Video games don't affect people

>Video games don't affect people

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everything effects at least somebody in a negative way, should we ban peanuts because some minuscule percentage of the population has a fatal reaction to them? Millions of people play video games and in the last year how many have gone on a mass shooting spree?

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they're a waste of time. Go to the gym, go to work, and get laid. fucking losers.

Agreed. We need to ban all video games to prevent another massacre. I mean, just think of all the children who play video!

video games fuck

But bad parenting does.

I wanna see the parents first

Good job arguing on literally the same level as gun grabbing cucks.

>Says the leaf currently shitposting



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Correlation is not causation. We don't know if video games turn people into sociopaths or they just attract pre-existing sociopaths.

>tfw knowing america they now push for videogame control
Enjoy being unable to buy an r12+ games without gaming licence

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This. Violent video games are absolutely bad because they promote anti-social tendencies and that being an unproductive bugman is actually okay. Why would you want to watch people die horrible, painful deaths in full detail?
Vidya in general is bad because it is entertainment, as such it is a drug which abuses millions of people, sucks money out of them just for short dopamine rushes. Basically the same as drugs and cigarettes (vidya actually has negative health effects too, worsening of sight, general fitness, bad posture, eye strain, headaches, etc.). Oh yeah and there are multimillionaires behind these game dev/publishing companies, they get astronomic profit for such unfair business.

Hmm. Well. As a psychopath i can tell you personally videogames started out as a recreational thing. But as psychosis took over my mind over the years i slowly started to use them as murder simulatirs. I actually made a movie theater in far cry map editor and filled the seats with NPCs and i would reenact james holmes massacre.

I also recreated my school. Fun times

Anyone who has fun should be beaten to death.


And i cant tell you how many times ive massacred the crowds of pedestrians on the walk of stars in GTA. take that you commiefornians!

>why would you want to watch people die horrible, painful deaths
because pain feels good and shit. I stab myself daily because your body is supposed to feel pain, violent media is just the pussy version of stabbing yourself 17 times a day

I love my job, 4ch pays so well you just have to now the rite people.

Rampant hedonism is one of the signs of a decaying society.

Affect, like affection; it means something like an emotional effect. Effect would work here too but affect is not incorrect, so kill yourself you wannabe grammar fag.

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But. At the end of the day. A videogame is just a videogame. Most psychopaths dont really care for videogames. And my love for them is slowly fading.

>Go to the gym, go to work, and get laid. fucking losers.

What's the difference both same shit on wasting time, however workout feels good, gives you good mental health.

>get laid

no thanks

t. chad

t. psycho
Go get your meds and never reproduce.
Isn't it great how all of these "lol i cant eben have fun lmao, ur literaly fascist xdd" people start with that shitty argument and end with admitting to participating in worst acts of degeneracy becuse they're hedonistic idiots. Just proved my point.
Fun = degeneracy.
Jesus = savior.

There was also a comedy club thing in GTA 4 where you could sneak in backstage and i used to sneak in and shoot everyone in the audience.

video games don't the video game programmers do they programmed degeneracy and evil

Thats all i fucking do in videogames. I just look for places where i can massacre people. Like i killed everyone in diamond city. I killed everyone i could in fallout 4.

>Correlation is not causation fallacy fallacy

Shit game. Not enough murder

good thing the only games ive played are animal crossing and hellokitty big city dreams

>inb4 its a post apocolyptic wasteland
Not enought murder.

How would Yooka-Laylee affect me if I played it?

Affect is the verb

Did you guys ever play manhunt? Thats one of my favorites.

Do you have a single fact to back that up?

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The headshots were so satisfying. Even on a PSP. The fucking brain and skull matter actually stuck on walls and slid down.

I wish GTA V had good gore.

They do. Video games affect your capacity for attention and your dopamine receptors. They also erode your ability to recognize distinct visual cues from facial expressions. They're the instrument of the grand Satan

>video games make ppl violent
>Madden football

There is literally nothing wrong with injuring yourself as it brings in adrenaline. That is a natural feeling. I bet you are one of those degenerates who eats right? You think that (((Calories))) should be consumed even though they are both carcinogens and neurotoxins. Stab yourself 17 times and stop eating completely and you will see a huge increase in your life quality.

Jews do.

otherwise pro life

The guy played Madden, does football cause violent outbursts? Should we ban the playing of football?


Vidya is turning men into fat neckbeard manchildren.

Damn. That football game really fuck him up. We need to stop supporting the pigskin menace.

>people are shaped by their environment
>environment is not shaped by people

Rightists make the environment that shape Leftists.

No. Buy my x box faggot. I dont want it. I need money for weed.

>we don't know if video games desensitize people to violence
>despite this being how the brain inherently works

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Get yourself a dragon box, noob.

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>Makes assertions
>Nothing follows
>/threads himself
What the hell Canada?

Nahh. Tv is just as bad. Fucking worse. I remember watching P1 when i was a kid and this scene scarred me more than any videogame.
I cant even fucking list all the scars movies have given me.


Alright, here's another version:
>false dilemma

Why would people play if it didn't affect them? Stop using Finnish pictures when you shitpost you disgusting black amerilard.

>being a spectator is worst than clicking a button and actively engaging and getting instant rewards, all of which actively trains and rewires the brain
>"but this other thing is worst..." fallacy

Id rather make my own scars. Thank you very much.

its was a tournament, money was on the line, and he lost
money effects people

It was Madden, a sports game. The shooter was a deranged kike that had anudda shoah because a nigger talked shit to him, so he came back and shot the nigger, three others then himself.

You know the real reason why media and other outlets laser focus on "race of shooter", "incel" and other things like that? Because almost all of the shooters are kikes, and they're trying to cover it up.