odors seep
Bats & beasties fly & creep

'Cross this evil land, ill winds blow
Despite the darkness, mushrooms glow
All will rot & decompose
For something wicked this way grows...

>next week is big

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I just think it's an "agree and amplify" technique used against us as a psyop. There are enough lazy idiots around here who jut want to LARP as Alex Jones and pretend to know everything. They're just jumping on whatever bandwagon, but I'm sure a lot of glow in the darks and injecting this place with misinformation CONSTANTLY. They aren't as incompetant as people like to believe. 90% of the time, people probably don't even detect actual psyops agents. They blend in.

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hard to tell. i can speculate on the internet as much as i like, but at this point, real-life investigation would probably yield a lot more info. although, without the internet, i wouldn't know how to interpret that info.

it has taken me so long to build up a consistent interpretation and to abandon my programmed thought patterns.

i'd be lying if i said it wasn't kind of fun.

ignorance is no state of bliss for me

Show video from inside Sandy Hook and then they will stop. If not then shut the fuck up because every other element of that event was fishy as fuck regardless of what actually transpired. Americans don't actually give a shit about mass shootings, they are so insignificant statistically in a nation as large and violent as ours that you could have one of these shootings everyday but myself and those I associate with will still never capitulate on gun control. We have too many enemies to care, a future with a Civil War in it is the brightest and hedonistic nihilism fills the cracks that God left behind. Appeals to religion, morality, or feelings will never work on us after seeing the future planned.

So if people want to claim every shooting is a CIA nigger attack that further sows distrust in the Government and Media, well I don't see any downside really.

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>30 niggers shoot eachother in chicago every weekend
>no news
>4 people get shot
>world news
really thinks you make

after Vegas and New Mexico the burden of proof is on you to prove that its real

oops i forgot another one: 9/11

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You're right.

They aren't hoaxes. They're real and the shooters are demon posessed. That's the detail they want to hide, that the cause is spiritual, not physical. That's why they manufacture the "mental illness and guns" narrative on one side and the "false flag gun control" narrative on the other side

They both are and aren't false flags. Some are actual shootings but falsified context. Some are just news stories with no blood behind them. Some are drugged heavily abused people who have been pushed into killing others so that an anti-gun narrative can also be pushed.

This is the way I see it too. I'm just noticing that some people try very, very hard to force EVERY SINGLE HAPPENING into the same "box", into the same explanation, right away. That has to be part of the misinformation.

>Some are drugged heavily abused people who have been pushed into killing others so that an anti-gun narrative can also be pushed.

i consider this a false flag.

I remember reading about the James Holme case and that guy was so fucked up in court, literally how was he not in an instituition

i'm sure it depends on what they have to work with and what they're trying to accomplish. but there must be some set of protocols. the stakes are too high for them to do a sloppy, disorganized job.

One thing that really bothers me about this is how "false flag" is slowly taking on a different meaning from the one this user describes into one more like the "sandy hoax" meme, that no shootings really even happen, all the victims are really "actors", the shooters either don't exist, are actors, or psychotic "patsies" who are too retarded to reveal that nothing really happened. Shootings actually happen, but people on Jow Forums have flat out told me, and angrily argued, that no shootings and no terrorism actually happens. They say trucks of peace don't happen. They think 9/11 didn't even happen, it was all "computer graphics". That's so retarded it has to be a psyop to change what "false flag" means, to muddy the water so people sound retarded.

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if it's a false flag, Jow Forums will probably try to convince you it's a hoax. this is an ideal misdirection strategy.

>event happens 30 minutes ago
>Jow Forums is convinced it is a false flag with as little information as possible

maybe Jow Forums is always right, but never trust Jow Forums